Final! Part One

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Zuko Hoshigaki, Shino Mibora and Mikori Sinigama my eyes widened and I dropped the tray I was holding. They looked over at me Zuko whispered something to Shino and he laughed and nodded. I quickly cleaned up the tray and room it to the back I went over to them.
"hello how may I help you?" I asked politely. Zuko smirked and grabbed my chin.
"we've got everything we need doll face," and with that they left but I knew it wasn't over. I quickly finished my shift in hopes that I would get a ride home from someone I waited. But no one came with a shaken breath I left the shop and began to take the quickest route home, but the first corner I turned I was grabbed and pushed against the wall. I came face to face with Zuko.
"you couldn't just leave me alone could you?" I snarled. He laughed,
"just as feisty as ever, trust me we aren't going anywhere for a long time, you can't run from us because we will find you and we will make your life a living hell, starting tonight," he whispered in my ear. I didn't like where this was going. He grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground I was about to stand when I felt a sharp kick to my stomach, I let out a gasp but still attempted to stand. My attempt failed as I was pushed to the ground again my head bounced off of a garbage can and I began to see stars. Someone sat on top of me and began punching me in the face, I felt blood come from my nose I went to hit him not wanting to seem weak but someone held my arms above my head as the person on top of me continued to hit me. I let out a groan.
"had enough? Still think your strong?" I didn't answer, "that's what I thought," he got off me and kicked me in the stomach again. I went to push myself up but my hand was grabbed and pulled into and arm lock. I felt an intense pain in my wrist and I bit my lip to keep from screaming I went to move but I heard a loud snap and the pain was unbearable let out a scream only to be punched, I immediately silenced and I felt myself loosing consciousness. They let me go and I lay there for a minute until I heard a van pull up they dragged me over to it and threw me in the back.
I groaned and woke up with a splitting headache, as I can to I realized I was sitting in a wooden chair in a dark room the only lighting was an old worn out lamp on a desk in the corner of the room. I also noticed a large bulletin board,my eyes widened when I saw what was on it. The board was covered with photos of Takashi, some had me in them I noticed most of them where from my dates with Takashi.
"Hello!" my voice was scratchy and I couldn't move my hands, looking down I noticed that they were tied along with my feet, a door in front of me opened and in walked an older man and behind him Zuko Hoshigaki , I immediately glared at the two. I noticed similarities between them and shuddered slightly, Zuko leaned against the wall glaring at me and the older man went over to the desk, picking something up it only took me minute to notice how the object reflected the light, that was most diffidently a knife. "Why the hell are you doing this?" I snarled no one answered. " what do you want with me!" I shouted, I felt tears prick my eyes as I thought of how long I had been gone. Not very long most likely. The man continued to sharpen his knife. I sighed there was silence for a while the only sound was him sharpening the knife, the longer the silence the more nervous I got just what was I doing here? why was I here in the first place? I sat in silence letting these questions haunt me.
Takashi's POV
As Mitsukuni and I left the school I couldn't help but feel uneasy as if something bad had happened or was going to happen. I stopped and looked back at the school, "what's wrong Takashi?" Mitsukuni asked. I simply shrugged and kept walking. We both got in the limo and I took out my phone I texted Misaki but as minutes passed there was no answer, we arrived home Mitsukuni and I went to the study to do our homework. An hour later Misa still hadn't answered me. I was told by a maid that my father wanted to speak to Mitsukuni and I, we nodded and followed as she escorted us to the dojo where my father would be waiting. The first thing I noticed was that Satoshi and Yasuchika were there too. I sat down beside my brother.
"You must have some idea why I have called you here," My father stated cryptically. No one replied,
"Well as you may know our rivals the Hoshigaki's have not showed any sign of revenge since our last Kendo competition, I wanted to warn you to keep an eye out for them we don't know what they are planning and last time they seemed quiet serious about revenge, there is an upcoming competition that Takashi and Mitsukuni will compete in, I have already informed the Hoshigaki family," Mitsukuni and I both nodded. I hesitantly took out my phone and saw that there were no new messages, was she alright? Surely she would have gotten off of work by now. "Takashi is there something you would like to share with the rest of us?" I shook my head putting away my phone but there was a frown on my face.
"Takashi is Misaki not answering her phone?" Mitsukuni asked.
"OOolala whose she?" Satoshi asked.
"she's a really cool friend from school, Takashi im sure she's fine maybe she is with Kurai we can always meet up with her tomorrow morning there is a meeting with the host club so we will see her than," Mitsukuni's words brought me some comfort but there was still an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"You four are dismissed," we all nodded and went our separate ways but Satoshi followed Mitsukuni and I.
"So this Misaki chick is she hot? How old is she?" I rolled my eyes.
"Um Satoshi-Chan I dont think she would like you she has a boyfriend," before he could respond a maid started talking to him.
