†Episode 13†

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"Wow Ayanokoji did all that to you, just because you get to hang out with the guys in the club? She really is a bitch, I mean I always knew that but I didn't know she was that bad," Kurai told me. It had been about two weeks since her and I had becom friends, exactly 9 days since Takashi and I had gotten together, we had gone on our first date Saturday and we had another one this Saturday. I hadn't told anyone neither had he. He hadn't even told Mitsukuni, which slightly surprised me.

"Anyway, have you spoken to Kyoya since you saw him at the club?" I asked her taking a drink of water.
"Yes actually I have, we talk to the hallways whenever we see each other," I smiled at her.
"So you think he likes you?" She shook her head.
"Honestly no, I don't, he can have anyone in the school and knowing him he would want someone unique not like me, I am as normal as they come, I really do like him, but I don't want to force him to like me," I nodded she had a point the Host club boys probably had girls making them like them all the time she had a much better chance if she didn't do that, guys want what they cant have. As if reading my mind she replied. "I am going to make it so that he wants me by implying he cant have me, hopfully it works but Kyoya is different from other guys so maybe it wont, I just need a plan and that's all I have for now," She said in a determined voice.
"Alright you two breaks over," Mr. Kumohira called then we got back to work.

The next day I had convinced Kurai to go to the Host Club, I was working so she was sitting quietly drinking tea. We were all in the courtyard today.
"Wow I've never noticed that the courtyard had such a lovely stream." A customer cooed,
"It's called a yarimizu channel. It is said that during the Heian era, people would better experience the seasons by watching the petals or autumn leaves that drifted along the water. I had it specially made for all of you, hoping it would express my desire to spend all four seasons with you. So, then what do you say, ladies? This fall, there's an autumn leave's tea party with a limited number of invitations." Kyoya told them
"Oh, sign me up!" The replied happily, I saw him turn to Kurai.
"What about you Miss. Nekozawa?"
"I don't want to come, it sounds stupid," She replied taking another sip of tea. I saw Kyoya frown. Maybe her plan would work after all.
"Haruhi, duck!" I turned to see Haruhi be trampled by Tamaki, they both fell to the ground Tamaki was practically standing on her. I ran over to them.
"Hikaru! You came this close to snuffing out the light of Haruhi's life." Tamaki shouted. I helped Haruhi up, and she brushed of her outfit. I was in a traditional kimono, since it was sort of a feudal japan theme.
"Hey, it's your fault for not catching the ball in the first place, boss." Hikaru shrugged Kaoru mimicked his twin.
"Yeah, who knew he'd be so bad at kemari? So much for him being the Genji of Ouran academy."
"What?" He shouted.
"You think so? Well, check this out! Starlight Kick!!" Tamaki shouted kicking the ball like a soccerball. The ball flew out of the courtyard with the twins bidding it goodbye. I brought more of the customer's food and refilled their cups with tea. That was when I noticed it hadn't gone out of the courtyard but it hit a window,
"Tamaki you broke a window!" I told him. He followed my gaze to the broken window.
"Oh my god!" Kyoya sighed.
"Tamaki take Misaki and go apologize to them, Kaoru, Hikaru go with them you had something to do with this, the club end moment tarilly so we will join you four soon," We all nodded I gave Kurai a small wave she waved back, then we went up to the room with the broken window, I noticed that it had been the newspaper club. Of course Tamaki had hit their president in the head.
"Really, we're terribly sorry about that." Tamaki exclaimed. "Misaki if you could please clean it up," I nodded and began to clean up the glass.
"Don't worry. It's no big deal. Could've happened to anyone, right? Just a ball flying through a window and hitting me upside the head." The president told us, someone held an icepack to his head.
"Please accept our apology." Tamaki bowed.
"Well, this works out perfectly. I was just thinking about approaching the host club about a cover story. I don't suppose you'd be interested." I raised my eyebrow, a cover story?
"I didn't know we had a newspaper club." I said
"It's more gossip rag than newspaper." Hikaru told me holing one of them up.
"Yeah, like a trashy tabloid. It's filled with stories about scandalous love affairs, family power struggles, and junk like that." Kaoru continued.
"It's just a lame gossip rag that specializes in stirring up scandal." Hikaru shrugged until finally they both finished.
"And everyone knows it's all lies, so nobody reads it any more."
"You know, I guess we have kind of lost sight of the truth because we've been so worried about drawing more in readers. It's a shame we're just now realizing our error. Now that the paper is at risk. We finally realize what we should have been reporting to the students of Ouran. Help us, please. For our last paper of this semester, we'd like to do an up-close special edition revealing the charms of Ouran's host club members. I'm begging you. Without your help, our club will close." The president explained I saw Tamaki's face an immediately guessed his reaction. It's just like him to believe in a good sob story.
