†Episode 8 Part 2†

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When we arrived back at the house the rain had gotten worse, Mori and Honey had ran the whole way back. Mori carried me inside was shivering I was so cold, my teeth were chattering slightly. I saw that Kyoya was waiting for us, He sat in a nearby chair reading a book.
"So I see you found her, you shouldn't run off like that Misaki we were worried," He said not looking up, he turned the page then put a bookmark in the page and stood up looking at us, his eyes widened a bit when he saw my foot. "I'll get the doctor, thankfully he is still here from when I called him about Haruhi," I nodded and looked at Mori as Kyoya walked away, Mori walked over and set me on a nearby couch, I noticed both he and Honey were still in their swimsuits, Honey was shivering a bit.
"I, I'm sorry, Honey your shivering you could catch a cold, come here, I feel bad, if you hadn't gone out-" I started Mori put his finger on my lips silencing me.
"You have to stop blaming yourself, we talked about this Misa, Mitskuni can handle himself he isn't as childish as we want him to think," Mori told me I sighed and nodded. I continued to shiver in my seat, I felt something go around my shoulders, I looked up to see Mori had put a towel over my shoulders, I nodded a thanks before I could say thank you Kyoya walked in with the doctor. The doctor looked at my foot and 'hmm'ed' a lot.
"So will I die?" I asked childishly. He shook his head,
"You will be fine we are going to have to get some of those spikes out which may hurt, after that I suggest not putting pressure on your foot I will get you some crutches and you are to use them for a week or so, you may feel weak in the next twenty four hours but that is just the poison running its' course, the urchin was dead when you stepped on it so the poison wont kill you, if it had been alive it most likely would have," I nodded. "Now lets get those spikes out," he said I nervously nodded, "I am going to give you a neele in your foot it has a numbing adgent in it that will help numb the pain while I take out the spikes, is that alright or do you want to go without the needle?" I froze a needle? A needle oh god, I hated needles. Mori and Honey must have noticed my face because Honey came and sat on my lap careful not to move my leg, and Mori put a hand on my shoulder.
"Misa-chan are you scared of needles?" Honey asked looking up at me,
"A little bit Honey, I am only afraid of two things and needles are one of them," I told him.
"Its' alright Misa-chan Mori and I will hold your hand and when you feel pain squeeze my hand as hard as you can," Honey said I nodded and looked at Mori who grabbed on of my hands and Honey grabbed the other, Kyoya raised and eyebrow, but didn't say anything. I began to cry as the doctor took out the needle, I gripped the boys hands tightly. Finally when the doctor had taken out the spikes he put something on my foot and wrapped it, he handed me a bottle of pills and the cream that he had put on my foot,
"Now take two of these pills a day and put this on your foot until it heals," I nodded.
"Thank you," I replied smiling, he nodded and spoke with Kyoya then left. Mori let go of my hand and went over to Kyoya they spoke for a bit and then I saw Mori grab Kyoya by the collar, Honey and I exchanged glances. Honey still sat on my lap but he had let go of my hand, Kyoya handed something to Mori and then he left the room Mori put what ever it was in his pocket then walked back over to us,
"Kyoya went to get your crutches," He told me I nodded. I ntocied it was almost eleven, I looke dta Honey who yawned.
"Honey you should get some sleep, it is late," He sleepilyrubbed his eyes and nodded, Aww he looked so cute! I thought to myself.
"Can you come tuck me into bed?" He asked giving me puppy dog eyes. I sighed.
"Of course I will I just have to wait for Kyoya to get back with the crutches," Honey smiled.
"Yay!" I smiled softly, Kyoya came back and handed me the crutches and then Honey hopped off my lap and into Mori's arms, Mori helped me stand while holding Honey with one arm.
"Thank you Takashi," I could have sworn I saw him blush light pink but I shrugged it off. We went upstairs to Honey's room and Honey grabbed a set of clothes and then ran to the washroom.
"I'll be right back," He said as he left. I sat down in a chair beside the bed.
"Its' nice of you to always take care of Honey," I told him. He nodded.
"I suppose so," Her replied. It was silent for a bit.
"What were you and Kyoya talking about?" I asked immediately regretting it. "Nevermind its' none of my bui-" He stopped me by taking something out of his pocket.
"I got the pictures, since I found out your fear, Kyoya didn't want to give them to me since the limit was sunset," He explained I smiled at him.
"You got the pictures back thank you so much Takashi, I really appreciate it," I said smiling, He smirked.
"I did get them back but I said nothing about giving them to you," He said still smirking I was a bit shocked.
"But why would you want to keep pictures of me?" I asked before he could answer Honey came out wearing pink pajama's and caring Usa-chan. I smiled at him and he hopped into his bed. I tucked him in and Mori and I were about to leav.
"Misa-chan? May you please sing me to sleep?" He asked I looked at him and he was giving me the puppy dog eyes I couldn't resist. I smiled and used my crutches to go back over to the bed I sat beside him on the bed.
"Alright Honey-pie but only one song," I told him he smiled and nodded. I noticed Mori come and sit in the chair that was beside the bed. "Black clouds are behind me, I now can see ahead
Often I wonder why I try hoping for an end
Sorrow weighs my shoulders down
And trouble haunts my mind
But I know the present will not last
And tomorrow will be kinder
Tomorrow will be kinder
It's true, I've seen it before
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder
Today I've cried a many tear
And pain is in my heart
Around me lies a somber scene
I don't know where to start
But I feel warmth on my skin
The stars have all aligned
The wind has blown, but now I know
That tomorrow will be kinder
Tomorrow will be kinder
I know, I've seen it before
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder"

