†Episode 16†

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  Haruhi and I silently walked to the host club, she was about to open the door when a voice stopped her.
"Excuse me, are you two members of the Host Club? Could you ask 3rd year student, Mitsukuni Haninozuka to meet me out here?" We both turned to see a boy with brown hair and glasses he wore a middle school uniform and had a very serious look on his face.
"Honey-pie?" I asked to confirm what he said I saw him give a small nod.
"You Sure?" Haruhi asked. He gave another nod.
"Yes." He told us. Suddenly Honey poked his head out of the door to the host club he sat on Takashi's shoulders happily. I could practically see the pink flowers floating around him.
Oh, look! It's Chika-chan! So, what's up? You rarely come over to the high school like this to see me." He told the boy happily, Chika? Could this be the boy Takashi told me about? I saw the evil reflection off his glasses as he adjusted them, it is quiet possible that is more frightening then Kyoya.
"Prepare yourself, Mitsukuni." He said threateningly. In a second he was in the room kicking Honey off of Takashi's shoulders. Before his kick landed Honey jumped off Takashi's shoulders, Yasuchika looked rather surprised. Haruhi stood in the doorway mouth open I was about to run up and stop the two when Takashi put his arm out in front of me, I looked up at him curiously.
"Hey come on! Cut it out, you guys! Mori senpai!" Haruhi said frantically.
"Hmm?" Takashi replied. I looked up at him.
"What do you mean "hmm"?" Haruhi and I asked in sync. We both turned our attention back to Yasuchika and Honey.
"Woah! Did you see that?! Honey senpai dodged Chika's preliminary attack! This is gonna be good!" I watched as Renge came out of the floor she wore a headset and started broadcasting the whole thing, Haruhi moved to get a better look so I turned to Takashi. "Honey senpai is able to fly through the air with such grace. He's like a modern day Ushiwakamaru! Woah! Chika attacks again without even giving him a chance to regain his balance! Incredible! He dodged his attack and tripped him! Neither of them is gonna give. They keep flashing out with ferocious techniques." I blocked Renge out.
"Takashi is this Yasuchika Honey's younger sibling? Why are they fighting?" I asked he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"To make sure that they always stay alert, they've been taught that whenever two family members come face to face, they must engage each other in battle." He told me, 'Having to fight everytime you see a family member? I wonder if Takashi has to do that?' I asked myself, I guess I will ask him later. I nodded then looked back to the fight unaware of Takashi's hand still being on my shoulder. I found it amazing how Honey was able to stay calm and relaxed while his younger brother fought him so harshly. Yasuchika was panting and honey hadn't broken a sweat.
"So, they're at it again." I heard someone ask. I turned to see Kyoya, the twins and Tamaki in the doorway.
"I wish they would have chosen a better location to do this." Kyoya sighed.
"Wait! Why are you guys so calm?! Misaki why aren't you freaking out!" She asked not really wanting or expecting an answer. I didn't answer I just watched as Yasuchika took out a weapon and started attacking Honey.
"Now things are getting serious! Chika's got a weapon!" Renge announced.
"Hey! No way! The use of weapons should be against the rules!" Haruhi shouted. I looked up at Takashi then my head snapped back when I heard someone get hit I saw Honey go flying. I was going to say something when I saw that Honey had also attacked. Takashi squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.
"This may be his first win!" Kaoru announced.
"I gotcha." Yasuchika told Honey who was on the ground face first.
"Acctually the winner of this fight is Honey senpai." I told him.
"Misa's right about that. See? He got you." Takashi said motioning him to the shuriken that where sticking out of the bottom of his uniform, the weapons had rendered Yasuchika defensless.
"How the hell did he do that?" Yasuchika asked I was about to explain when Renge did for me.
"In the heat of battle, Honey senpai was able to attack with his Shuriken before Chika noticed! His attack has left Chika utterly defenseless! What a great fight! Can't wait for the next one till then! See ya!" She disappeared.
"Hey guys, I'm completely lost. You wanna tell me what's going on here? Who's that kid and why did he attack Honey senpai?" Haruhi asked. I looked at her.
