34 - The Cheerleader And The Cage Fighter.... Are Dance Partners?

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Oh my god, this part was ready hours ago - I fell asleep!

When I woke up, there was 6 messages on the bottom of the page - I haven't read them yet though I bet they're all like "wtf - wheres our part 34?!"

Just a random that there is bad language in this part and some of it is a little bit dark, not overly dark but I thought that I'd warn people anyway

Like last time, I haven't proof read it so don't hate me for any mistakes lol

Enjoy and please vote and comment xxx


I hadn't slept well the night before.

The night had consisted of me tossing and turning, trying to decide whether I should go to meet whoever this person was that Liam wanted me to meet.

I didn't owe him anything after he'd lied to me.

Part of me already knew that no matter what, I'd go with him.

At around 6am I gave up on having any more sleep and quickly got dressed into a pair of shorts and a baggy tshirt, heading outside.

The cool crisp air was a welcome feeling as it hit my skin.

I enjoyed running when it wasn't forced upon me by my mother.

Putting in my headphones, I clicked on my "Seriously Peed Off Kaydie" playlist and immediately my ears were greeted with the sounds of The Used singing Sound Effects and Overdramatics - it was my perfect song to angry jog to.

After quickly warming up, I took off at full speed, running as a way to diminish all of my problems.

As I ran, keeping up my fast pace I thought about what lay ahead that day.

I had a feeling that Liam was about to reveal a part of himself that he'd probably never anticipated sharing with me.


I was sat on the kerb outside my house when Liam pulled up in his car.

Getting up slowly, I put my hands in the pockets of my hoodie and walked towards his car, getting in and closing the door.

There was an immediate sense of friction in the air.

"I'm glad you came" Liam said simply, his voice giving nothing away.

Nodding in reply, I pulled on my seatbelt and stared blankly ahead.

I wanted to meet whoever it was that he was taking me to see, but I couldn't deny how annoyed and hurt I felt.

Liam pulled away in the car.

I could sense that he kept looking over in my direction but I kept my eyes focused in front of me, knowing that if I looked into the chocolatey orbs of his eyes, I'd forgive him before he even bothered to explain himself.

"I've rang ahead and told them that we're coming" Liam said smoothly, "They weren't expecting me, but they've said it's okay for us to visit"

I nodded again without looking at him.

Truth be told, I was desperate to ask who "they" were.

Liam let out a loud sigh in exasperation.

I was itching to look at him but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

The fact that my stomach was full of it's typical butterflies annoyed me greatly - it made me feel weak.

"Oh for gods sake" Liam breathed out heavily.

The Cheerleader And The Cage Fighter.... Are Dance Partners?Where stories live. Discover now