†Episode 11†

537 11 1

  A busy week had passed since the Host Club visited our house, I had gotten the job at the Sushi resturant and I was working as a waitress there I had to wear a ridiculous costume but it was worth it. I had just gone on a coffee run for the Host Club on my way back I noticed a small girl walking towards the school.
"There might be a big nasty monster out here. I better hurry up and try to find my big brother." I smiled she was so adorable; I wonder who her brother was.
"Excuse me may I help you find someone?" I asked lightly touching her shoulder to get her attention she turned and looked at me.
"I'm trying to find my big brother, my big brother is a strong handsome prince, so I'm sure he'll be able to defeat a monster for me." She smiled. I smiled back at her.
"What's your big brother's name?" I asked her she put a finger on her chin. "it's alright if you don't want to tell me, I can help you find him, I just need to drop this bag off at a club, please let me help you," I smiled, kneeling so I was face to face wqith her she smiled big and nodded. She grabbed onto my hand as I led her to the Host club. Who know's maybe they will know who her brother is. We got to the room and the familiar rose petal's fell around us.
"Oh my, what an unusually young guest! Well, glad you're here... my little lost kitty cat." Tamaki asked. They were all dressed up in prince or police like uniforms who made all of these anyway? Anyhow the girl wqas staring in amazment at them.
"Little Kitty Cat, why have you come to see us today?" Tamaki asked.
"I'm back if anyone noticed, I bought a different type of coffee, on my way back I saw this young girl who was looking for her brother, any ideas on who he is? Oh that reminds me I don't know your name, my name is Misaki Fujioka," I told her smiling before I could respond she shouted at the club.
"It's a reverse harem! This is a reverse harem!" She shouted, I looked at her a bit shocked.
"That can't be right. I must have heard wrong. Maybe there's still some water in my ear from when I went swimming." Tamaki said.
"Water in the ear, that's gotta be it." Hikaru said putting his fingers in his ears.
"I'm sure we just heard her wrong. There's no way this cute little girl said the words, reverse harem. Something's going on with our ears." Kaoru said.
"There is debauchery here. Yay! There's debauchery here, isn't there? You're the glasses character. You are the boy lolita and the stoic type. Twincest. And the bookworm. Big brother? My brother's blond! You must be him!" The girl said jumping into Tamaki's arms. I held in a smirk, Haruhi's a bookworm, I am going to have some fun with this, I need to get the club back for teasing Takashi and I so much. Is Tamaki really her big brother? They do look somewhat alike
"You never told us about this!" Hikaru exclaimed.
"Since when do you have a little sister?" His brother asked just as shocked.
"I don't! I'm definitely an only child... at least as far as I know." Tamaki told us just as confused as everyone else.
"The more I look at you, the two of you do look a lot alike. You are both blond after all." I nodded in agreement.
"I want to know if glasses character's superior to big brother." Kyoya said
"But does it really matter? I can't believe she called me "bookworm"." Haruhi replied.
"What I want to know is what would I be?" I asked thinking No one replied but I saw Takashi give a small shrug.
"Excuse me, you want to tell me your name, little one?" Tamaki asked curiously.
"Kirimi!" She exclaimed.
"Kirimi-chan, I'm afraid you've made a mistake. I'm really sorry, but I don't have a younger sister." Tamaki explained, the girl began tearing up.
"Are you sure?! You're blond just like me!" She exclaimed with tears in her eyes. Outside I heard the clock chime, it chimed every hour. Wait what time was it? I had to get to work by 4:15? I looked the clock. Oh crap its' four I have to go like now! I quickly went over and grabbed my bag I made my way to the door quickly.
"Going somewhere Misaki?" Kyoya asked.
"Yeah I have somewhere to be, I'm already late, sorry to skip out on the club like this, but this is kind of an emergency and well I have to go, oh and beforte I forget I wont be able to make it to the club for a couple days," I told him.
"Where do you need to go?" Um? Should I tell them? No they will think Haruhi and I are going through money problems then maybe they will offer to help and raise our debt afterwards, no I can't let that happen.
"Not important on the place but I have to go, sorry I will find a way to make it up to you guys, bye, good luck finding your brother Kirimi," I gave her a smile, I was going to say more but I saw the time and I ran out of the club and towards the resturant. I got there just in time.
"Misaki, I thought you wouldn't come," Mr. Kumohira said when I walked in.
