†Episode 14†

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Summer came and my dad told Haruhi and I that we would be working in Karuizawa at his friend's bed and breakfast, I didn't have much of a choice but to tell my boss that I wouldn't be able to work there for the summer, he agreed to let me go for the summer and come back next year to the same job. Kurai was saddened to see me go, but she said that she to was going to Karuizawa for summer vacation with her family. I hadn't told any of the hosts where I was going, only because Haruhi hadn't wanted me to but I did manage to let Takashi know, he promised to visit. It was three days into summer vacation and I hadn't heard a word from anyone in the hsot club. I had told Takashi that I would text him but I never got around to it, man I feel like a lousy girlfriend. Misuzu had been working me to the bone in greeting everyone she made Haruhi and I different outfits mine was a full on maid uniform though.
"Thank you. Have a nice day." Haruhi and I said in sync.
"Hi, good morning!" I greeted. Who would've thought working in a bed and breakfast could be the ideal way to spend my summer? I thought to myself, I knew Haruhi was thinking the same.
"Oh Misaki!" Misuzu-chi called.
"Yes? Did you need something Misuzu-chi?" I asked politely.
"Oh your so cute!" He hugged me tightly then continued, "I need you to run into town and get a pakage from the post office for me," I nodded, "Thank you come back soon you have lots of customers to greet!" I left the bed and breakfast and began walking into town; halfway there I saw a helicopter fly overhead. It flew rather close to the ground. I saw a patch of blode through the window, Please tell me those aren't our idiots. I thought to myself. I picked up the package, when I arrived back at the bed and breakfast I heard Misuzu-chi yelling at someone. I saw Tamaki fixing a fence and Honey sat beside him eating cake.
"You there! No complaining! 3 point deduction!" Tamaki hit his finger with a hammer. I walked up to them.
"The pain, the pain." Tamaki whined.
"No whining, either. That'll be another 3. You, think that's not gonna change my mind." Misuzu-chi demanded, refresher points?
"Tamaki? Honey-pie?" I asked they both looked up and Honey jumped on me.
"Misa-chan! I missed you why didn't you tell me you would be here!" He shouted. "You look so cute in that dress!" He called. I moved the package so it didn't get destroyed.
"Thank you, what are you guys doing here? Is Takashi here to?" I asked curiously.
"We were worried about you guys, Tama-chan was panicked when you didn't answer your phones so we came here to save you from danger, now we are fighting over the one room left in the hotel," Honey explained. I nodded.
"Alright good luck Honey-pie I'm rooting for you, Tamaki did you need help with the-"
"Misaki your back I need you to go entertain our guests would you please?" I heard Misuzu-chi ask.
"That's me I've got to go you guys, bye good luck," I waved and went inside I gave the package to Misuzu-chi and went over to the piano. Without saying a word I began to play, Misuzu-chi complained last time that my music was beautiful but depressing so I played something happier Hare Hare Yukai () People clapped and I noticed the host club had stopped to watch, I began to play another song, this one was for Takashi, I wrote it a while ago only I knew the lyrics. I got a big smile when I played it, it was called 'I Like You, I Love You," () when I finished I stood up and bowed politely people clapped and I went by the club.
"That was great Misaki, it was much happier and upbeat than last time, how about at night you play more beautiful songs and saddening to make everyone tired and in the mornings and afternoons you play songs just like you did, can you manage Misaki? I'm counting on you!" I nodded.
"That sounds great," I replied happily, I gave Takashi a small smile and he returned it.
"What do you boys think of Misaki's outfit, I made this one myself to!" Misuzu-chi bragged, they all gave a thumb up. "So Misaki which one of these boys is yours? Come on one of them has to be with you," She teased, I turned bright red, I saw Takashi blush to but he hid it well.
"Misuzu-chi where woud I find your restroom?" Takashi asked politely. Misuzu-chi squeeled.
"So polite, Misaki show him to the restroom please," I nodded I motioned for Takashi to follow me, the second I turned the corner into an empty hallway Takashi stopped me. I turned to him and he gentle kissed me before I could talk. After a while we pulled away.
"I was worried, you didn't text me," He said rubbing my cheek with his thumb I blushed lightly.
"I'm sorry Misuzu-chi has been working me to the bone," He nodded.
"We will be here for a while, how about we go somewhere," I nodded happily.
"When?" He smirked.
"I'll surprise you," I nodded I showed him to the washroom then went back to the others. I can't wait for my date with Takashi.
"We've been expecting you! Although we weren't expecting you to be so young and pretty." The twins said running passed me with two guests. I went downstairs and began greeting the guests.

