Chapter 23

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    "Hey, you were great today!" Oscar said, turning his head from the screen, looking at Karina. Karina took that opportunity to super kick Oscar off of the battlefield of Super Smash Bros and successfully win.

    "Haha! I win sucker!" Karina yelled. Oscar was confused. He looked at the screen and groaned. Karina was jumping up and down and running in circles around him. Oscar crossed his arms.

    "Oh, and thanks. You were pretty good, too." Karina said a while after. She was now out of breath, bent over, her hands on her knees. Oscar took this opportunity to his advantage. He grabbed Karina's legs and swung her over his shoulders.

    "Now I win!" Oscar smirked, running all over the house.

    "Hey, that's not fair! Put me down, you trash face! Ashley! Help meee!" Karina yelled, kicking and pounding her fists at Oscar's back. No matter what she did, she couldn't break free. It seemed as if Ashley was sleeping, so she was on her own.

    "Now you're gonna pay!" Oscar yelled, putting Karina down and picking her up bridal style, the transfer of positions quick so that Karina couldn't escape. She started to hit him again, but no matter what, she couldn't escape his grip. Karina saw that Oscar was leading her to the couch.

    "Hey, what's the big idea?" Karina asked, getting worried. Oscar smirked. He tossed Karina in the air, and caught her.

    "Ah, no!" Karina yelled, grabbing on to Oscar tightly. Oscar laughed, and threw her onto the couch. Karina closed her eyes, screaming. She was terrified. When she landed on the couch with a thud, she opened her eyes. All she saw was a smiling Oscar. She crossed her arms.

    "This is war!" Karina yelled, laughing a little bit. They ran around the house, getting many complaints from neighbors, but they didn't care. This was a nice break from all the serious work they had been doing.

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