"He's Honey-pie's younger brother," I told her like I had known this whole time. Everyone looked at me.
"How did you know? And why is Takashi's hand on your shoulder?" Tamaki asked. I blushed bright red and Takashi removed his hand.
"I... I just guessed cant you tell by looking at him? And um... I should go I do have a job to do here so who wants tea?" I asked running into the kitchen before anyone could answer. I got tea and cake when I came out I saw that everyone was gathered arounf one of the seating areas. I gave everyone a piece of cake and a cup of tea.
"Go on, Yasuchika. We've saved you a yummy piece of cake." Tamaki told him happily.
"Thank you, but I don't care for sweets. Besides a basic principle of the Haninozuka technique is refraining from selfishness. So to let myself indulge in sweets would be out of the question." I rolled my eyes.
"A piece of cake isn't going to kill you." I mumbled under my breath giving my cake to Honey he must have heard that because he glared in my direction, but he could have been glaring at Honey.
"Hold on. I happen to know of a sweets-loving overly pampered little loli boy who happens to be..." Hiakru started
"The next head of the Haninozukas." Kaoru finished.
"And he's sitting right over there." They both pointed to Honey who was happily munching on cake. I looked down at him and picked up a napkin.
"Honey you have cake all over your face, let me get that," I smiled he stopped eating and let me wipe the cake off his face.
"Thanks Misa-chan!" He smiled, I smiled back as he continued to eat.
"Let me just say, there's no way I'm ever going to recognize a dimwit like Mitsukuni as the next head of our family. There's no doubts my older brother is strong. But he lives a decadent life style and has failed to show any self restraint. He no longer has the right to be called a Haninozuka. I can't allow someone who arbitrarily quit the Karate Club only to become hooked on cake and stuffed animals to be the head of the Haninozuka family even if he is my older brother. I've been meaning to make that clear for a while. And another thing, Mitsukuni, I've said it before and I'll say it again, stay away from me at school, got it?" As Yasuchika began talking Honey stopped eating and frowned, the twins sat smirking I would have hit them both over the head but my glare was trained on Yasuchika. Everyone frowned. I glared hatefully.
"Woah. Woah. Woah. Younger Brother or not you have no right to say that about Honey. Just because Honey quit a club for something he had more interest in doesn't mean you can treat him this way Honey has the right to do what he wants just like everyone else. No one should have to be forced to do something they don't want to do. And no one should be treated that way by their own sibling. Siblings should stand up for each other respect each other and love each other no matter what. And besides you where the one who came here what was the point of that if you want Honey to stay away from you then you should do the same," I told him, Takashi put a hand on my shoulder and Yasuchika glared at me.
"Just because that's how your life is doesn't mean everyone elses is that way. Mitsukuni you should keep you friends under control. You need to learn your place commoner. You don't belong here." I was abut to open my mouth again when Honey stopped me.
"It's alright Misa-chan, thank you for defending me," Yasuchika left slamming the door behind him. Honey went to the window and watched him leave.
"Honey -pie, are you doing okay?" I asked him putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Honey senpai, so what should we do with this cake?" Tamaki asked holding out a piece of cake.
"I'll eat it!" He announced happily. I looked out the window watching the students go by.
"Listen up, and we'll tell you the legend of Honey Senpai, the captain of the Karate club." I heard Kaoru say, the twins began telling us the story I had heard this story before from Takashi so I went into the kitchen and began doing dishes. When I was almost done washing them the kitchen door opened, I turned to see Takashi pick up a dishtowel and begin drying the dishes.
"We do have a dishwasher you know?" He asked I nodded.
"Yes I know but I enjoy doing dishes this way it gives me something to do," I told him with a smile.
"Do you have to work Saturday night?" I shook my head.
"Free as a bird why do you ask?"
"What would you say to a night out, there is supposed to be a fair opening, would you like to come with me?" I looked at him and smiled. Then I curtsied.
"I would be honered," I smiled he back at me. We finished the dishes then went back out to see the others.
"It has been said that Honey senpai's father is the most talented fighter in the Haninozuka family's history. If I remember correctly, Honey senpai had already attained his current level of martial arts prowess, which is quite extraordinary. Well, am I right?" Tamaki asked Honey who now sat on Takashi's shoulders.