"Oh, Mori, the legs on this table are wobbly. Would you be a dear (and) fix it up back please?" I heard Misuzu-chi ask I turned to see Takashi pick up a table.
"Sure thing." Takashi replied I smiled.
"Nothing wasted in word or deed! Five refresher points." I still didn't get the whole refresher point thing but thankfully Haruhi asked so I didn't have to.
"So, what's a refresher point?"
"Haruhi, what do you think guests are after when they come all the way out to vacation in Karuizawa? Misaki do you know?" I went over to them.
"Let's see... The nice weather?" Haruhi guessed.
"Fresh air?" I asked.
"Exactly! Refreshing air, refreshing scenery, and refreshingly gorgeous young men! And now thanks to your friends on a little contest, my pension will earn a reputation for being the premiere hot spot for vacationers such a finest eye candy Karuizawa can offer." Misuzu-chi explained. I went back to welcoming people into the Hotel. I showed them to their rooms if the twins had'nt done it first. I watched some of the guest's fawn of Takashi as he cut wood outside, I was a bit jealous but I didn't blame them.

When the evening came Tamaki had played a piano solo to try and inpress Misuzu-chi. But I heard Misuzu-chi announce that the twins had won.
"Congrats, you guys." Haruhi and I said together.
"Oh, it was nothing really." They said together, I rolled my eyes. The host club was saying goodbye, well all except Kaoru and Hikaru. The next morning I had gotten up early to serve the customers, I let Haruhi sleep in late for the morning. The twins had come down the stairs complaining, apparently Hiakru had kicked Kaoru off the bed and now Kaoru's back hurt. They both sat at a table and called me over without looking at the menu.
"Get us some breakfast, please. I'll have two pieces of [baked/Beget] toast with clarified butter and garnet seal syrup." Hikaru told me.
"I'll take poached eggs with bacon and a bowl of whole grained cereal.
The kind with those little pieces of dried fruit in it."
"Those aren't on the menu, guys, come on-" I started before I could finish Tamaki innturupted me, when the hell did they get here?
"Behave! Just who in the world do you think you are? Acting like members of some privileged aristocracy on holiday!" Tamaki shouted.
"We are aristocracy."
"So are you, boss." The twins pointed out. Then I remembered that Tamaki had come in earlier this morning, he had been in the kitchen all morning with Misuzu-chi.
"You are missing the whole point of travel. 'When in Rome do as the Romans do.' That's what I say. Take a look at this. Karuizawa cuisine fit for a king. Cold pasteurized Jersey steaks, fresh juice, highland vegetables, smoked salmon cooked over cherrywood, the local pride, I might add. And last but not least, freshly baked breads with homemade jam. Bon appetit." Tamaki said taking out a giant plate of food. I walked away because I noticed someone at the door it was a young boy who looked familiar, and then I realized that he was in my middle school he had a huge crush on Haruhi, I was ashamed to say that I had a small crush on him.
"Good morning, Arai Produce!" He said handing me a box of fruits.
"Good morning to you! Working boy ay? A high schooler?" Misuzu-chi said appearing beside me.
"Yes, ma'am. I'm helping out my uncle shop for the Summer," He said.
"How refreshing! Misaki, would you put these in the refrigerator for me? Oh and please wake up Haruhi, She's wasting the day away," Misuzu-chi exclaimed.
"Okay." I replied I turned to come face to face with Haruhi. "Haruhi your awake, I was just about to wake you up," I told her.
"Haruhi Fujioka?" Arai asked.
"Hey, Arai?" Haruhi replied.
"Who might you be?" He asked me. I sighed.
"Nobody important, I have a job to do, excuse me," I said with slight anger. I turned and walked to the kitchen.
"What did I do?" I heard him ask. I put all the fruit away, and then went out to continue to serve the guests, Hikaru was the first since he was whinning to get Haruhi's attention.
"Hey, Haruhi! Don't you think you should be working? You shouldn't be slacking off!" Hikaru called to her, I grabbed the glass from his hand and refilled it.
"There's a better way to get her attention Hikaru," I told him bitterly. He looked a bit shocked btu then he glared coldly at me.
"Wow, who knew you Ouran guys were so funny? You know, it's such a prestigious school. I've always imagined that it was a whole different world." Arai exclaimed happily.
"It's a different world, all right." I told him.
"Who is she anyway?" He asked. I sighed again, I went to school with this guys for three years and I was with Haruhi and him when they hung out and he still doesn't remember me. What ever, I don't even care anymore, it just bugs me.
"She's my twin sister I'm surprised you don't remember her," Haruhi laughed.
"To be honest with you, Fujioka, I was kinda worried you were gonna have a hard time going to such an elite school. I'm glad to see you're doing well. I mean, it's not like I was the only one who was worried about you. Lots of people were." He said blushing I completely tuned them out. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Takashi looking down on me.
"Are you alright?" He nodded.
"Uh, yeah It's a long story, I'll tell you later," I told him. When I walked passed him I bumped his shoulder playfully. "Love you," I told him quietly. He was going to answer but I had walked away.
I continued to do my job and I skipped my break, no one really noticed that I wasn't with them except for Takashi and Honey. Hikaru had a giant fit because of all the attention Haruhi was giving Arai, the twins world is so small, such a shame that they can't open up. But who am I to talk?
"I'm really sorry, Arai." Haruhi said, we were all outside saying goodbye to Arai, Hiakru and Kaoru still hadn't come out of their room.
"It's okay. I don't know what I did, but whatever it was, it sure seemed to set him off, huh?" Kaoru suddenly came out the door he was dressed like Hikaru though.
"Hika-chan." Honey said softly. I was holding him in my arms, Takashi stood beside me as we watched everything play out.
"I was out of line. I'm sorry." Kaoru said nervously, Arai just smiled at him.
"Thanks, don't worry about it. Well see you soon, Fujioka. Bye, guys."
"Bye-bye!" Honey said happily.
"So Kaoru. Tell me why you're pretending to be Hikaru. Hey, what happened to that scratch on your cheek?"
"I just covered it up with some concealer. I don't think Hikaru's temper is gonna let up anytime soon. He's no fun when he's like this, so I've got a small favor to ask of you. How would you like to go out with me tomorrow on a date?" Haruhi agreed. i smiled, Haruhi and Kaoru thats so cute, I looked over at Tamaki who was frowning i frowned to I suppose this was going to be different most of us didn't expect this to happen we all expected Haruhi and Tamaki to get together but I guess... Not. We all went back inside and Kaoru went back up to his room, Tamaki went to the backyard while Haruhi continued working and the others talked. I was still waitressing It was starting to get dark and Tamaki still sat outside, I went into the kitchen and got a hot chocolate. I took it outside to Tamaki. I sat down beside him and handed him the cup. He looked up and confusion was written across his face, He took the cup.
"Thanks," We sat in silence for a while.