"You can count on us. On behalf of the host club, I..."
"We'll have to decline." Kyoya cut in, I looked at him a bit confused
"But Kyoya, he got hurt because of me! What's the big deal?" Tamaki exclaimed, I gave a small unnoticeable nod, but at the same time I was technically part of the club and I didn't want them to know more about me then they had to and right now they knew all they had to, too much thanks to Anayokoji.
"Sorry, we have a policy prohibiting us from sharing any personal information with anyone other than our guests. But we'd be more than happy to pay any medical expenses related to your injury." He explained.
"And another thing. What makes you think we'd want to help you spread more rumors and gossip? We've got a reputation to uphold. And you'd just ruin it." Kaoru pointed out.
"Besides, you guys cause a lot of trouble for other people. And who'd want to get mixed up with that?" The twins had a pont.
"I understand. Well, I guess you really can't erase the sins of the past can you? People won't even give you the opportunity to try and redeem yourself. , Aah!! My head is killing me." What a sob story! The president began over analyzing his injury one second it hurts, then he's fine, then it hurts, then he's fine.
"No, you don't have to! You can always make a fresh start. We'll help. We will rally the power of our host club, and we can re-establish the newspaper club together!" tamaki exclaimed He is so damn gullible!
"Well count us out." The twins exclaimed taking Haruhi out of the room. "You're way too trusting, boss. We can't just go along with everything you do forever."
"Yeah, we've had enough."
"We're leaving too, Tamaki. We're holding an evaluation meeting, mostly about you." Kyoya announce I wasn't going to leave without at least trying to convince Tamaki to leave with us but Takashi picked my up and threw me over his shoulder, we were almost out, when Tamaki stopped us.
"Hold it! How can you be so heartless? These men are about to lose their club. Don't you feel sorry for them? Their family is breaking up! As your president, I demand you help them! And that is a direct order!"
"We're not going to do it!" The twins and Kyoya shouted.
"Well, he's obviously upset with us." Hikaru pointed out,
"Yeah, he hasn't even changed clothes."
"I hate it when he ignores us when we're right in front of him. He's such a child." Kyoya stated, we were back in the music room and Tamaki was playing with the ball.
"A club is like a family. Their family is about to be broken up." I looked at Tamaki, he does have a point even if they aren't a real family I would still be upset if my family broke up, what's the worst that could happen by helping them anyway. I approached Tamaki and sat in front of him he looked at me.
"I'll help you Tamaki, I wouldn't want someone to break up the host club's family," Tamaki looked at me and nodded.
"What about you, Honey senpai?" I heard Haruhi ask. Honey shook his head and took another bite of cake.
"Count me out. I have this cake to eat. And Takashi sticks with me, right?" Takashi looked at me for a moment then turned back to Honey, and shrugged. I looked at Tamaki and nodded, puppy dog eyes time.
"Misaki, I oh no not Misa's puppy dog eyes!" Hikaru cried. We had The twins and Haruhi convinced now all that's left is Kyoya, Honey and Takashi. I went over to Honey and Takashi and looked at them with puppy dogs eyes.
"Please?" I said quietly. Honey jumped on me.
"Alright Takashi and I will help," I nodded and smiled then looked at Kyoya.
"There will be some conditions. The outline for their article will be submitted by us. Interviews are strictly prohibited. And it is vital that our clients' identities be kept confidential.
Do we agree?" Kyoya asked everyone agreed. If this backfires were in so much trouble. I went with Kyoya to explain to them the conditions.
"Of course. If you'll allow us to cover you, we promise to observe your conditions."
"Well then, you may start tomorrow." Kyoya replied.
"Excellent." The president exclaimed calmly.
"So how is that bump on your forehead feeling?" I asked. Kyoya nodded at me and I took out the First aid kit we brought
"Oh, that. It's no big deal. I hardly feel it any more. I owe a lot to this bump, because without it we'd never have come together for this article."
"That's true, but we're still very sorry it happened. I've brought you a little something as an apology of sorts. This is a first-aid kit, made by my family's company." Kyoya told him taking the first aid kit from me and setting it in front of the president,
"Thank you. I appreciate it." I gave a slight bow and Kyoya and I went to leave.
"No problem. Please excuse us"
"Oh, it just dawned on me. Your family runs the Otori group, right? They manufacture medical equipment, don't they?" The president asked Kyoya and I stopped and I looked back and forth at the two.
"We mostly deal with hospital management." Kyoya replied.
"I am so glad that we'll been working together. My father is a president as well, of the Komatsuzawa publishing firm." The president boasted.