"Takashi when are you going to tell them about Misaki?" Mitsukuni asked. I knew how my father felt about us getting into a relationship it could put them in danger, that was why I wanted to keep my relationship with Misaki a secret who knows what the Hoshigaki family will try every since we beat them in the last kendo competition they threatened us and the ones we were close to. I will have to tell Misaki to be careful.
"Takashi?" I snapped out of my thoughts and finally replied to his question.
"I dont know Mitsukuni, I dont know,"
An hour had passed in that hour Zuko had stood with the knife in his hands and made small cuts on my left arm. I would wince each time but cover my pain well knowing that he wanted to hear me scream. Then he left, not a word he was just gone, I took this time to survey the damage on my arm, it was covered in blood and looked ten times worse than it was. But it was now numb to all sorts of feeling I knew from some experience that it would hurt like hell in the morning. I felt my eyes get heavy but I forced myself to stay awake, who knows what they will do if I fall asleep. It was a long and silent night I didn't see my kidnappers again for quiet a while it felt like hours until finally my eyes drooped shut and I fell asleep.
Unfortunately the bliss of sleep didn't seem to last long i shot awake by the sound of the door slamming open and an extreme pain in my arm. I looks dup to see the man from the night before he was carrying an old machine i froze when i saw it was stained in blood. He took out a small table and put it beside my left arm, i noticed Zuko walk in he looked scared.
"Watch here son, people deserve to be punished," the man told Zuko, i looked at the pair.
" I'm sorry for whatever i did to you, please just let me go," i said trying to reason with them.
"It's to late for sorry you bitch," Zuko snapped at me. The man put the contraption down on the smaller table and untied my left arm i winced as he moved it my small arm fit into an arm rest that was attached to the device. He later my arm down to the table with an old leather belt, i let out a yelp when he tightened them. On the other side of the table the machine sat there was a small set of pincers attached to what i assumed you used to cut large pieces of paper with but there was no blade. He set one of my fingers in a hold so i was unable to move my left arm all together, he set my nails between the pincers and he tightened them.
"Care to do the honors Zuko?" i saw Zuko start to shake he shook his head no but the man glared at him. Zuko walked towards me and raised his fist above the machine when he brought his hand down pain radiated up my arm i heard the sickening crunch as my nail was ripped off of my skin. I let out a scream and tears began to pour out of my eyes. The man patted Zuko on the back and settled another one of my nails between the pincers, my arm was bleeding and my nail lay on the floor also covered in blood.
"Please no, please don't do this!" I shouted at Zuko. He was still shaking and his eyes were wide i dont think he wanted to do this but he was being forced to. I struggled to get my arm out of the contraption and Zuko brought his fist down once again, the pain ran up my arm this time it was worse, i let out a blood curdling scream and looked at my hand to see that my nail had not come out all the way. "please don't please im begging you," i cried. But the man positioned my nail in the machine and brought his hand down harshly my nail fell off blood splattered on my face and i let out another scream only to be slapped in the face. With that they left leaving my arm attached to the machine i never wanted to see again in my life . My tears mixed with my blood as i cried to my hearts content i wanted to go home.

Takashi's POV
The next day Mitsukuni and i arrived at the school early. We both went up to the Host Club everyone but Haruhi was there. We all sat down and listened to Tamaki talk about something or another when Haruhi burst in the door. "Mori could you get a hold of Misaki?" my breath caught my throat and I shook my head.
"Haruhi is everything alright?" Kyoya asked. We all patiently awaited her answer.
"It's Misaki, she didn't come home last night, I called everyone she knows but no one knows where she went, dad is freaking out, and I... I just don't know why she would leave," Haruhi stuttered, tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably. I was frozen in my spot, Tamaki wrapped an arm around Haruhi, and I felt Mitsukuni tug on my shirt.
"Takashi? Are you all right? Your all pale," I didn't move, Misaki was missing. It's my fault I knew I should have picked her up from work. I remembered back to when Mitsukuni got his cavity. Misaki had told me not to blame myself, there was nothing I could do to help Mitsukuni, but I can help Misaki. I will help Misaki.
"Kyoya you can get your police force looking right?" Kyoya looked up at me.
"Of course, I will call them now, and they will start searching," Kyoya took out his phone and walked back to where he had left his laptop. We all waited for Kyoya's response, I don't know what the rest wanted to know but I wanted to know if the police force would take care of it, or if I would. Kyoya hung up type something in his laptop.
"So?" Tamaki asked.
"I have everyone looking, but they say that they don't know if they would try to find her but they don't have much to go on, all we can do is wait they will inform me when they have a lead," I clenched my fist, I am supposed to sit around and wait.
"That's not good enough," I mumbled. "I can't just sit around when I know that she could be getting hurt," Everyone looked at me. I wasn't expecting an answer.
"Takashi's right, there has to be something we can do," Mitsukuni said clinging onto me I could hear the sadness in his voice. I picked him up and let him cry.
