†Episode 9 Part 1†

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It had been a few weeks since the incidents at the beach I was off of my crutches but my foot occasionally hurt. I felt as if Takashi, Honey and I had gotten closer. We hung out more when we were all at the host club but of course this had also made me get glares from some of their guests. That Ayanokoji girl had been giving me more trouble then usual. She would trip me as I walked passed her in the hallway, small things like that but sometimes she would confront me about things that happened at my old school things she shouldn't know, it was bugging me about how she had known the information. This morning before school Haruhi and I were walking just by the front of the school when she stopped us.

"Oh hello Ayanokoji," Haruhi said happily, she glared and stepped towards her. I immediately got in front of my sister.
"If you have an issue with me or Haruhi take it up with me," I told her. She smirked.
"But Misaki I overheard a little bird saying that you were going to start letting Haruhi fend for herself, since I have been torturing you since the insident now is my chance to speak with Haruhi," She said. My fists clenched and I stared at the ground I did say I was going to let Haruhi fight her own battles but this may have started out as Haruhi's battle but over time it had turned to be mine.
"Misa what is she talking about?" Haruhi asked. Ayanokoji let out a laugh.
"You mean you haven't told you sister? Your own twin? You must really hate her not to tell her what has been going on, we all thought Haruhi and her loving sister were so close and they told each other everything, but I guess not, poor Haruhi so innocent, how can a demon like you, Misa, be related to someone like Haruhi, no wonder you mother died, she probably killed herself to get away from you," Ayanokoji told me, I glared what was she getting at?
"Hey that's going to-" haruhi started. A group had begun to surround us most of them seemed to be anticipating a fight.
"What's that Misa? You have nothing to say no quick remarks, go on show the school what kind of person you really are, how you got bullied at your old school how you would fight battles for your sister, even though you hate her guts, don't you Misa? Why don't you-"
"Shut. Up." I innturupted. "I don't know where you got all of this information but you don't really know anything about me or my sister, you have no right to talk about my mother, you didn't know who she was, if you have a problem with me or my family you take it up with me," I was expecting her to falter, be somewhat speechless, but to my surprise she laughed. She just stood there laughing.
"You haven't figured it out yet? Wow you are more stupid then I thought, it was nice talking to you Misaki but I should really be heading to class, I don't want to waste any more of my time talking to commeners such as yourselves," She said.
"Hey don't talk like that to Haruhi!"
"Yeah that really wasn't nice," A couple girls shouted, Ayanokoji simply looked at them.
"I said nothing about Haruhi, but Misaki on the other hand, why don't you girls come with me and I will tell you more about her," She said the girls exchanged glances then followed her, what the hell is wrong with these people! How much did Ayanokoji know? How did she know all of this, what the hell was going on! I began to wlak inside the school, Haruhi followed.
"What was she talking about? You've been fighting battles for me? I'm not five, I appreciate your concern but I don't need you to fight my battles," She told me calmly there was no anger in her voice only frustration. I turned to her.
"Haruhi, I-you have to understand, I hadn't meant to but- I'll take care of it, just don't worry about anything," I told her, I turned and walked away she grabbed my wrist.
"Misaki look I am trying to understand what you are going through but I cant help you if you don't tell me what is going on I cant help you-" I cut her off with a glare.
"I don't need help Haruhi, I don't need you to care about my problems, I hate everyone pitying me, I hate the looks, if I tell you everything about me that is all you will give me I don't need you to be concerned just live your perfect life with your friends, don't worry about someone who will always be in your shadow, I will always be one step behind you it's always been that way, I never was as pretty as you and no one liked me as much as they liked you, I realized that no one will ever put me before you not even our father, you have always been better then me and I never knew how to deal with it, I have come in terms with the fact that I will never be loved in the same way you are and I have always been so jealous of everything daily you are surrounded by cute guys and they are all trying to get your attention and you don't notice, you don't notice how loved you are, how amazing your life is, how good you have it, Even our own father loves you more then me! I don't understand why I have tried so hard to be a good child, a good sister but I will never be respected like you are, I've tried to take care of you, I am trying to protect you but sometimes you make it so damn hard, I cant do anything anymore, I have tried to protect you but now you have other that can protect you, I feel like I have no reason to be here anymore like I'm just a waste of space, you don't need me, dad wouldn't miss me, I am trying to live my wn life but I cant just drop everything that has happened to me on to you, it wouldn't be fair I have to deal with it, but lately its' gotten harder everything was starting to get better and I felt like I was seen as Misaki Fujioka, not Haruhi's sister, not Haruhi's ugly twin, I just, I don't know what to do anymore, I'm so confused, I'm sorry, you don't need to hear all of this," I told her, she had some tears in her eyes, I was expecting her to be mad to yell at me, tell her she can take care of herself, I had silent tears going down my cheeks. Haruhi hugged me.
