Chapter 39:In konohan,already?

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Sasomi:Gee.... I don't know how to make a summoning jutsu....

Shen:Yeah girl!

Sasomi: You don't have to rub it in...

Shen:Sorry but thats just sad sasomi.

Sasomi:Shut up! *blows him up with his sand*

Shen:No!*fly's away*

Tobi:You had it coming!

Sasomi: Tobi!*hug's him*

Tobi:Sasomi good girl dosn't own naruto *pats her head*

Sasomi:Yay! I'm a good girl*smiles*

Chapter 39:In konohan, already?

I woke up early and would up the other's quickly. Pein called me and I made one hand sign.

"Sasomi we will start the search for the ninetails jinjuriki." He said.

"We are getting close." I said.

He left and ryu and thunder came out of the tent.

"Sasomi why so early?" Shen and ryu complained.

I looked at them and told them. They got ready quickly and thunder looked at me.

"Sasomi are you okay?" Thunder asked.

"Yes i'm fine." I said.

We got in front of the gate and I looked around. Where is pein? I looked behind me and saw origami.  Ryu and shen looked and I walked following the origami.

"Sasomi" A familiar voice said.

I looked and it was konan I smiled and hugged her.

"I missed you." She said messing my hair.

I broke the hug and ryu and shen along with thunder walked behind me.

"And who is this?" konan asked preparing to fight.

"Konan this are the new members of the akatsuki." I said.

"Thats ryu, shen and thunder.This is konan" I said pointing at them.

Konan looked at them and then away.

"Alright.." She said.

"Hey where is pein?" I asked looking around.

"He is over there." she said looking at the sky.

I closed my eyes and sensed hidden chakra  on top of konohan. I opened my eyes and ryu and shen looked.

"Is he going to do that jutsu?" I asked.

She nod her head and ryu, shen and thunder looked at each other confused.

"When he does that there will be a few shinobi's around. Eliminate them and go inside of konohan and kill..." She said and flew away in paper.

"She turned into paper?!" Shen said shocked.

I nod and pein made the almighty push. My sand surrounded us and protect us from falling objects.

"His chakra is off the charts?!" Thunder said.

"He is the akatsuki leader after all..." I said.

My sand desapered and we saw a few shinobi's.

"Don't let them inside." I comand them.

I jumped up and killed a few shinobi's.  I saw anbu's jump around me. I looked at them and prepared to fight them.

"Get out of my way." I said.

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