"Of course I came I wouldn't want to be late on my first day here, I am going to get changed," I told him he nodded. The resturant wasn't that busy, I quickly got changed and did my hair and make up then put my things in a compartment that had my name on it, there was another one that said Kurai, must be the other waitress. When I came out Mr. Kumhira clapped.
"I knew the dress would look amazing," He smiled. "Now after you get their orders take them to the cook we only have one so it should be easy, then he will give you the dish, and well you've been a waitress before you know what to do it never get busy in here so we only need two waitress's, I'm glad you applied for the job, you will meet the other waitress a bit later, anyway, I will leave you to do your job and I will be in my office if you need anything," I nodded and gave a small bow. I took out my small note pad and went to the first table. When my shift was over it was 11, my eyes were drooping but I kept smiling until I got to the back, when I was in the girls change room I saw another girl. That must be Kurai, She had long blonde hair and golden eyes she had light pink cheeks that gave her face color, she kinda reminded me of Kirimi but older, and she seemed a bit darker, in my opinion she had a bit of a Kyoya aura to her, I bet they would get along perfectly.
"Hello, I'm Misaki the new waitress," I told her holding out my hand she just looked at it with a blank face.
"I know who you are," She told me her face didn't soften. "My name is Kurai,"
"Nice to meet you," I smiled. She nodded. I could tell she didn't trust me. I grabbed my things and put everything that was in my compartment, I would change when I got home. When I went back to the room I saw someone talking to Mr. Kumohira, I recognized him but what was he doing here? I walked up to them they both looked at me.
"Ah there she is, I assume you met Kurai? This nice young man said he was looking for you do you know him?" I nodded.
"Yes and yes, what are you doing here? How did you know where I was, Kyoya?" He adjusted his glasses causing the familiar glare to shield his eyes.
"I have my sources Misaki, would you like a ride home, I assume you are finished your shift, it is pretty late," I looked around my shift was over but if Mr. Kumohira need help with anything I would stay.
"Did you need any help? I could stay longer, I really don't mind," I asked Mr. Kumohira, there was a bar at the resturant but I was a bit young to work there I honestly didn't know what I could do, part of me really didn't want to ride home with Kyoya,
"Oh no dear I am fine thank you though, you be careful, I trust your boyfriend will take good care of you," I blushed slightly.
"Oh No Mr. Kumohira I assure you Kyoya and I are not together, we are just friends," I said quickly. It came out a bit ruder than I expected. He laughed.
"Alright well you have a good night dear I will see you at 4:15 tomorrow," I nodded and walked out not bothering to wait for Kyoya.
"Misaki wait can I offer you a ride home?" Kyoya asked when we had both gotten outside.
"How did you find me? How did you know I would be here?" I asked with my fists clentched.
"I told you, please answer my question," He said calmly. He was so calm it irritated me, how did he know about the job, I hadn't said a thing? My dad maybe? No he doesn't know.
"Thanks but no thanks," I told him, I turned and began walking away. I heard the limo door open and close again then I saw the limo drive away. But I could hear footsteps behind me. I glanced behind me to see Kyoya with his hands in his pockets. "I'm a big girl I can walk home on my own," I told him.
"Obviously not after what happened last time you walked home from work. I froze.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I told him. I heard him sigh.
"Why do you hate me Misaki?" He asked I stopped and turned to looked at him my eyes were narrowed. Sure he bothered me, and as much as I hate to admit he slightly scared me. But I really don't know why. I let out a sigh.
"I don't hate you, I just don't particularly like you," I told him.
"Why would that be?" I sighed.
"I honestly don't know you just have a quality that irritates me, to tell you the truth your kinda scary to, you know everything even things that are completely personal about someone," I told him. He didn't reply.
"So I irritate and scare you and you don't know why? Personally I fell completely different about you," He said walking towards me I just looked at him.
"What do you mean?" I asked. He moved a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"You really want to know?" He asked in a voice no higher then a whisper, for once he wasn't smirking, his face showed an emotion I couldn't really discribe. Before I could respond to his question he kissed me. His lips were soft and warm. When my brain finally caught up and realized what he was doing I pulled away from the kiss.
"Kyoya I-" He let out a sigh innturupting me.
"Don't, I knew you didn't feel the same way about me, you like Mori,"
"What no I don't like Takashi but I don't like you in that way either," I told him, he moved closer to em causing me to take a step back.
