†Episode 4 Part 1†

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  It had been about a week since I got fired and attacked by my old bully's. I had explained to Haruhi about my hair and she told others who asked, she didn't seem to approve of me cutting my hair but I told her it was a spur of the moment type thing. I had dropped off my uniform the day after I got fired after washing it of course and I had continued to serve the host club daily after I had gotten in trouble with Kyoya and Tamaki for missing a couple days. Now I was on a job hunt, I felt bad making my dad pay for everything, but I didn't have any luck finding a new job.
"Oh Tamaki. My dearest Tamaki, why are you so beautiful?" A girl asked Tamaki with hearts in her eyes. He lightly lifted her chin with his finger
"I'm hoping to catch your eye even if for just one second." He replied.
"Then why is your voice so very sweet and mellow?" Another girl wondered.
"To set your nerves at ease, so that my true feelings might reach your heart." I rolled my eyes at Tamaki's reply but continued to give each girl at the table tea and put a small plate of cookies in the middle of there table.
"Why are your eyes filled with tears every time you look at me?" I looked at Tamaki, well what do you know he did have tears in his eyes, I bet they were fake.
"Because the side of your beautiful smile causes the fountain inside of me to start overflowing."
"Oh, Tamaki." I walked away from them rolling my eyes I walked over to the twins and poured them more tea.
"I think it's adorable that you're wearing matching kimonos."
"Our mother designed everything the hosts are wearing today.
If you see something you like, we can take an order for you." The twins replied.
"Our grandmother even helped us put them on." Kaoru told everyone. Suddenly Hikaru grabbed Kaoru's chin.
"But you know the only one who will be undressing you is me, Kaoru." He said slyly, I quickly finished giving them tea and walked away.
"Oh Misa-chan?" I heard a voice ask I turned around to put a face to the voice and saw Kyoya holding up an empty tea cup I sighed and walked over to him. "You're doing good keep it up,"
"Thank you Kyoya, hey I have a question," I said pouring his tea he looked up from his book.
"Yes what is it?"
"I see everyone else with customers everyday but I have never seen you with customers, do people just not want to talk to you? Do you ever get jealous of the other host members?" I asked poking him. He sighed.
"Well you see I handle most of the finances in the club, and I only occasionally get time to speak with customers, and no I am not jealous of the other member's I quite enjoy what I do," He explained I nodded.
"Oh so you're a nerd," I said in sudden realization. He sweat dropped.
"Do your job Misaki," He ordered I stuck my tongue out at him and he smirked, that's when I shivered and walked away. I looked around to see how the rest of the members where doing, I saw Mori giving Kyoya a small barely noticeable glare. I looked at the two quizzically then walked over to the kitchen and got Honey more cake. I walked over to Honey and Mori holding there favorite cakes. Honey had tears in his eyes and he wasn't wearing shoes.