"Misa, I think you are the one who doesn't understand, your beautiful, you do have friends, everyone in the host club sees you as a person, It doesn't matter what they think, I hate seeing you like this and I am so glad that you have finally opened up and told me something, you have to understand that you don't have to be alone, you can talk to anyone in the host club about anything, we will listen, we are here for you," She told me. I shook my head and she moved away from me to look me in the eye. It had felt so good to get all of that out, to tell her the truth instead of keeping everything hidden. But I felt like I had made her feel bad, maybe I just gave her more problems then she needed.
"Your just saying that, the host club even sees you above me I am just there maid and I wont be anything more to them, they are your friend not mine,I honestly want to believe that you are telling the truth but I don't know if I can, I just- I"
"Misa, Haruhi's right anytime you want to talk to any of us about anything just let us know and we will always be there for you," I heard someone say I turned to see Tamaki and the rest of the Host club.
"It may take some time to open up to others Misa but I know you can do it, remember what Takashi and I told you when we were at the beach, we all care for you Misa and we never saw you as Haruhi's sister or our maid, we love you and we care for you, please you have to trust us," Honey said, I rubbed the tears from my eyes then went and hugged him.
"Thank you so much!" I told him, I noticed that sometime during my little speech the bell had rang I had made everyone late for their classes. Yup that helped the situation. I put honey down and rubbed my eyes.
"I'm sorry," I sniffed.
"Why? Don't worry about our classes we saw you and Haruhi and you two looked like you were upset, you are both our friends so we got worried we heard you two talking so we should be sorry for ease dropping," Kyoya explained, I nodded.
"Am I really your guys's friends?" They all nodded and I saw that Mori didn't have his blank face on but he was looking at me with concern. I gave him a reassuring smile; I would talk to Haruhi more later. The twins walked with Haruhi and I to class after we said goodbye to the others, I was glad that I could count on them. I still felt unsure about everything every time thing sgot better in my life something would cause it to go crashing down again. But for now I was happy, and I would live in this moment not worry about what will happen in the future. When we got to class the teacher gave us a glare.
"Why are you four late?" She asked,
"I'm sorry miss you see they were helping me find my books for this class, someone decided it would be funny to hide them from me but we found them all is good, I take full responsibility," I told her,
"Well then if you take full responsibility then I don't want to ehar any complaints about me giving you detention at lunch," I nodded and I saw the twins glare at her, we all went to our desk and continued with class.

I focused on the conversation my sister was having with some of her girls.
"Really?" Haruhi asked.
"All the afternoon classes have been cancelled?" I asked. Haruhi and I had gone into our classroom after lunch, were I spent with my first class teacher writing her a report about why being late was wrong I felt it was unfair but I didn't say anything. We found everyone standing around and talking whennormally they all sat in their assigned seats. "You mean no one told you?" A girl asked Haruhi and I both shook "It's going to be crazy around here for the next two days. Ouran is hosting an exposition for the cultural clubs."
"Drama and choral clubs from a bunch of other schools have been invited."
"It's a big event this school hosts annually." The girls explained I nodded understandingly I looked around the room to see Hikaru and Kaoru bothering Renge. Suddenly they appeared behind Haruhi and I. They both put a hand on my shoulder.
"Go buy us some more, Misaki, take Haruhi with you so you know what kind to get," They ordered.
"Why do I have to go get it?" Haruhi asked.
"You don't have to get it I have to get it, Haruhi, what kind did you get?" I asked her
"Because you two are the only commoners. No one else knows where to buy it Misaki doesn't know what kind to get," Hikaru pointed out.
