Hogsmeade with Hermione

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Should I wear this sweater?


Harry shouldn't care how I look.

But it wouldn't hurt to look nicer for today's date.

I put on some lipstick and mascara and walked out of the bathroom.


Harry's POV

I saw Hermione walk down the snowy path to where Ron and I were.  She breathed heavily, out of breath.

Snowflakes glittered on her eyelashes, and her cheeks were red from cold.

"Hi Harry, hello Ron."

Hermione looked dazzling.


Like... sparkling.

But not like Edward Cullen.  That would be horrible.  If it was Edward, I'd break up with her and kill her.  Really.

"Let's go," said Hermione.  "We have a lot to do today."

"Yeah," I said.  "Let's go."

We had just started walking down the path to Hogsmeade.  I was walking with Ron.

We started walking, and I linked my arm in Hermione's.  Hermione winced, but smiled.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing... I just didn't expect that, that's all." She said.

I nodded.

Just then, we heard Ginny yelling.

"Draco!  You're a horrible, filthy, worthless little creature.  I don't care if I'm not rich enough for you, because I'm breaking up with you."

Draco, who was standing behind us, was glaring at Ginny, who was running away from him.

She looked back.

"That's right.  Now go find someone else, because I'm never going to love you again."

She threw a snowball at him.


Ginny ran away, and in the direction of the castle.  She quickly told Professor McGonagall something, then went through the doors.

Draco, embarrassed, walked towards the back of the group, out of sight.

Woah.  Draco just broke up with Ginny.

"(Ron's famous quote)," Ron said.
A/N: Guess what it is!

Hermione gasped.  "Yeah..."

Everyone had turned to stare at the argument.

Luna was holding a basket of newspapers nearby, and dropped them.  Neville dropped his wand.

"So..." I whispered.

"Let's move on," Hermione said.  "We can discuss this at the Hog's Head.  Maybe some Firewhiskies can warm everyone up a bit."

Ron sighed.  "You two go on.  I'll just stay here."

Hermione turned back.  "What's wrong?"

I looked at Ron.  He was looking sadly at the ground.

"Ron, we'll talk later.  Let's just go and you can tell me- us- what's wrong."

Ron nodded, and the Golden Trio walked down the snowy path, towards the place where everyone would reveal their deepest secrets.

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