"Uh huh!" Honey nodded. I went over to the window and blocked out everyone else. My attention was brought back by Honey.
"Sometimes I think Chika-chan hates me because I'm not following the family rules." He said sadly. He jumped off of Takashi's shoulders and I picked him up hugging him tightly.
"But Honey, he can't hate you. In my opinion from what I've heard Chika-chan is just jealous, it must be hard to be compared to you, having to follow in your footsteps. He's just taking things out on others." I told him he hugged me again.
"All right, gentlemen! Time for operation, Haninozuka Brothers Reconciliation!"
"Who are you calling gentlemen?" I mumbled under my breath. We began watching Yasuchika he was in the Karate club teaching, he was strict it seemed as if he never showed his students any encouragement.
"Well, so far it looks like a simple inferiority complex." Hikaru pointed out.
"He's always being compared to Honey senpai so that's why he feels such animosity towards him. His older brother is more attractive, more popular, and a better martial artist than he is. I think he's just letting his jealousy get the best of him." Kaoru told us.
"Didn't I say smething like that earlier?" I asked no one pad any mind to my statement. The twins began running off.
"So, Honey senpai and Chika's feelings aren't exciting enough?!" Tamaki shouted stopping them.
"It's okay, Tama-chan, really." Honey said hugging Usa-chan
"But, Honey senpai..." Tamaki replied.
"It's alright. Don't worry about me. So what if Chika-Chan hates me? I would be happy just seeing him grow up to be strong and healthy. He is my brother after all." I smiled. I really wished that honey and his brother could get along but Honey doesn't seem to mind the way they are now.
"Honey-pie, if you would let me explain I think I understand where Chika-chan is coming from. He's being compared to you and he doesn't want to be, so he is trying to prove himself to everyone else in the world. He wants people to know that just because he is younger than you, doesn't mean he isn't as good as you. He's situation seemed to be similar to mine before I met you guys. I was-"
"Don't compare me to yourself Commoner. I am nothing like you. I thought I had told you to stay away from me at school, Mitsukuni! You alien, would you just leave me alone?" Yasuchika innturupted me he threw a kick at Honey, Honey just moved backwards but I don't think the kick was meant to hit in the first place. I turned and glared at Yasuchika.
"But, Chika-chan..." Honey said sadly.
"What's he mean alien?" The twins asked.
"Why would you call him that? Just because your brother is stronger than you are doesn't give you the right to call him an alien." Haruhi asked. I glared at Yasuchika.
"Yeah, why are you so upset about cake and stuffed animals?" Tamaki asked I could tell by the look on his face that he was getting a little frsterated.
"Well, if it was just about the cake and stuffed animals, I would never've said anything. Let's get this straight. I didn't call my brother an alien because he's stronger than me. Have any of you ever seen him devour an entire cake?! Don't tell me you guys think that's perfectly normal! He has three whole cakes every night for dessert! Seriously, three cakes a night! And he never gains weight!"
"So this is about cake," I summed up. "And the answer to that is simple. Honey just has a higher metabolism, he's not an alien. He just keeps in shape. Now it seems like your scared of him." I teased, I knew I was beginning to piss him off.
"And then something crazy occurred last week. I happened to wake up in the middle of the night and I noticed that the light was on in the dining room. He was eating cake in the middle of the night. Come on, be honest... You know there's no way that a regular human being can eat that much cake! Aren't you terrified?! I bet he gets signals from his home planet through that weird bunny of his! Why can't you see that he's an alien?!" That was a bit weird but so what Honey liked cake? "I don't know though... There was a time when Mitsukuni and I got along really well. While it's true that my Brother has always had a fondness for cute things and more of a sweet tooth than I have, I still respected his ability to avoid that stuff even though he loved it. And then this idiot came along and brainwashed him with some ridiculous nonsense, something about acknowledging who you really are and just being yourself. That that's true strength. Not long after that he fell apart and became the alien he is today!" Yasuchika shouted.
"Oh, I see. So all of Chika's troubles can be traced right back to you. Tamaki." The twins pointed out.