"We've even been serving it to our guests lately. And besides, it's part of your job. Isn't that right Misaki you are our maid," Kaoru said.
"Waitress Kaoru, Waitress, there is a difference," I told him. They ignored me. Just as I had expected.
"But the cultural club exposition starts soon." Haruhi stated.
"Yeah, but it's not mandatory. So if you're not interested, you don't have to go." Hiakru explained.
"And with that being said,"
"Be careful out there." The twins said practically shoving us out the door. A couple girls came out and began talking to Haruhi I wasn't really paying attention. I waited for Haruhi and we went to the store we got some weird looks from the cashier probably as to why we were buying so much coffee, I was carrying the bags back we were almost at the school when I slipped on something. Suddenly a girl caught me, I could tell from her uniform that she was from Lobelia Girls' Academy when I was working I saw some girls come in with the same outfit. I quickly moved away from her, and bowed politly.
"Sorry, thank you," I told her. She smirked I had managed to keep any of the coffee from falling out of the bag.
"Well aren't you two pretty, especially you young lady," She said motioning to haruhi. Haruhi's eyes widened a bit.
"It would be a shame if any harm would come to that cute face of yours, young lady."

"What do women like you want to hear?" I heard Tamaki ask as Haruhi, the girl who I had learned whos name was Benibara, and I had entered the Host Club. Benibara had her arms around Haruhi and I
"Maybe, something like "I would never leave my lover alone." If we fight, it'll be together. If we fail, we fail together. Even if I were to die, I promise you that I will never leave your side, my love." She stated swinging Haruhi around, and thankfully letting go of me, two girls in matching outfits to her own turned to look at us.
"Benibara, we thought you'd never show." One of them said. The other came over to me and lifted my chin.
"What are we going to do with you? So tell us where you found these lovely young ladies," She asked making our noses touch I moved away from her and I saw Takashi give her a cold glare.
"I just met them outside of the school. This one may be dressed as a boy, but I knew the truth. She has such pretty maidenly eyes." Benibara told Haruhi.
"Uh thanks, I guess." Haruhi said I began moving away from them.
"Wow, her skin is incredibly soft." The other girl exclaimed feeling Haruhi's arms the other went over to Haruhi and felt her skin, I inched away from them
"Isn't it, though? I think this one's going to be a little diamond in the rock. And this one well she is just stunning, I like her the best," The girl said walking back over to me and putting her arm around my shoulders.
"Don't go touching my Daughters without asking my permission." Tamaki shouted, I tried to move out of the other girls grasp but she was surprisingly strong. Benibara punched Tamaki before he could get close,
"Leave her alone." She said strongly.
"She punched me. She's so violent." Tamaki said
"Get ahold of yourself." Honey said cutely, then he turned to me and ran towards me, "Misa-chan did you buy more coffee?" He asked, I fought my way out of the girls arms and ran towards Honey with the bag still in my hand I put his arm out to prevent him from going any closer to the girl, I had a feeling she may react the same way Benibara did, I walked back over to the Host Club, I put the bag down and turned to them watching the scene play out, Honey jumped into my arms and I smiled.
"Guess the rumors we heard are true. You guys are just a bunch of weak little punks with no sense between you." I glared at Benibara, before I could say anything Kyoya spoke.
"Those uniforms. I assume you ladies are from Lobelia girls' academy." He pointed out.
"That's correct." Benibara replied, I saw their uniforms fly into the air and for a second I thought they had stripped so I covered Honey's eyes and I felt a hand cover mine.
"St. Lobelia academy, high school 2nd-year, Benio Amakusa."
"2nd-year student, Chizuru Maihara."
"1st-year student, Hinako Tsuwabuki."
"We are the members of St. Lobelia academy's white lily league, also known as..." I could tell this was Benibara who spoke she had more of a masculine voice then the others.
"The Zuka club!" The three voices finished. The hand moved from my eyes and I moved my hand from Honey's he only stared at me quizzically. I looked up to see that the one who had covered my eyes had been Mori, he was still focused on the three girls avoiding my gaze.
"The Zuka club?" Tamaki asked, the twins began laughing, I let out a series of small laughs but I was doing well to hide my laughter.
"Oh man, what a stupid name. The Zuka club. My stomach hurts." Hikaru said.
