Chapter 33:Ryu's past and anger to the roof!

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Sasomi: I am super tired...

Tobi: Sasomi senpai!!

Sasomi: Tobi*hug's him*

Zetsu: *Ahem*

Sasomi: Fly trap!*hug's him*

Zetsu: I am not a fly trap.

Sasomi: Yes you are* points at the thing's that make him look like a fly trap*

Itachi: *walk's by*

Sasomi: I thought you died?!

Tobi: *dramatic squirre*

Sasuke: Itachi!*run's toward's him*

Sasomi: Duck butt!

Sasuke: Little miss red hair dosn't own naruto.

Sasomi: What's that?!

Tobi: On with the show!

Sasomi: OH THAT'S IT!* chases him*

Chapter 33 :Ryu's past and anger to the roof!

I woke up I early the morning because pein called me by the mind jutsu.

"Go to the hidden leaf! I will be fighting the 9 tails jinjuriki."Pein said.

I nod and got off bed. I open the door out of my room and nobody was in the kitchen...Right! I have to wake up everybody... I kicked open a door and it was shen. He jumped out of the bed and held hi head in pain cause he hit his head standing up.

"Why did you woke me up so early-?!" He yelled and noticed it was me.

"Because we got to go to the hidden leaf!" I said.

"Fine be there in a couple of minutes." He said and I closed the door.

I walked to another room and kicked the door open and thunder jumped off the floor and got stuck to the wall but where was ryu?! I look around and thumder hissed at me.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"He is under the bed cause you scared him by your little entrance." He said angrily.

I look down on the bed and saw a little cat holding on the bed with its furr sticking up and its claws holding for dear life.

"Come here you." I said smiling.

I got him off the bed and look at him.

"Sasomi why so early?!" He said hissing.

"We got a mission and get ready!" I said and puting him on the bed.

I left and made breakfest. They came out and munched on the food. I already eat breakfest and wait for them. They finished and they where all tired.

"Come on we have to go to the hidden leaf!" I said opening the door.

"Home?! But-?!" Ryu complained and I shut him off.

"We are getting the 9 tail's jinjuriki." I said jumping from tree to tree.

"...?!" Ryu looked down and something was up.

"Sasomi we are going to take 4 day's strait to go to the hidden leaf." Thunder said.

I nod and made hand sign's. I closed my eyes and stop on a branch.

"Pein we are going to take 4 days to go to the leaf village..." I said following orders.

"Be there in 4 days... Sasomi don't take to long!" Pein said.

I canceled the jutsu and opened my eyes. They where all staring at me.

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