"Yes, I am well aware of that. So, being president of the newspaper club is your way of preparing to take over the family company?"
"Well, yes, to an extent. But I have this younger brother. He is a bright young man, and my father is very proud of him, you see. So now my father's decided to turn future management of the company over to my younger brother. Thereby passing over me, the eldest son, first-born. However, if I'm able to finish my third year at Ouran academy as the president of a successful newspaper club, I think he may reconsider my candidacy as his successor. Do you understand? I cannot allow this club to fall apart, no matter what." So that's why he's doing this. I turned and glared at him, he was using us. That's how it seemed to me anyway. If he ruins our reputation there will be hell to pay. I was about to open my mouth and tell him that when Kyoya grabbed my wrist and dragged me out.
"Please excuse us" The second we got into the hallway I turned to Kyoya.
"You do realize their using us, I shouldn't have agreed to help them, they only want popularity," I told Kyoya quietly he nodded.
"I understand more then you know Misaki, I have a plan in mind," I only nodded, it better be one hell of a plan Kyoya.

The next day we went outside we played a game called The Daruma doll fell over, kinda like red light green light in my opinion, Tamaki turned his back and we would walk towards him evertime he fished saying The Daruma doll fell over he would look and us and we wouldn't be able to move.
"The Daruma doll fell over! The Daruma doll fell over! The Daruma doll fell over! The Daruma doll fell over! The Daruma doll fell over! The Daruma doll fell over! I saw you move, Hikaru and Kaoru..." I sat out along with Kyoya, I was laying down looking at the sky not interested in the game at all. It was a commoners game one I never got to take part in becuae I was never liked they would say that they already had to many people, so you'd figure I would want to play but now I just found it stupid. I was the one who told Kyoya about the game after he told me his plan. Tamaki being Tamaki immediately wanted to play the game once we told him, he cancelled lub activities to play.
"President, what on earth are we witnessing?" Someone asked
"Could it be some kind of new religion?"
"Why are you asking me? How the hell should I know?" The president asked.
"You know, I can't blame you for being shocked. I was unfamiliar with it myself. But it's a commoners' game. They have a wide variety. And none of them requires spending any money. All you need is a few friends to play with." Tamaki explained to them.
"And what does this have to do with our coverage of the host club?" President asked, I sighed and closed my eyes. I
"You need to learn friendliness. If you want to clear the negative reputation of the newspaper club and attempt to capture the hearts of your readers, you must try to be more down to earth. I can just imagine the headlines now. The handsome boys of the host club enjoy commoners' games. With pictures of us frolicking in the scenery of early summer, it will be the perfect facelift for your front page and it gives you the chance to show that two certain commoner's are happier now reliving their childhood here with us! You two did play this game as children right?" Tamaki asked, I wasn't quiet sure how to respond, Kyoay looked at me telling me to lie to avoid the newspaper club asking more questions.
"Of course Haruhi and I played it with our friends all the time," I lied smoothly; I could tell that they had all caught my lie, but no one asked any questions. I don't know if the newspaper club caught on though,
"You're Fujioka, right? You wouldn't mind if I asked you a few questions, would you?" The President asked Haruhi. I was sure to listen intentely. I was still lying in the same position and I had closed my eyes again.
"Um, Sure." Haruhi responded.
"So, why did you join the host club?"
"Well, um honestly I joined because I was forced to."
"You are an honor student on a scholarship, correct?"
"Yeah, I am."
"So in other words, the fact that you're a member of this club is just another example of how the Suou family loves to flaunt their power." He must have really had something against Tamaki.
"Say what?"
"Now if you would, please tell me all about Tamaki's dark side. If you can help me out here, I just might be able to set you free."
"Sorry, but as far as I can tell, he doesn't have a dark side."
"That can't be right? You expect me to believe that a group of high schoolers actually enjoys playing these childish games?"
"I don't think it's that weird."
"You've gotta be kidding me." Suddenly the twins dragged Haruhi away
"Chop!" They shouted, I sighed. They began playing games again, Tamaki kicked a can and it ended up hitting the President in the head, I sighed and went over to him as everyone else ran to hide.
"Damn it. I refuse to put up with his shenanigans any longer. You pay for this, Tamaki Suoh."
"What do you have against Tamaki?" I asked him. The three looked at me. "No wait let me figure this out, I'll help you to the nurses office," They all shook their heads and began walking away, Kyoya looked at them and smirked still while counting then he gave me a nod, I knew what to do. I would follow them see that their next move was and that was what I did. I made sure not to get myself caught; we had gone in the school and upstairs.
"Misaki what are you doing?" I heard someone ask, I jumped and turned to see Kurai, I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.
