Chapter 3

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The next day, Karina asked if she could talk to Ash. They spoke in the hall.

"I saw you yesterday," Karina started. "With Lizbeth."

"Well yeah of course! After all, you are my mentor." Ash said, laughing.

Smooth move, thought Karina. "No, I meant I saw you drying your sweater with that light thing."

"Oh yeah, I was using a flashlight I got for my birthday. Isn't it awesome! It's designed to make me look like I have Stella's powers from Winx Club!"

"Oh! I love Winx Club. But sit down, Ash. You don't have to tell me, I already know. I just need to say that-"

"I don't have to tell you that I love Winx Club? And you already knew? That's cool!"
Karina stared at Ash straight in the eye. "I'll give you my unicorn onesie."

"Uh... Wait? For real?!" Ash gasped, her face lighting up. "Okay, so if I tell you, you can't tell anyone!" Ash said, looking down the halls to make sure no one is listening.

"Of course! I won't tell a soul." Karina exhaled in relief, putting her hands around Ash's. Bye-bye unicorn onesie...

"I have powers... and not just any kind. I have fairy powers that not only let me fly but let me control light. I can do various other things because of this blessing from a fairy, but that's another story."

"Ahem," someone cleared their throat right next to Ash. "Cool. I can teleport."

"Uh oh..." Ash jumped, turning around. "And that is my script for my next school play! What do you think Karina?!?!"

"Yeah. Isn't she such a great actor, Oscar?"

"It's summer. She doesn't have school." he chuckles, "Well, besides this."

"It's for my senior year play. If we submit a script that's really good, they'll use it! Isn't that exciting?! Anyway, Oscar, WHAT'S UP, BUDDY?" Ash said, trying not to blow her cover.

"I already said I can teleport.." Oscar muttered, confused. He didn't understand what the big deal was when they both had powers.

"Well teleport yourself anywhere but here!" Ash said, anxious, almost about to cry. She was already scared of letting Karina know, and now Oscar knows, too.

"Go away Oscar! No one likes you!" Karina said. Oscar laughed. "Go get your class, Ash. I'll give you the onesie tomorrow." Karina said. Oscar was still playing around with his teleportation.

"Thanks, Karina!" Ash said hugging her. She walked away to math class, covering her face.

"How and why did you sneak up on us like that?" Karina asked.

"Teleportation, remember?" Oscar said grinning, holding her hand. Karina quickly pulled her hand back.

"Now she's scared, I don't think she was supposed to tell us." Karina said, looking down.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sure she'll be alright." Oscar said.

"Yeah, hopefully." Karina looked at the clock. It was 11:15. They had to take 8B for lunch in about 5 minutes...

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