Chapter 14

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James told us a few days later that some photos got sent to him by the X-Hunters. He showed them to us.

It was a picture of a young, familiar looking girl bound to a chair. She had her brown hair in a ponytail and was fairly short. Ash gasped.

"Oh my gosh! That's Nya!" she cried. Nya was a classmate from 8B, but why would the X-Hunters want with Nya?

James cleared his throat. "I got a note along with the picture. It says to come and find her before they kill her. It says that we have a time limit of 3 days as they slowly drown her. Apparently, she has significant value."

Ashley spoke up. "Nya? She has the ability to foresee the future through dreams..."

James looked at the photo again. "That happens to be a very dangerous power to contain. If she spills anything important to the X-Hunters, we could all be in a grave situation." ← Footnote here

Peggy stared at James weirdly.

"What?" James asked.

"Did... Did you just make a death joke?!" she gasped. 

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