Chapter 7

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I woke up to a bright light being shined in my face. 


I mumbled as I opened my eyes fully and took a look at where I was. What the hell?! I'm in a hospital!! My head was throbbing like crazy! Jesus! Its like take the worst head ache you've ever had in your entire life times 10,000. The room was blurry and I felt dizzy. There was a doctor hovering over me.  

"Eyes are dialated." 

He said as the nurse jotted down something on a clipboard. 

"Why am I at a hospital?" 

I mumbled. 

"You have a stage 3 concussion my dear." 

He said. 

"What does that mean?" 

I asked touching my head where it hurt. 


**Ally's Flashback**

Do you know how pissed my parents are going to be?!! I got a fucking 3 day ISS!!! That goes into my records!!You bitch!! You started all of this!!" 

He yelled as my back was pressed into his truck. 

"Matt I-" 

His fist smashed my face sending me to the right. I hadn't hit the ground yet. Pain was swelling in my cheekbone where he had hit me. His hand grabbed my hair pulling me up to him. He gripped the back of my head with his hand and shoved me as hard as he could to the concrete. As soon as that happened I couldn't get up. I lifted my head slightly to see blood all over the concrete. My head hurt so bad I thought I was going to explode.


That's not what I remembered at all. I guess I must have forgotten that part. It's like I didn't even remember hitting my head but I remembered everything else. 

I gasped as the doctor looked at me questionably. 

"Something wrong." 

He asked. 

"My head hurts." 

I choked out. 


I woke up and Chris was sitting next to me. My eyes fluttered open and he smiled. 

"Mmm what happened?" 

I asked. 

"What all do you remember?" 

He asked as he pressed some button on the wall. 

"I woke up here and some doctor was shining a light in my damn eye. Uhmm then I rememberd that after Matt punched me he threw me as hard as he could to the concrete and it hurt so bad I couldn't move, then I saw blood and he resumed hurting me and then I tried to run and screamed your name but you uhm didn't come. Matt got extremely angry I yelled for you and hurt me more than left. I called you, you came and I fell asleep." 

I said as his face fell to his hands and he sighed. 

"I'm sorry Chris. I shouldn't put you through this, now you feel bad that you weren't there but its okay. I treated you horrible and deserved what Matt did." 

I said as I grabbed his hand and he looked at me like I had a third eye. 

"Ally will you please stop saying that. You didn't deserve it! No one deserves that! He put you in a hospital!!" 

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