*Takashi's POV*

Haruhi had just agreed to go out with Kaoru then she went back to work. Misaki continued working but I saw her glance at Tamaki, he was sitting outside. it was starting to get dark and I'm assuming cold.
"Is Tama-chan alright Takashi?" Mitsukuni asked frowning. Kyoya answered before I could.
"Tamaki should be fine he is probably confused, I suppose one of us should go see if he's alright," He sighed, he continued to write in his book. "But it looks like Misaki has that covered," We all looked over to where Tamaki was even Haruhi who had just sat down and joined us. We saw Misaki sit down beside him and pass him a cup of something. Then I noticed everyone look at me, I shrugged. I had gotten a little worried that they figured out that Misaki and I were together but no one said anything and how could they know? I shrugged it off and took a sip of the iced tea I was drinking. we all watched as Misaki and Tamaki started to talk, Tamaki nodded and jumped up after putting his drink down beside him he had a giant smile on his face, he grabbed Misa's hand and pulled her to her feet. I saw her smile and nod. What the hell was going on? Then she waved and came back inside, Tamaki followed. I couldn't help but feel a small feeling of jealousy, but also I was happy because I knew that I was dating her, even if no one else knew we knew. And I was happy that I had someone who could make everyone happy with just a couple words. I really did love her.

*Misaki's POV*
I sat with Tamaki in silence until I heard him let out a long, deep sigh.
"Tamaki?" I asked hesitantly. " Are you alright?"
"I dont know Misa, I'm just confused and I really dont know why but I was hurt when Haruhi agreed to go on a date with Kaoru and so carelessly," I let out a laugh.
"Tamaki Haruhi is generally a caring, oblivious person, to her you think of her as just a friend and she's alright with that, but everyone else in the world besides the nitwit people in our school who think shes a girl know that you two are practically meant for each other, your both so confused about your feelings towards each other and you just dont know what to do about it so your pushing it aside, but now that Haruhi has agreed to go on a date with Kaoru that part of you that has feelings for her is starting to show itself, now I dont know if you like her or not but I know that part of you even if it's just a little bit thinks that you and Haruhi are meant for each other, and Haruhi is an amazing girl and if you want something t happen between the two of you, you have to take action, he put his cup down and sprang to his feet smiling,
"That's it Misa your brilliant!" He said pulling me to my feet. I smiled.
"Glad i could help,"
"I have the perfect idea, thank you Misa! then he began to calm own a bit, but you know you should take your own advice, we all know that you have feelings for Takashi, do something about it," He winked and blushed. I couldn't let him know that Takashi and i were together I promised.
"Takashi and I are just friends," I told him.
"Whatever you say," I went back inside after grabbing Tamaki's now finished cup of hot chocolate. I put it in the back and took off my apron since my shift was over. Tamaki had sat down with everyone else, including Haruhi. I waved goodbye then went up to my room, i lay down on the bed and quickly fell asleep, I couldn't help but wonder what Tamaki's big plan was. Oh well that was a thought for another day.

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now