"I-" Kyoya started to say something but the bell rang. "We should get to class,"
"I'm going home, just wanted to know if anyone had seen her, if you hear anything call me, please," Haruhi sigh trying to stay calm. I put a hand on her shoulder as I walked passed, I went to class but instead of work I took notes on anyone who could have taken her. Honestly I didn't come up with much. Anything actually. I am going to have to ask Haruhi about the people who bullied her, they could have something to do with this. I first though of Ayanokoji but people say she moved to America plus I don't think she has the guts to do something like this.
I put a hand on my head and sighed. Misaki I'm so sorry.

Misaki's POV
"Hello!" My voice was scratchy, I had cried myself to sleep while I was asleep I had been moved. I was in a room similar to the one I was in before but this one had a window, small enough for me to fit through, but I was tied to the chair and to tired to move. There was also a screen in front of me. Just beside the door. My hand was still in that nail-pulling machine; I managed to move my finger from the hold.
"Hello!" I called again. I heard footsteps, the door opened to reveal Zuko.
"Please, why are you doing this?" Zuko opened his mouth to say something, but the voice of who I assumed to be his father interrupted him.
"Because Miss Fujioka you're his weakness," He pressed a button and my eyes widened, on the screen showed pictures of Takashi and I. Some where of Mitsukuni too.
"What does this have to do with Takashi?" I asked not hiding the anger from my voice; all of this was because of my relationship with Takashi. What did we do? What did I do to deserve this?
"That's for me and the Morinozuka family to know, now, we need you to be a good little girl say anything we don't like, and I will bring out that handy device again," My eyes widened I knew what he was talking about. Tears threatened to fall but I stopped them. "And if you're a good girl we can give you something to eat," Food. I hadn't even thought about how hungry I was. My stomach growled loudly and the man chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes," He took my phone out of his pocket and after a couple beeps he put the phone to his ear and nodded at Zuko, Zuko came over to me and put my finger back in the hold I could practically feel the pain.
"No you said, but," I wasn't sure what to say they were going to do what they were going to do, I couldn't stop them. I stayed silent and I heard Takashi's voice.
"Hello?" He asked I looked at my phone, he had answered but he's supposed to be in school. "Hello?"
"Well Hello Mr. Morinozuka, I have someone here who wants to talk to you," He put the phone by my ear,
"Takashi! Takashi, they are after you, it is-" I was cut off by the familiar pain in my finger I tried to hold it back but I screamed. Tears began falling again.
"Misaki! Misaki! Who are you why did you take her!" I heard him shout.
"Mr. Morinozuka, tell your father that if he refuses to have you and Mr. Haninozuka drop out of the upcoming competition this girl will die," He then hung up. My hand was again covered in blood at least the whole nail had come off this time.
"All off this because of a competition? What relation do you even have to the Morinozuka family!" I shouted at him. I was silenced by a slap across the face, without a word they both left. I sat there for hours trying to process what had just happened.
It's been two days she's still missing, I swear to god once I find her I am never letting her go. I was sitting in class not being able to take my mind off of Misaki, what she must be going through right now. Is she being hurt? Is she alive? I quickly shook my head, she was alive, I would see her again and I would never let her go, I would marry her someday. I swear to it.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket; I took it out not caring if the teacher saw me on my phone. I looked at the caller ID and my heart stopped when I saw Miskai's name. "Hello?" I asked. No one answered me. "Hello?"
"Why Hello Mr. Morinozuka, I have someone here who wants to talk to you," I didn't recognize the voice but then it changed to a female voice, a familiar female voice.
"Takashi! Takahsi, they are after you, it is-" She was cut off by the sound of her own scream, it was a scream of pain, sadness, a sound I never wanted to here her make.
"Misaki! Misaki! Who are you why did you take her!" I shouted standing up in my chair, everyone's eyes where on me including Mitsukuni's.
"Mr. Morinozuka, tell your father that if he refuses to have you and Mr. Haninozuka drop out of the upcoming competition this girl will die,"
"Hey!" I shouted but he had hung up. I turned to Mitsukuni, "We need to go to the Host Club," Everyone was staring at us both in shock the teacher had nothing to say about us leaving. We went to Tamaki and Kyoya's classroom asking the teacher if we could talk to them, she agreed and we moved on to get the twins, Haruhi was still at home so Tamaki called her and told her that a limo would pick her up and bring her to school.
"Takashi, what is this about?" Tamaki asked when we were all sitting in the host club.
"I got a call from Misaki's captors I know who took her, I have a hunch on where they are," I told them. They all looked at me a bit shocked
"Then we are all going to get her back," Tamaki said in determination.
"You aren't going without me," A voice came from the door, we turned to see Kurai, in her casual clothing that she wore to school daily. She had a determined look on her face but I could tell that she was sad. I just nodded.
"Kyoya can we get as many people on your task force to accompany us," Tamaki asked. Kyoya nodded and took out his phone.
"Takashi where exactly are we going?" Kyoya asked.
"We are going to visit the Hoshigaki family,"  

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now