"Mitsukuni." Mori said walking over to Honey with his shoes in hands,
"Takashi." Honey said rubbing his eyes.
"I noticed that you dropped it." Mori said simply, putting on Honey's shoes. I gave them both a small smile.
"Takashi!" Honey cried hugging him. Wow tears sure are popular but are they real tears? Honey looked at me from over Mori's shoulder. His face brightened when he saw my, but he was probably looking at the cake. "Takashi, Takashi look its' Misa-chan and she brought cake!" He cried I gave them a soft smile and continued walking towards them Honey sat at the nearest table, Takashi motioned for the girl' to follow.
"I thought you guys might like some cake, I wasn't sure what type of cake the girls wanted or even if they wanted cake, so do you girls want any cake?" I asked quietly. Honey suddenly hugged me wrapping his arms around my neck,
"Your so adorable Misa-chan!" He cried I struggled to continue to carry the tea. I noticed the girl glaring daggers at me.
"So I am guessing you girls don't want any cake?" They all shook their heads when Honey's eyes were closed. Honey finally let go then stuck his hand in his pocket. He took out a small sweet displayed in a clear box, he handed it to me.
"Here Misa-chan this is for you!" I smiled at him.
"Why thank you Honey, It will be a nice memorial offering for my mother," The girls looks of hatred disappeared and they all awed. I put the sweet in my pocket.
"So Misa what's it like being in the host club?" One girl asked I was going to answer when Kyoya announced that the host club was over. All the girls were ushered out. I began cleaning tables and gathering dishes as the others spoke I hadn't listened until I heard a new female voice,
"No! Don't touch me, you phony!" She shouted as Tamaki tried to touch her.
"What do you mean I'm phony?" He pouted.
"Just what I said. You're phony. I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of this host club! You shouldn't go spreading your love around so easily like that, you stupid! You must be a dim-witted narcissist! You're incompetent! You're a commoner. You're disgusting."
"I don't suppose you are..." Kyoya started
"It's you, Kyoya. Oh, how I longed to meet you. My one and only prince charming." She cried. I continued to clean up as the Host club talked about the new girl, looks like I spoke to soon about Kyoya not having any customers this girl who's name I learned was Renge was rather fond of Kyoya she had the impression that they were engaged Kyoya told us that this was not true.
"Oh this is a story of love at first sight. I couldn't resist the way you were adoring those flowers in the backyard when you thought no one else was looking. And how sweet it was when you reached out to that poor little injured kitten." What Kyoya do any of that? No way he was to creepy, I'm not kidding guys he always looked like he was going to rape you and it freaked me out!
"Could you have the wrong person?" Haruhi asked, nope I know she has the wrong person, alright maybe I was being a bit harsh, I mean as far as I know Kyoya hasn't raped anyone, or has he? Alright I seriously have to stop thinking like that.
'No way! I could recognize my love anywhere. He's a gentleman who's kind to everyone and doesn't ask for anything in return. He likes solitude, but in fact sometimes he gets lonely. He looks like the star of the popular dating sim, Uki-doki Memorial. You're my real-life Ichijo Miyabi." Renge explained. I sighed, that's when she finally noticed me.
"Hey who are you I thought that this was a host club what's a chick doing here? Stay away from my Kyoya!" I sighed and ignored her.
"That's Misaki Fujioka she is Haruhi's sister she doesn't talk but she is so adorable! She is daddy's little girl," Tamaki said hugging me tightly, I struggled for breath until I finally hit him over the head and he pouted then ran hiding behind Kyoya,
"Mommy our little girl hit me!" He shouted I went back to my work.
"Why don't you talk? Oh well you don't seem to be any competition since you don't want my Kyoya just don't fall in love with him or you will have hell to pay, According to my research, I understand that you are in charge managing the club. Is that true, Kyoya?" Renge asked I scoffed and finished working. When I had cleaned the tables I was going to leave , when I was dragged over with the others by the Twins.
"Miss Hoshokuji is the only daughter of a very important Otori family client. So, please be polite and try not to offend her, all right?" Kyoya told us we all nodded.
"Well, boys, and maid I can't wait to work with you."
"I thought about it a lot last night, and maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea." Tamaki said
"Why do you say that?" The twins wondered.
"Well, it's fairly obvious, isn't it? Renge just transferred into the same class as Haruhi. So if Haruhi has a girlfriend around that spoke more and was more feminine, it could bring out the female within her. Renge's girlish air of tenderness might be able to stimulate haruhi's own sense of femininity." Tamaki explained.
"Good grief." Haruhi sighed it reminded me of Charlie Brown.
"Now is our change to help Haruhi get in touch with her feminine side. This is an important project, men. She doesn't have any friends in class right now except for these two shady twins and he sister. That's not good for her."
"Like you have room to talk." The twins pointed out in sync, I smiled they had a point. Haruhi and I left along with the other members we walked home in silence.
"So why don't you talk much at the host club?" Haruhi finally asked breaking the silence. I shrugged.
"Never need to people just tell me what they need, and I get it for them I don't have to talk to them," She nodded.
"We should have a day to hang out just us I haven't talked to you in a while about anything really I feel like we are drifting apart I don't want that I want to be close to my twin," I sighed.
"Sure pick a day but I bet you the Host club will ruin it, somehow they will find a way, when are we going to visit mom's grave again?" She stopped,
"You want to visit mom's grave with me?" She stuttered.
"Hey if you want to go alone I understand we always go alone but I thought since you want to spend time together we could go together, maybe take dad to make a day out of it," I said turning to face her, A warm wind blew as she smiled looking at me,
"That would be really nice Misa I cant wait to spend time with you, you have been so distant since she left, you know you can talk to me about anything right?" She smiled I nodded and looked at her.
"Ever think Kyoya gives of that 'I'm –about–to-rape-you vibe?" I asked she sweat dropped.
"Not what I meant," I shrugged
"You said I could talk to you about anything," I grinned.   

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now