Chapter 2:Akatsuki mision?Undercover

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Sasomi:I do not own naruto.

Deidara:That's right even though you want you can't.

Sasori:Really. I don't think that was necessary.

Deidara:On with the show.

Chapter 2:Akatsuki mision?Undercover

"Sasomi come on the akatsuki leader is going to call us by the mind jutsu"Deidara said.

I walked toward's them and closed my eyes and when I look a black figure with the akatsuki cloak and weired looking eye's appered.(Sasori was inside of the puppet threw the mind link jutsu)

"Mision is simple locate the 1 tail (shukaku)"akatsuki leader said.

"Alright we will check on suna"Sasori said.

"Go undercover and sasori,sasomi you two know suna very well. So be carefull and sasomi you will go with deidara but don't grab the 1 tail,reamember find and leave"Akatsuki leader said.

"Me with deidara but what about sasori?"I asked.

"He will stay here in the hideout."he responded.

"Okay leader but can I know what's you'r name because you know all of us but we don't know your's?"I asked curiose.

"Pain" he answered.

"Alright pain we will do"I said.

The jutsu desaperered and I looked at deidara.

"You better keep an eye on her and protect her"Sasori said looking at deidara worried.

"Chill okay I will"deidara said.

I looked at the two of them  and blinked quickly.

"Sis be carefull"Sasori said.

I smilled and gave him a hug.

"Don't worry"I said.

He was shocked and hugged me back. It's rare that he accepted my hug? Alot of time's that I hug him he usually back's away or block's the hug with his pupet's.

"Let's go"deidara said.

We walked outside and deidara got out his "art" and it came alive and we flew to suna.

"Land here you don't want them to notice that we are here"I said pointing at a spot.

"Change clouth's we don't want them to know that we are akatsuki"Deidara ordered.

I got out my cloak and hided it on my backpack and had ninja clouth's on so did deidara he got out his head band and gave it to me.

"Can you hide my cloak and my head band in you'r backpack?"he asked.

I grabed it and puted on my backpack. We kept walking to the gates of suna.There  where alot of guard's blocking the path and it was already night.

"Throw a sleep smoke"Deidara commanded.

I threw it and they all fell on the floor and slept. We got in and started finding the Shukaku's host.

"How do we describe him"I asked.

"I don't know? Why don't you ask the people around here? His name is gaara"Deidara said.

"Alright got it"I said.

He followed me and we asked a random man.

"Excuse me sir but do you know who gaara is?"I asked.

"His the fifth kazekage he has red hair kinji(love)sign on his forehead"the man answered.

"Thank you"I said leaving with deidara.

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