Honey let out a yawn. "Night Misa-chan," He said before closing his eyes I smiled again and kissed his forehead. I stood up using my crutches and looked at Mori.
"You have a beautiful voice Misa," I blushed.
"Thank you, Takashi, thank you for everything you said on the beach," I told him still blushing.
"It was all true, whenever you need someone to talk about Mitskuni and I are here, you don't have to keep everything to yourself," Takashi explained, I nodded.
"What about you, you bearly speak, if you ever want to talk about something, well, you can talk to me," I smiled at him. I saw his face turn red. "Um, Takashi? Are you alright your face is all red, do you have a fever? Its' late you should get some sleep I will talk with you in the morning," I said putting my hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever, this made his face go bright red.
"Oh, um goodnight Misaki I will talk to you tomorrow morning, I am sharing a room with Mitskuni," He told me I nodded and looked over to see there was another bed, I left the room with a wave. Once I got outside I looked around and realized I had no idea where my room was, these crutches sucked to use they were so slow. The thunder boomed and lightning flashed, I walked around until I could hear Tamaki's voice, then I heard Haruhi answer, I knocked on the door. What were they doing up so late? They didn't answer so I walked in to see haruhi on her knees and tamaki kneeling in front of her, Haruhi was blindfolded and she had earplugs in.
"Tamaki what the hell are you doing to my sister?" I asked glaring. "Tamaki I never in a million years would have pegged you as an S&M pervert, come on Haruhi we should go, I know your afraid of thunder storms don't worry, I will help you get through it," I told her smiling.
"Misaki, you, your being so nice," haruhi said while at the same time Tamaki tried to defend himself saying that, that wasn't what was going on I gave him a glare.
"Of course I'm being nice Haruhi, today I really opened my eyes, I can't keep trying to protect you otherwise you wont learn but just because I am no longer trying as hard as I was to protect you doesn't mean I can't still help you," I told her smiling, She smiled back at me.
"I'm glad you had a good day despite all that happened," I nodded.

The next morning I had told everyone what I walked in on the night before.
"I never would've pegged the boss as an S&M pervert." Kaoru said, I nodded.
"I told you, it wasn't like that at all!" Tamaki shouted.
"Sure Tamaki, whatever helps you sleep at night," I smirked as I got into the limo Haruhi just had.
"I see. Well now I know what S&M is. I can't believe I almost let you get away with it." Haruhi said and she rolled up the window.
"I wasn't doing anything freaky. I was trying to help you." Tamaki said.
"Let's go." Kyoya said from inside the limo, the limo driver began driving away without Tamaki, everyone laughed but Takashi and I as we left him running after the car. Lukily for him another limo pulled up and picked him up. When we got home dad paniced about the fact that I had gotten hurt Haruhi and I hadn't mentioned the fight we had since it was like it never happened.   

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now