"Shh I'm spying I'm afraid that now you've found me you have to come with me, come on but be quiet I will explain everything later," She didn't reply she only sighed.
"I'm writing the article." I heard the president exclaim.
"But wait, Mr. President." The other two called.
"It's too dangerous to write gossip about Suou. You don't have any evidence, sir." They went through the door to the newspaper club the twins would be there. I quickly went with Kurai who hadn't made a sound, I stood behind them by the door leaning against it casually, and Kurai leaned against the other side. I crossed my arms across my chest.
"So we were right all along." Kaoru said with a smirk.
"You, two." The president gasped.
"Well, I guess it was pretty obvious." Hikaru told them
"The boss is the only one who hasn't caught on yet. He can be really dense when it pertains to anything about himself." Kaoru looked at Kurai still smirking then to me. So this was the dark side of the Hitachiin twins.
"I should warn you. If you threat him, there will be consequences." Hikaru warned.
"Are you ready to have the Hitachiins and every other club members' family as your enemy?" Kaoru taunted.
"More like are you ready to have the club as an enemy," I asked they turned around shocked.
"I knew it. You're nothing but his lackeys. Tamaki's holding his parents' power over all of you." He turned back to the twins I scoffed.
"Please Tamaki's not that kind of guy," I told him.
"We don't hang out with Tama-chan because of his parents. We love him. We all like being around him and that's why we choose to be here." I heard Honey say, He stood slightly in front of me and Takashi stood directly beside me I tried not to look surprised. Kyoya sat on one of the stacks of newspapers, how the hell did he get here before us? Oh well,
"He may be a hopeless idiot, but even so..." Kyoya adjusted his glasses.
"Well?" Hikaru asked
"What will you do?"
"Please leave Tama-chan alone, okay?"
"I'll get you all. It's not just about him anymore. I'll write an article that'll ruin all of you! Fujioka you already have a bad reputation in this school, Anayokoji made sure of that, it should be easy to say that you are dragging the famous host club down with you,"
"Hey don't bring the past into this Anayokoji is a liar Misaki is a goos person, I strongly believe that all Anayokoji said was a lie!" Kurai defended, wow she really was my friend, I mean I never doubted that but she just proved it.
"Go ahead. Write what ever you please. Although, what do you think we should do about this little disk? You see, it's been here since yesterday and it recorded everything." Kyoya explained I couldn't help but smirk, you always know more then any of us Kyoya.
"Just give up already." The other two pleaded I never did learn their names. The president fell to his knees.
"Let me explain it to you in terms you can understand. You would do well to remember that the Otori group and the Hitachiin family alone own enough stock to remove your father from his position as president of the Komatsuzawa publishing firm. However, we would never do something like that. We are not like you. What we strive for is fundamentally different." Kyoya explained.
"We should go find Haruhi and Tamaki," They all nodded in agreement and we left. "Kyoya if it's alright with you kurai and I will wait for you and the group to find Haruhi and Tamaki," I asked he looked at Kurai and nodded. We both went our separate ways, I went to the clubroom with Kurai I brought her some cake and we sat down I explained what had happened and why I was spying on the newspaper club. Which really wasn't needed but hey I wanted to do something to.
"Well then that explains a lot," I nodded.
"So is the Suoh family really that much of a big deal?"
"Well, the foundation of their business lies in corporate finance. But they do have some extensive real estate as well. You've heard of the Roy Grand Hotel and the Outo Theatre. They also have a hand in other things, like school management, for example.' She explained.
"I never knew that to be honest with you, which school do they manage," She gave me a look as if asking if I had been under a rock my whole life.
"Your kidding right?" I shook my head. "Ouran academy. You've been here long enough that you should at least know what the chairman of the school board's name is."
"Wow that's shocking, I had no idea, no wonder that guy hated Tamaki," She nodded, moments later the Host club showed up. "Hey guys want some cake,"
"Sure Misa-chan," I went to the kitchen and began cutting into the different slices of cake, the door opened and I turned to see Takashi,
"Hey," I said my cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.
"Hey, thought you might need some help and," He lifted my chin with his finger and kissed me lightly, I kissed back and moments later we pulled away.
"You should help out in the kitchen more often," I smiled. He gave me a small smile back.
"Gladly," I gave him two pieces of cake and I put the rest on a tray, we took them out to the main room giving everyone their cake, we all talked for a while, Takashi and I would exchange glances. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I looked to see a text from Takashi.
We still on for Saturday? I quickly replied back.
Wouldn't miss it He replied back moments later.
Love you Misa
Love you too Takashi I replied back I gave him a small smile then I re-joined the conversation with the club and Kurai.  

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن