†Episode 4 Part 2†

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The next day we sat in the Host club I was cleaning up, we had decided to cancel any customers we had so that our crazy manager could get organized. Yes CRAZY manager.
"Hey, everyone. You'd be happy to know that your new manager, Renge has baked all of you some cookies." Renge said holding up a plate of burnt cookies.
"Oh, isn't she lady-like? I'm so moved by your generosity." Tamaki said sucking up to her.
"I didn't bake these cookies for you, you phony prince. I'm sorry, I burnt them a little bit. I did the best I could. And I already know what you're going to say." She said expecting sympathy then she said something about Kyoya.
"She wasn't kidding, these cookies really are burnt." Honey said he was going to take one, I was going to stop him but Takashi beat me to it,
"Don't eat that, Mitsukuni. It's bad for you." Renge glared daggers at both of them Honey got scared and jumped into my arm's surprising everyone really, I hugged him.
"Waah, she's scaring me!" He cried, I glared daggers back at her and everyone seemed to get a bit scared. I stroked Honey's hair soothingly.
"Want me to get you some cake?" I asked whispering so only he could here, I put him down and knelt down in front of him. He smiled.
"That sounds great Misa!" He cheered. Then became a bit more fearful. I put a hand on his head ruffling his hair.
"Don't worry about her she is just angry that Takashi called her cookies bad you see Honey she was expecting sympathy from us so she was upset when she didn't get what she wanted she is a bit of a princess if I do say so myself, now come on lets go get some cake," I said taking his hand he smiled and waved to the others as they all stood with surprised faces. None of them had heard me speak but they knew I must have said something to Honey to cheer him up. Honey and I entered the kitchen and I took out the cake from the fridge.
"Hey Honey I was just wondering, I thought I would ask you this when we were alone that way if you were keeping it a secret I wouldn't be telling a bunch of people," I said while putting a scoop of ice cream beside his cake. He looked at me quizzically.
"Huh? A secret? What is it?" I smiled.
"Well Honey your really name is Mitsukuni Haninozuka so are the Haninozuka's the one's who have excelled in martial arts?" I asked taking him a piece of Strawberry cake and ice cream with a piece of my own, mine was just vanilla though. I sat down at the table putting his cake and a fork in front of him,
"That's no secret but I don't go around flaunting it, how did you know Misa?"
"Well you see Honey I was actually in Martial Arts and got my black belt at a very young age," I explained a light blush crossing my face.
"Wow that's so cool!" He said taking a big bite of cake he got icing on his cheek, and I laughed. "You have a pretty laugh Misa-chan you should laugh more often," He smiled at me.
"Thank you Honey, here you have some icing on your face," I said I picked up a napkin and wiped the icing off his cheek. "There you go all clean," I said that's when I heard the door open.
"Hey Takashi! I got cake on my face Misa-chan wiped it off for me," He said smiling, I nodded and sat back down, Takashi smiled, I felt my heart skip a beat as I stared. He came and sat down beside me.
"Would you like some cake Takashi?" I asked he shook his head. We sat in silence as I ate my cake, then I heard Takashi laugh. "What's so funny Takashi?" I asked he picked up a napkin and wiped the side of my face leaving his hand there for a bit.
"Now you have cake on your face," Honey laughed, I blushed.
"Oh so embarrassing," I said quietly.
"Don't be embarrassed its' cute," Takashi said, I blushed I was going to reply when Renge's voice interrupted us. We went back into the other room as she pointed at each of us.
"Every single one of you, except for Kyoya, all of your characters are lukewarm. Each of you needs to have some sort of dark side. You understand? Girls are vulnerable to handsome young men who are troubled. If you keep carrying on like this, it's only a matter of time before the girls get tired of you and stop coming all together. Are you trying to ruin my precious Kyoya's business? As your manager, it's my duty to change your character backgrounds. Let's start with you!
The twins will be basketball players enslaved in their own world. Haruhi, you're an honor student who's constantly being bullied. Honey! If all you are as cute, inside and out, then you're no different to a baby. Therefore, from now on, you are the baby-faced thug. And Mori senpai, you're his childhood-friend, the flunky. And as for you, Tamaki, you're the school idol who's admired for your good looks but you actually have an inferiority complex you're hiding from the world. The lonely prince. And Kyoya, you're perfect just the way you are now. So I want you to stay as kind and affectionate as ever, 'kay?
"Thank you, I'm honored." Kyoya said "The lonely prince. It's true. That title is perfect for me." Tamaki said thinking
"Yeah, right. She couldn't be farther from the truth." Haruhi growled then Renge's gaze landed on me.
"And you! You will be care more about Haruhi you will have the same roll as him but Haruhi will be more center staged since he is more important, but you will care for him and try to protect him you have to care about him more then you show you don't even stand up for him your to caught up in your own little world," She said I glared, that's not true she know nothing about me, NOTHING! I do care about Haruhi! I felt Takashi put a hand on my shoulder I was practically fuming I was so angry I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and left the room not saying anything the last thing I heard was Haruhi saying something to Renge. I do care about Haruhi. How dare she say that! But now that I start to think about it, maybe its' true maybe I don't care for Haruhi as much as I should maybe the others feel this way to, I'm an awful sister. I felt tears start to pour down my face, I went outside and sat under a tree, I brought my knees to my chest and began pulling grass from the ground.

Haruhi's POV

I had just watched my twin sister storm out of the room, not only did Renge say that Misa did care about me she said I was more important then her. Misa was more fragile then people thought, and she cared about me way more then I had like she was like my own body guard I wish she had more of her own life, but it was her life if she felt such a strong need to protect me I cant tell her to leave me alone she wouldn't take it well and even then we do have our own space she doesn't follow me around like a puppy or anything like that she is just protective. She always has been, it is like Mori with Honey. Mori is protective over Honey, they care about each other.
"Renge that was uncalled for and completely untrue Misaki cares about more then even she would admit just because she doesn't follow me around like a dog and talk for me doesn't mean she doesn't care we have our own lives her has always been more sheltered life has been harder on her then it has been on me and this is how she deals with it but she cares for me, she stands up for me when she thinks I'm not looking even if she doesn't say she loves me everyday she doesn't tell anyone that anymore, I haven't heard her say that she loves me since we were kids but that doesn't mean she doesn't love me, and I am not more important than her, people have always told her that and its' not true, I actually admire Misaki and look up to her in many ways, in my opinion she is more important then me," I said looking out the window. "She even offered to help pay off my debt when she didn't have to,"
"I'm going to find her," Takashi said leaving Honey followed.
"I never knew that about Misa-chan I have never even heard her speak before," Tamaki said, We were all frowning, Hikaru and Kaoru must know exactly how she feels one of them does anyway I know it. It's the same with all twins, most of them anyway. Misa may be quiet and independent but I am worried about her, , she has never even cried since our mom died, she has always stayed strong. But I don't know how much longer she can keep this up.

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now