"The Zuka club. That's priceless. And they had those get-ups on under their uniforms." Kaoru asked, I looked at them then at The Zaku club honestly they were both in outfits. I looked at Mori to see him in a knight outfit sword and all, he could pull off the outfit I will give him that he must have noticed me staring because he looked at me, I quickly looked away hiding a blush, I still had Honey in my arms when I looked at him he smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck rubbing his cheek against mine, I smiled at him. Suddenly I heard Renge's voice then her laugh she came out from the floor on her platform and began explaining.
"You shouldn't underestimate the Zuka club. I may not know much about instant coffee, but I'm fascinated with girls' schools. St. Lobelia academy, it is truly a woman's world there. The Zuka club is a group of strong young maidens who consider women to be superior in every way. The club prides itself on its 30 year history. It's a society of maidens, by maidens, for maidens. The Zuka club activities include maidens' tea parties, the maiden debate forum, and most importantly, musical reviews performed by the society's top members."
"You sure have a vast world of knowledge, Renge." Kyoya pointed out I noticed he was in his original uniform.
"Well, I've always admired St, Lobelias. I just couldn't go to school there, though. What would I do without any boys?" Renge told her disappearing again.
"A maiden's beauty. It means possessing a spirit pure enough to not give in to power or to lust." The voice matched Suzuran she was the one who was being all well weird towards me.
"As a girl, you... For a girl, you... We've had quite enough of all your oppressive male contempt for woman kind." Hinagiku told us.
"And our pride... comes from having meaningful relationships based on equality. Because with the same sex. And yes, that includes relationships of love." Benibara told us. My eye twitched a bit um nothing against that but, well I had to disagree I just didn't roll that way I don't think Haruhi did either, I put down Honey and he ran away happily I watched Mori swing the sword from the outfit he was wearing before, everyone was back in their normal uniforms. So what are the Lobellia girls doing here anyway?
"Whatever. We're so over it." Kaoru said
"Why don't you gals just scram?" Hikaru asked.
"I find it hard to believe that you silly boys have nothing to say about our sublime female love." Hinagiku said. I rolled my eyes personally if they didn't have a reason to be here they should leave, this isn't there school. I know I was being a bit rude but they were really annoying and I hadn't exactly had the best day today, besides I had a really bad headache. Kaoru was looking through the instant coffee Haruhi and I got.
"You should feel sorry for them, Hinagiku. Their patented host skills don't work on us. Now they're all flustered and they don't know what to do with themselves." Suzuran said assuming she was right.
"True. I must say I'm glad we decided to perform here. It was fun to sneak a peek at the notorious Ouran host club." Benibara said, so the just came here to look. Honey was looking at the Zaku club and I noticed Mori yawn.
"Hey guys, are we really notorious?" Honey asked.
"Yeah." Mori and I answered we looked at each other and smiled.
"And to think they're dragging these sweet young girls down with them. The host club's president may be a pretty little halfer. But he shouldn't be using his looks to create a fictitious romance. Attempting to fool the heart of a pure young maiden is demeaning. Your so-called club activities are nothing more than debasing macho fantasies. I promise you. We will bring you guys down. The Ouran host club will be abolished." Benibara said. I began to walk back over to Haruhi to get her away from them.
"All hail Zuka club." The Zaku members said. I was going to move Haruhi away from them but she shook her head and went to go make coffee. Was she seriously going to offer them coffee? Oh Haruhi you're too nice.
"I see. I understand your concern. But do you think maybe we could finish this later?" kyoya asked adjusting his glasses.
"Are you saying that you're not going to face us?" Benibara asked.
"Not at all. It's just that our president is still bed-ridden from the initial culture shock." He replied I noticed Tamaki was sleeping,
"You see, Tama-chan is having his nappy time right now." Honey said holding Usa-chan in his arms.
"Wake him up!" Benibara shouted, I glared, guest or not they were being rude and annoying, Mori seemed to notice my glare and I heard him sigh.
"Excuse me, I made some coffee. Would you ladies like to have some?" Haruhi asked they all took coffee and gave Haruhi compliments. I sighed and noticed that Tamaki had woken up.
