How to survive being a Christian teen

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I'm 14. I'm a huge Christian. It's hard to survive in this world when people around you aren't always the greatest influences. I know what it's like. And I'm here to help you through it all.

I grew up in church. I've always believed in God, but I never knew what it meant to be a true Christian.
To be a true Christian means that you have a strong relationship with God and that you are actively telling people about God. To be a Christian it also means to put others before yourself, try to be like Jesus in everything that you do and to have people around you so that you can have a good heart to heart conversation about God and what you go through each and everyday.

This is all I can write right now. Sorry but I hope you like it! I will try to upload again tomorrow!
(a/n) i started writing this book when i was only 14. but now im almost 16. So im going into my sophomore year of high school so just ignore all of the immaturity if you see any bc i was still immature when i started writing this.
date when i added the A/N 7/8/15

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