Chapter 26

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Lizbeth froze. She was healing Hassan when all of a sudden, a boy with a long jagged scar over his eye charged at her with a knife. She didn't notice at first. She was too busy on focusing how to get this huge glass shard out of Hassan's head. He probably had a really bad concussion.

No, she froze when she heard Ash holler her name. "Lizbeth! LIZBETH, WATCH OUT!"

Lizbeth turned her head slightly to the right to look up just as she pulled the glass shard wedged into Hassan, and her eyes widened in shock at the huge spinning throwing knife that was going to impale her head.

It never did hit her. Instead, it was Ash who jumped out in front of her. It was Ash who took the knife to her stomach. Instead of Lizbeth, it was Ash bleeding out in front of Lizbeth. Lizbeth screamed, grabbed the glass shard in rage, not caring that it was cutting into her palm. She threw it as hard as she could, and it wouldn't be until later that she would realize she hit the man with the jagged scar over his eye.

"Ash, Ash stay awake. Don't die! I-I'll heal you!" Lizbeth cried, but she knew she couldn't do it. She had ran out of strength. IIt was to no avail anyway, Ash's breathing was getting shallower.

"Lizbeth, Liz," Ash struggled to get the words out. "Lizbeth, you are my best friend, dead or alive. I love you, be safe, take care of everyone for me. I really- really, lo-." Ash was cut off by Lizbeth holding her tight.

"Ash, don't go." Lizbeth whispered crying. Ash smiled, putting her hand on top of Lizbeth's. Her eyes closed. It's done. Ash was gone.

"No. NO!" Lizbeth cried. While everyone was battling, it was the two of them on the floor. Lizbeth crying, Ash dead.

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