"I'm smart Misaki but I don't have to be smart to see that you have strong feelings for Mori, I see it in the way you look at him, you love him even if you don't realize that, everyone knows but you, and Mori of course, he is completely clueless but you cant deny it," He said my eyes widened a bit, did I like even love Takashi? No he was just a friend, sure I had a small crush on him but who doesn't he's nice, caring, and defidently good looking. But now that I think of it, there is something different about Takashi that makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy, I felt different around him, I feel so happy around him. Maybe I did have a crush on him, but no I cant tell him. Besides he wont feel the same. "Misaki? Are you alright?" I realiseed that I had been spacing out and I looked back at Kyoya.
"Sorry what were you saying?" I asked sheepishly.
"Your sister, she was worried that you hadn't been home, I'm assuming that she doesn't know about the job, or how you have been paying rent for your father occasionally, you really have to stop keeping secrets from her, she's your sister, you twin," I sighed, I knew he was right but wasn't I aloud some of my own secrets, I really don't mind tell her things but I don't want to tell her everything, see this situation, this whatever it is that just happened, can be kept between Kyoya and I.
"I know but, I don't even know how to put it I really like having friends not having every part of my life be a secret, I love you guys the whole club is amazing, I have never had anyone be so nice to me before, I feel equal to my sister, and its' the best feeling I could ever feel, and-" I sighed. He smiled at me and nodded.
"I should get you home," I didn't reply.
"I, Kyoya you obviously know that I don't feel the same way that you do about me but could we be friends?" He smiled at me.
"I'd like that, but no matter what I stil feel the way I do about you even if you cant return my feelings," I nodded. It was still a shock that he felt this way about me he always seemed to hate me, I never would have guessed. We began walking back to the apartment I had my bag gripped tightly one question was running through my mind.
"Hey Kyoya, you know everything about everybody so what do you think Takashi thinks about me?" I asked blushing lightly.
"Now Misaki I cant tell you that, just like I didn't tell Mori when he asked," He smirked. Wait what? Takashi asked Kyoya what I thought of him? Why? Before I could ponder the question more we were at the apartment,
"Well it was a pleasure spending time with you, by the way Misaki you look beautiful I will have to take the Host Club by that resturant one day," He said. He lifted my hand and kissed it lightly. I smiled.
"Thank you for walking me home I appreciate it," He nodded.
"I will see you around school tomorrow and don't worry about not coming to the Host club, but you do realize that your siser will have to work for a longer period of time since you are working less at the club," There's the Kyoya I knew. I nodded.
"I will make it up to you guys somehow," I promised he nodded and left, I went inside to be jumped on by Haruhi, literally.
"Where were you! Why are you dressed up? Where you on a date?" She asked quickly I shook my head.
"I got a job, strangely enough this is the uniform," I laughed. She nodded I knew she was planning on getting a job in the summer.
That night my thoughts kept me awake. Why did Takashi ask Kyoya about me? Did I really like him? Did I love him? I do have a crush on him, but who wouldn't. I put my face in my pillow, why the hell is life so damn confusing! I groaned. With the questions still haunting me I fell asleep.
The next day after school I was on my way to work when I began hearing footsteps behind me, I got a bit paniked but when I glanced behind me I noticed a familiar person, she wore an Ouran uniform and she had a blank expression on her face. I stopped and waited for her to catch up.
"Kurai, hello, do you remember me? I work with you, I'm assuming that your headed there now," I said smiling, I hadn't been bullied in a while and everything was going great, well the questions still raced through my mind but I was trying to ignore them for the moment.
"Again I know who you are, your first year Misaki Fujioka, Twin sister to Haruhi Fujioka, you work at the Host Club, and you dislike Ayanokoji, your mother passed away and your father is a cross dresser," I looked ta her with a shocked expression my mouth hung open a bit as she walked passed me. Alright was she stalking me? Ok harsh Misaki. I am beginning to believe her and Kyoya were perfect for each other.
"Alright, you know quiet a bit about me, but all I know is your name and were you work, hell I don't even know your full name, so Kurai what's your last name?" I asked catching up to her.
"Nekozawa," That name it sounded familiar. I was going to say something else when she stopped and looked at me catching me a bit by surprise, she didn't look emotionless but confused, slightly angry, sad and disappointed. "Are you and Kyoya Oootori dating? And if you aren't why did yu kiss yesterday? How do you feel about him?" She asked.