"You, girls have it all wrong! Don't you see there's nothing to be gained in a romantic relationship between two women? If that were the case, then why did God create Adam and Eve? Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot..." Tamaki said I wasn't quite sure what had happened but Tamaki had burned his finger and Honey had gone over to him. I went over to them taking out the bandages that I always carried around.
"You gotta be more careful, Tamaki-sempai." I told him while wrapping up his finger.
"Thanks, Do you always carry bandages around with you?" I gave a brief nod but quickly shook my head to cover it up.
"Nah, the supermarket was giving them out with the purchase of instant coffee. You always get free stuff at the supermarket." Haruhi answered for me, it was a lie we hadn't gotten bandages at the supermarket, but Haruhi also knew that I always took precautions.
"Free stuff?" Tamaki asked.
"Yes free stuff," I told him, getting up, Honey grabbed my hand and we walked back over to where Mori and the rest of the group was.
"This little conversation doesn't seem to be going anywhere." Banibara said standing behind Haruhi, she suddenly grabbed Haruhi's hand and pulled her up, she was getting a bit two close to Haruhi. My grip tightened on Honey's hand and he glanced up at me. "Now that we know what's going on, we can't allow these maiden's to stay here. We'll prepare their paperwork and have them transfer to Lobelia at once and welcome them both into the Zuka club." Honey's hand tightened on my own. I walked towards her and everyone seemed curious as to what I would do. I pulled Haruhi away from her and pushed her behind me. I knew I was being a bitch but they were starting to piss me off, and I didn't want some stupid girls telling Haruhi and I how to rule our lives.

"Listen to me well, Benibara, if we wanted to go to Lobellia we would have, you have no right to tell us what to do or where to go to school, you have no right to come in here and insult the Host club, like that, I would greatly appreciate it if you left and-" I said in the calmest voice I could but anger was clear in my voice. I was innturupted when I felt a hand on my shoulder; it was Haruhi she stood beside me.
"Hey just wait a second, will you? There seems to have been some misunderstandings here. I mean, first of all, you called senpai a halfer. Second of all-"
"'Cause he is a halfer. He's half French and half Japanese." Honey innturupted.
"Oh well. Uh anyway, Misaki has a point I don't think it's fair for you to pick on the host club just because you don't think they have the same history as you do."
"We barely have any history. We were just founded two years ago."
"Yeah, the boss created it whenever he started high school here." The twins pointed out.
"Be that as it may, saying their club activity is only held to satisfy their appetites is just wrong. As good as Misa's point was I am sorry for her actions it has been a hard day," I let out a sigh and began walking towards the door.
"You know what Haruhi your right, it's been a messed up day and I'm not feeling well, I will see you at home," I told her, I gave the club a half wave type thing then turned to the Zaku club they almost looked scared but they hid it well, I ignoring the Zaku club and made my way out before I could leave Honey spoke up.
"Misa-chan! Takashi and I will give you a ride home if you aren't feeling well you shouldn't go home alone," I turned to them and nodded.
"Thank you, I would appreciate it," Both of them followed me out, it was silent until we got outside. Honey took out his phone.
"Hello this is Mitskuni I need you to bring me a car I am at school," He said I heard a voice come from the other line. "Thanks!" Honey replied he hung up his phone and jumped on Takashi. A black limo pulled up and Honey got in I waited for Takashi to get in but he just held the door for me, I felt myself blush lightly as I got in.
"Where to Mr. Haninozuka?" The driver asked as Takashi got in closing the door.
"Um, uh Misa where do you live?" Honey asked I gave the driver the address. I yawned and Honey moved to sit in my lap, I didn't mind.
"You can sleep if you want we will wake you up when we get there," Takashi told me I shook my head.
"We will be there soon there is no point, I really appreciate what you to and everyone else in the host club are doing for me,"
"What are we doing Misa-chan?" Honey asked.
"Well you guys are being my friends you are being so nice and I feel like I should thank you," I told them smiling.
"No thanks necessary ma'am," Honey told me trying to use a childish western accent I laughed. I saw Takashi smile. We arrived at my house, people began to look at the limo curiously oh right coming home in a limo isn't normal. Mori moved to let me out.
"Would you like to come inside for something to drink? I don't think my dad is home yet," I told them, they exchanged glances and then nodded. I smiled.
