Final! Part Two

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Misaki's POV
"Takashi!" I shouted again. I saw the door handle turn and I began to smile, but when I saw two guards I looked to my feet. "What do you want?" I growled. They said nothing; they just untied me from the bounds and took me out of the room and down the hall. I stumbled behind them to weak to walk properly. They took me to what looked like a training room.
"Misaki!" I heard eight voices shout. I weakly turned to see the Host club and Kurai. I smiled at them and went to move towards them, but the guard held me back, with a strength I didn't know I had I turned and kicked him in the shin I broke out of the other guards grasp and ran towards them before collapsing, I weakly looked up as they ran towards me, I grabbed Haruhi's hand I could see the tears roll down her cheeks as she brought my head into her lap.
"What did they do to you?" Mitsukuni asked. I put my bloody hand on his cheek.
"Honey-pie I'm perfectly fine, they just roughed me up a bit nothing I couldn't handle, soon we will all be back in the host club eating cake and joking around, I promise," I told him. My eyes met Takashi's and we both smiled. "I got your message, I shouted for you as loud as I could, and I knew you would come," He put a hand on my cheek and I gladly leaned into it.
"Hey! Don't forget our deal Morinozuka! You saw her now fight or she's mine," I looked up at him.
"Takashi? What?"
"I need to fight for your freedom whoever wins ends it all," He told me, he knelt down next to me and kissed my forehead.
"I know you'll win," I told him. He put a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Get some sleep Misaki," I nodded and closed my eyes, the last thing I heard was Takashi telling Kyoya to call the police and get me out of here.
Takashi's POV
I watched as they brought in a girl I would be able to recognize if not for her Caramel brown eyes. Her hand was covered in blood and there were flecks of blood all over her, she wore her work uniform and she was missing a shoe. Her hair was caked in blood.
"Misaki!" Everyone shouted. She weakly turned her head and smiled, she went to come towards us but the guards held her back, suddenly she turned and kicked him in the shin she tore her arm out of the other guards grasp and ran towards us, she got in front of us and collapsed. I ran towards her the others following she grabbed Haruhi's hand and Haruhi put her head in her lap and began petting her hair tears rolled down her cheeks.
"What did they do to you?" Mitsukuni asked. She put a bloody hand on his cheek.
"Honey-pie I'm perfectly fine, they just roughed me up a bit nothing I couldn't handle, soon we will all be back in the host club eating cake and joking around, I promise," She told him. Her eyes met mine and we both smiled. "I got your message, I shouted for you as loud as I could, and I knew you would come," She told me, I put a hand on her cheek and she leaned into it.
"Hey! Don't forget our deal Morinozuka! You saw her now fight or she's mine," I looked up at him and glared. I heard Misaki mumble under her breath.
"I need to fight for your freedom whoever wins ends it all," I told her, I knelt down next to her and kissed her forehead.
"I know you'll win," She smiled at me. I put a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Get some sleep Misaki," She nodded and closed her eyes. I knew she was safe with the Host Club, but she will probably be in the hospital for a while. My fists clenched. He had no right to hurt her the way he did, who knows what else he did to her. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Tamaki.
"We will be here the whole time, don't beat him up to badly," He joked. I nodded and stepped onto the mat.  

I was determined to win but so was he, Kyoya was on the phone with who I assumed was his task force he nodded at me showing that they were on their way. I faced my opponent the bell rang and we both ran towards each other I pinned his leg down with a kunai and aimed a kick for his face, he grabbed my leg and threw me to the ground loosening the kunai from his foot he threw them back at me I dodged while getting to my feet and running towards him again, we exchanged punches neither of us getting hit until I kicked the back of his leg bringing him to his knees. I did a right hook to his face and took his arm in a chicken wing (where you bend there elbow towards the outside of their body and press in, if you press fad enough you bream their arm) I looked at the judge who blew his whistle before he could announce a winner the Ootori police force ran in surrounding us, they arrested the Hoshigaki's and their gaurds they took Misa to the hospital as we all followed, I knew everything was going to be alright now.

I woke up to a steady beeping opening my eyes all I saw was white but when I turned my head I noticed I was in a hospital room, beside me sat Takashi he held my hand as if it were a piece of glass. I smiled and looked around the room, The whole Host Club was here, including Kurai and My father. There were bandages around my head, my hand and my stomach. Haruhi sat on the other side of me and Honey was sleeping at the end of the bed, From the looks of it, it was the middle of the night, I didn't want to wake any of them so I just sat looking out the window beside me the stars shone brightly and there was a full moon. It was peaceful.
"The stars are beautiful aren't they?" I heard a familiar voice ask, I looked towards Takashi and nodded. He squeezed my head gently. "I was worried about you, I'm sorry I let this happen, I should have picked you up at work, I should have done a better job of protecting you," I put a finger to his mouth.
"None f this is your fault, you fought for my freedom, you looked for me, and you are the one person who has saved me from myself and others multiple times, I love you and that's the end of that, you have nothing to be sorry for, but I do have one question," I told him kissing his forehead.
"Who are the Hoshigaki family member's to you?" He sighed.
"Zuko Hoshigaki and I are rivals, we have been at each other's throat since we joined Kendo, I knew that they wanted to defeat us, there was an upcoming competition where we would decide who was the better martial artist, every time we fight it was a tie but this time there was something our father's had planned to make one of us the winner, three fights the person who won two would be the superior fighter, since I battled for you and won the fight was ended. I have you to thank for that, The Hoshigaki family and everyone involved in your abduction are in prison or doing community service for it, they can't hurt you but that doesn't mean I wont be careful about it, I am going to start picking you up from work, no if and's or but's I want you to be safe," He smiled planting a short kiss on my lips. "By the way how did Zuko find you?"
"He was one of the people who bullied me all those times," I told him before he could respond Haruhi groaned and sat up, she rubbed her eyes and looked at me. Immediately she hugged me and woke the others.

A Long Time After
"Things went back to normal after that the Host club kept going even after Takashi and Honey went to collage, Tamaki would teach younger boy how to host and take over the club, Shiro was the new Host club king after Tamaki, so life turn out alright of course when we were old enough Takashi proposed, but that's another story for another time now you two need to get to bed,"
"Awe! But we want to here another story mom!" I smiled at my two children, one girl, Suki, and one boy, Ryuu. Takashi picked up Ryuu and I picked up Suki we took them to their rooms and said goodnight. Takashi put his arm around me.
"I haven't heard that story in a long time," Takashi kissed my cheek.
"It is a good story, don't forget Tamaki and Haruhi are bring there little boy over tomorrow, and Kurai and Kyoya are bringing there daughter, so we need to clean this house up," I told him, he nodded.
"I will get the maid's on it but that's tomorrow for now we can just get some sleep," I nodded and closed my eyes.  

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now