"Um, so you saw that, no we aren't dating, I see Kyoya as nothing more then a friend, I told him that yesterday, I think I like someone else," She let out a sigh of relief, wait a second? Did she like Kyoya? I fought a smirk that threatened to replace my confused face.
"You think you like someone else? Are you sure you don't like Kyoya, cause we may have a problem if you do, why did he kiss you?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. This was almost a completely different person from the person I just met. But she pretty much admitted that she liked Kyoya.
"Yes I think I like someone else, I am positive that it is not Kyoya we are just friends and like I told him yesterday there's a quality to him that just creeps me out, I wont tell anyone your secret, I promise," I smirked, I walked passed her and she followed, I noticed her face was slightly pink. She cleared her throat.
"I don't have feelings for Kyoya, I can promise you that," I smirked caught red handed.
"I never sad you did," I replied smartly she turned even redder but continued to walk beside me, "So you go to Ouran but you also work did you get a scholarship like my brother and I?" I asked.
"No I just go to work to pass the time, my family can get pretty stressful anything to be out of the house, I love them and all but my younger sister doesn't really understand boundries," She said putting a hand on her head. I nodded. "I've never really seen you around I've only heard rumors and other information about you," She pointed out. Wait rumors? What kind of rumors?
"Oh I see, so what grade are you?"
"Second year," She replied as we approached the resturant, I noticed she had become more emotionless. We entered the resturant to be greeted by Mr. Kumohira, I went to the washroom and changed then went to the changing rom and put my things in the cubby, Kurai was also changed and ready to work. At the end of the night I went and got changed into my school uniform. I would leave my work uniform here so I didn't have to take it back and forth. When I went back out front I noticed Kurai waiting by the door.
"Hey Kurai, who are you waiting for?" I asked giving her a wave.
"You actually I was wondering if you wanted a ride home," I nodded.
"That would be great, I was also wondering would you like to hang out after school? You can come visit the Host Club," She seemed a bit nervous as we left the building,
"Um I don't know if I can,"
"Come on it will give you a chance to get to know Kyoya," I said poking her in the shoulder. I noticed that she was getting into a limo I got in after her and shut the door. She was quiet, the silence stayed for a good 10 minutes.
"Alright," She said plainly.
"Alright?" I asked a bit confused, what had we been talking about?
"I will go with you to the Host Club, not to see Kyoya, I am only going because you're a friend," She said plainly her eyes narrowed slightly. I looked at her a bit shocked.
"A friend?" I asked.
"Yes we are friends aren't we?" She asked she seemed a bit confused now, wait were we friends? I mean I had basically just met this girl, we did seem to get along, she was a bit Kyoya like but I understood she didn't trust me, now that I think of it we could be really good friends. I was snapped out of my thoughts by her waving her hand in my face, "First off were here, second of all we are friends right?" She asked calmly. I gave her a smile.
"Yeah we are, thank for the ride home, I will see you tomorrow alright? How about I meet you at music room three?" She nodded and I ledfgt going up to the apartment.
"Hey how was work?" Haruhi asked when I got in, her and dad sat at the table drinking tea.
"Your working!! Why? I can support both of you perfectly fine you don't need to work!" Dad shouted I shrugged him off.
"You know what it was good, I met a friend, how was the club?" Haruhi shrugged,
"We found Kirimi's Brother turns out it was Nekozawa, they also have another sibling," That's when it struck me, I tuned Haruhi out, not on purpose of course. Nekozawa I knew that name sounded familiar. Nekozawa was the guy obsessed with cats, the one who the twins got their cursed doll from.
"Kurai Nekozawa," I said outloud, Haruhi looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah that's her name how did you know?" She asked curoiously.
"She works with me, she's the friend I was telling you about, she's really nice once you get to know her, and in my opinion her and Kyoya are like two pea's in a pod," Suddenly Haruhi let out a girly squeel and hugged me, dad wrapped his arm around both of us, then it hit me that Haruhi wasn't the one to squeel it was dad. He hugged us both tightly.
"MY LITTLE GIRL FOUND A FRIEND! MY LITTLE MISA HAS FRIENDS!!!!!!" He cheered I sweatdropped of course I had friends.
"What dad means to say is that you found a friend on your own, without my help, well what I mena to say is that, it wasn't someone I met first you met them on your own," She said tripping over her words, I smiled at them both and hugged them back. I loved my family, my life, nothing can go wrong now.  

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now