Chapter 25

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Everything turned out to be terrible.

Theo tried to wear out Victoria, but it wasn't working. Victoria had somehow grown faster with her telekinesis, and could lift heavier objects than before. Surprisingly, Theo was hit with building debris.

"And that," VIctoria yelled, repeatedly hitting Theo with the same piece of plaster until it crumbled, "is for killing Dana!"

Theo was suddenly lifted into the air. He dangled there and could do nothing about the huge boulder flying right towards his face. Darn, he thought. I have a sister, and a family, and they don't know about me and how I'm going to die because some girl crushed my head with a boulder for killing her friend, and Karina won't remember me anymore as the guy who liked her in the sixth grade but was too afraid to speak up. No, I'll die with everybody thinking it was an unfortunate accident, and as an egotistical jerk, and-

His thoughts never finished as he flew against a brick wall, a large boulder lying on top of him, his last thoughts on his regrets.   

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