Chapter 16:The haunted house and ryu's past? o.0

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Sasomi:It's so rainy...

Tobi:Me bored...

Pain:Good weather in the hidden rain village.


Konan:Duh it's name say it hidden RAIN village.

Sasomi:(Sigh)vSuna is so dry....

Tobi:The hidden leaf is perfect!

Ryu:Sasomi dosn't own naruto. She owns my heart *whisperes*

Sasomi:That's right...WAIT WHAT?!!!

Tobi:ON WITH THE SHOW. Before it gets all weired here...

Chapter 16:The haunted house and ryu's past? o.0

We started running to find shelter. It started raining alot ryu grabed my hand and lead the way. We came to a random abandon house. Ryu opened the door and me and thunder when't inside there was alot of dust and spider web's. There was a picture of a man and woman.They looked realy happy.

I think they where married. It was all dusty I cleaned it and the woman had yellow hair and brown eye's. Her hair was long that touched her waist.

The man had an emo bang and black hair and purpule eye's. It reminded me of ryu...Could they be....ryu's?....

They looked like a happy couple. I wonder are these people the owner's of this house. This house must have been lonlely. It had alot of dust and spider web's everywhere.

Thunder was next to me. His teeth where chattering and I was a little bit scared. Ryu looked at the two of us and left a laughing smile.

"You two are scared little cat's"He said.

I looked at him and he looked shocked and he whisperes something I heared out loud and clear.

"Could this be..I'm starting to remember?.."He whispered.

He looked around and there was a hall way. I walked to a closed door and opened it.vIt was a room with two bed's. Ryu openes another and I walked towards him and it was a room with one bed.

"Well this one is mine."He said.

I looked at thunder and then at ryu.

"Can thunder stay with me?.."I asked scared.

Ryu looked at me and thunder jumped to my arm's. I huged thunder and smiled.

"Aright..Scared little cat's"Ryu teased.

"You know...You can stay in owere room. There is an extra bed..." I said shily and twinkling with my fingers.

"I don't know?!"He said scratching the back of his head.

I nod and walked with thunder to owere room. I undusted the room and it was clean. It was already dark me and thunder when't to sleep. But me and thunder coudn't sleep.

"Hey sasomi.Can I sleep with you?" Thunder asked. 

I nod and sit on the bed he jumped on the bed and I used his back as a pillow. Me and thunder looked at the door. The woman from the picture we saw earlier came out. She looked beautiful she was glowing. She looked at us and smiled.

"Hello" She said walking towards us.

My teeth where chattering and so was thunder.

"Please don't be scared we are really nice people."She said friendly.

""I asked my voice breaking.

"Come with me. We are not evil we are good. Please I have something to show you."She said.

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