"What are you talking about?! I did'nt mean to! There's got to be someway we can fix this! Come on, you guys!" Tamaki shouted in defence. Takashi put a hand on Honey's shoulder.
"There is a way to solve this, you know." Everyone looked at him.
"You've got it figured out?" Tamaki asked hopefully.
"So Mitsukuni, you know what to do." He said
"Listen Chika-chan. I never meant to upset you. I didn't know that you hated sweets that much and I'm very sorry. Nobody can make me change who I am and I'm really grateful to Tama-chan and all of the Host Club because they've shown me that. So... let's settle this like men in the Haninozuka style, Yasuchika." Honey said seriously, suddenly we where in a giant field I couldn't even see the school. 'Since when does Ouran have a field like this?' I looked at Haruhi and she shrugged, I knew she was thinking the same thing.
"And don't forget Chika-chan. This is a 1 point match. If you win, I'll stop eating cake in the middle of the night." Honey declared.
"All right." Yasuchika responded. Takashi crossed his arms, I stood besicde him with Tamaki beside me, we all stood a good distance away from Honey and Yasuchika.
"Are you ready for battle, men? Then, you may begin!" I watched the fight
"Is it just me or is this fight turning out exactly like the one they had earlier?" Tamaki asked, but this time the roles were reversed.
"Yes, but this time, their roles are reversed." Kyoya pointed out, is he reading my mind?
"Mitsukuni's already planned how this entire fight will pan out." Takashi started.
"Yasuchika will attack with his shuriken any moment now." I told them.
"Woah, she called it!" The twin said in union.
"Uh Mori senpai, where do they hide these Shuriken?" Haruhi asked.
"Well Haruhi I hide mine in my shoe." I told her she laughed. I wasn't joking but alright. I shrugged
"I have been watching these two brothers spar for many years, and it didn't take long before I noticed that in every match Yasuchika incorporates moves that Mitsukuni used in the previous match. Mitsukuni realized it as well, and he always tries to give his brother the opportunity to practice those new techniques. He may call him an alien, but as far as martial arts are concerned, Yasuchika has a deep respect for Mitsukuni and his abilities. I think all he really wants is to be like his older brother. They are connected just as two siblings ought to be and personally I think a little sibling rivalry is perfectly normal. There's no need to worry about the outcome of this match. I can already tell you that Mitsukuni is planning to throw the fight and let Yasuchika beat him. Trust me. I know everything there is to know about him." Takashi explained.
"Defend yourself!" Honey called, then he landed a hard kick across Yasuchikas face. "Yay! I'm the winner! Cake! cake! cake! I have an idea! Since I won, I think we should start having special cake night 3 times a week!!" Honey cheered, He jumped into my arms. "Misa-chan I won I won!" I smiled at him.
"That's very good Honey-pie I will make you a special cake tomorrow all to yourself. "Yay Misa-chan's cake is the best," I noticed Takashi fall to his knees.
"Takashi? Are you alright?" I asked him, I tilted his head up with his finger, "Don't worry Takashi we all make mistakes sometimes," I smiled trying to cheer him up. I helped him to his feet. "If it makes you feel any better I can make you a lime cake when I make Honey's Strawberry cake?" I said happily. He nodded.
"Thanks that would be nice," I smiled then we all went back inside the school I felt bad for leaving Yasuchika in the field but Honey assured me he would be fine. But while the club was having their meeting I went to the office and got an ice pack it had only been five minutes so I wasn't surprised when I saw him sitting in the field.
"Yasuchika?" I asked, he looked up at me and glared.
"What do you want?" He glared.
"I just came to bring you an icepack, but if I'm insulting your pride then I can leave," I told him tossing him the icepack he caught it.
"Thanks but no thanks I'm a big boy and unlike you girls I don't need icepacks when I get hurt," He snarled. I glared.
"Wow who peed in your cereal this morning?" I mumbled.
"At least I can afford cereal," I glared.
"You know what at least I am responsible enough to make my own food, I don't have maids at my every beck and call at least I can take care of myself," I told him, before he could reply I left leaving him the icepack. I guess you cant please everyone.  

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now