Chapter 20

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James stood in Lizbeth's living room with a grave look on his face. "We've found Nya."

"Really?!" There were sighs of relief, and a lot voices being heard all at once.

"Is she safe?" Kazi reasoned. "You guys are all thinking she's okay, but is she okay?"

James bit his lip. "She must be fine, Kazi. It doesn't seem like anything is wrong with her." James said. He thought deeply about what Kazi said, and he reckoned she could be right, but didn't say so to worry anyone.

He called everyone to quiet down before announcing that they would travel together as a group to the barn, which his team successfully tracked down.

"Won't that be dangerous? What if this is all a trap?" Kazi asked, calculating the chance of anything bad happening.

"Kazi, relax. Nothing bad is going to happen. We just need to get Nya and return safely. The worst that could happen is the blue liquid being injected into one of us again. It took a lot of energy from Lizbeth, it may be hard for her to save us all from it."

"There could be worse things, like-"

"Kazi, we don't need to know that. We are going to head to the barn right now so we can bring Nya back." James declared, gathering  everyone together.

"We will get Nya back as fast as we can, and we will split into three groups: Decoy, Attack, and Follow Up."

"That's a good idea." Kazi said. Her admitting this was as rare as catching Charizard.

"Okay, for Decoy, we will have Peggy, Karina, Hassan, Zyan, Jesse, and Aurora." Jesse declared. The six members walked over into a group together.

"Okay next, we have Attack, which will be the first group to place moves on the enemies. This group will consist of Ash, Lizbeth, Theo, Kazi and Tyler." Jesse said, pointing her finger to where that group will huddle into.

"Lastly, Follow-Up, who's main focus will be to retrieve Nya, and support the other teams. That will be Ashley, Leah, Oscar, McKaylah, and Kevin. I will be in both Attack and Follow Up making sure everyone is safe." James finished, his face serious. He knew they had to safely return Nya since she was actually had an important power, and it was one of the strongest, too.

"Alright, everyone, hold onto Oscar. Oscar, teleport us here." James said, holding out a card that had a picture of the barn and the address.

"Taking everyone will drain my energy, I'm not sure if I can do it." Oscar said, unsure.

"Oscar, don't worry. I'll heal you once we get there." Lizbeth said, giving him a reassuring smile. Oscar sighed and looked down.

"Alright everyone hold on." Oscar said, lifting his head up, looking around. Everyone grabbed Oscar, and they went through what seemed like a black hole. Everything was blurred, and the view was terrifying. You couldn't see anything on Earth, all you saw was black. You were lucky if you saw a small glimpse of an object from your everyday world, but that's about it. It seemed as if you were spinning. After a while, the Force Owls landed on solid ground. Oscar was panting, taking in huge breaths of air.

"Oscar, that was amazing!" Kazi said, everyone started cheering him on. All except Theo.

"He wasn't that great. I could run around the world and wouldn't be out of breath as much as he is." Theo buffed, crossing his arms. No one was listening to him. He got really mad when he saw Karina come up to Oscar, thanking him personally.

Theo cleared his throat loudly. "Don't we have to complete this mission?" Theo snarled, pointing at the barn.

"Someone's jealous...." Ash whisper-sang to Lizbeth, laughing. Theo heard her and sent her a look of hatred. Lizbeth just smiled and gave a light laugh.

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