"Momma are they rich?"
"Wow look at that car!"
"Who's that girl getting out?" I heard people ask really, I have lived here for as long as I ca remember and they still didn't know who I was. Mori bent down to whisper in my ear.
"Remember what Haruhi said they don't matter," I nodded.
"You can leave we will call you when we are ready to go home," Takashi told the driver.
When we were all out of the car we watched it leave, I led them both up to the small apartment and was surprised when it was open.
"Hey dad I'm home!" I called; my dad came into the room smiling.
"Misaki your home! Why aren't you at school where is your sister?" He asked suddenly putting his hands on his hips.
"Afternoon classes were canceled and I wasn't feeling well so Haruhi suggested I go home, Takashi and Honey offered me a ride so I invited them in for a drink of tea, its' the least I could do I hope that's alright,"
"Oh how very rude of me you have guests!" Dad exclaimed he ran over to the two and held out both of his hands for them to shake, "I'm Haruhi and Misaki's father, just call me Ranka it is very nice to meet you two!" He exclaimed.
"So Misaki which of these boys is yours?" I think all three of us turned red.
"Um, neither dad we are just friends, they are both in the host club," I explained quickly, dad sent me a smirk.
"Its' nice to meet you mister, your very pretty, my name is Mitskuni Haninozuka and this is my cousin Takashi Morinozuka!" Honey exclaimed. "But you can call me Honey and Takashi, Mori," Honey finished my dad got an odd look on his face and he suddenly picked Honey up, hugging him tightly.
"Your so cute! Misaki this one is so adorable!" Dad said happily Honey laughed.
"I will go make everyone some tea, Honey I think we still have cake would you like some?" I asked.
"Yay! Cakie! Cakie! Cakie!" he exclaimed.
"I will help," Takashi said, I nodded.
"Thanks you Takashi," I smiled we both went to the kitchen, I was surprised that Takashi knew how to make tea in a commoners kitchen, "The cake is in the fridge grab a slice for yourself to, I'm sure my dad may want some," I told them, He nodded.
"DO you want some Misa?" I nodded.
"Yes please, Thank you Takashi," I finished up with the tea and I could hear my dad and Honey talking in the dining room, Takashi and I brought the tea and cake into the dining room and gave some to my dad and Honey.
"Thanks Misa-chan you always know what my favorite is," He smiled. I smiled back at him staying quiet.
"So tell me about yourselves," Dad said taking a bite of cake.
"Alright, well Takashi and I are cousins we both enjoy kendo and karate and are said to be very talented at it, both Takashi and I are third year students and we are both members of the host club," He smiled my dad turned to Takashi who was sitting beside me.
"You dont talk much do you Mori?" Takashi simply shook his head and my dad laughed. So did Honey, I don't know why. I smiled and I saw Takashi smile. We continued to talk until Honey yawned.
"Honey your tired you've had a long day, I don't mean to sound rude but you should rest for a while," I told him he simply nodded and rubbed his eye, he moved over to sit beside me and he put his head on my lap after yawning, I smiled.
"Well Misaki I have to go to work now tell Haruhi that I will be home late, Mori you and Honey can stay if Misaki is willing to entertain you two some more, but Misaki I want you to get some sleep to you said that you weren't feeling well, just take it easy," I nodded and my dad looked at me skeptically.
"Don't worry Ranka I will make sure she takes it easy," Takashi said speaking up. Dad nodded.
"Thank you Takashi, I give you full permission to date my daughter," At this both Takashi and I blushed bright red, dad laughed. "Goodbye Misaki," my face was still red I was releaved that Honey had fallen asleep only moments before my dad said this.
"I, uh I'm sorry about him I'm sure he was only joking," I said Takashi's face seemed to fall a bit. "You two can stay as long as you want, I don't want to disturb Honey, he has had a long day," Takashi nodded, we sat in silence, I patted Honey's head and he slept soundly. He had moved so he was just laying on the ground in front of me. I yawned,
"You should get some sleep," Takashi said, I shook my head but I felt my eyes closing slowly, I moved so I was laying on the ground beside Honey, Takashi moved my head on his lap and I hugged Honey as if he were a teddy bear, Takashi began stroking my hair as I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now