pt 11

207 15 0

"Just move if you don't like it!"Seth and Ron's morning argument had begun when Cancer, the girl who i had left on the bus, walked over.

"Ron hun, can you get me breakfast?" She ran her hand through his hair.

"Hm...alright," Ron was about to get up when i said,"Here Ron. Give her mine i just got it."

"What really? But you were goin' to eat it right?"

"Yeah but you don't have to get up for her sake so just take it."

"Gee, thanks Silv,"Ron took my plate and gave it to Cancer.

"Ugh i don't want her food!" She rolled her eyes and gagged.

"Cancer just take it, Silv is just tryna be nice so just take it."

"What? Are you taking her side now? Since when did you become such good friends huh? And what's with the nickname?" Cancer took the plate and walked over to me.

"Cancer c'mon you know that me and Silv just hang out."

"Yeah yeah whatever! She's just a junior leave them be !" when she finished speaking she opened the milk carton and dumped it all over me along with the chopped up peaches and the muffin. She continued to speak but it was being blocked out,The shirt and skirt my mom ironed. Are. Ruined. Mom barely get's sleep yet she does this and here comes this annoying brat and completely ruins them just because she doesn't like me. Just. Because. She doesn't like me. Doesn't. Like. Me. She should know i don't like her either. Not one bit. 

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