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------------Picture of Ally---------

I stayed at home all weekend, no one could see my bruises. Matt told me I had to stay home. He came over on Saturday for like an hour but all he did was watch football, eat and talk about himself. I mostly sat around the house on the computer, watching tv, drawing or cleaning.

It was Monday, I hate Monday's, they are my least favorite day of the week. I got up and took a shower, blow dried and curled my hair. When I went to do my make up fear swirled in my stomach. I hope I can cover up my "punishment" good enough. I started with liquid foundation. It didn't do much but it covered up a little of the purple and redness. Then I swiped consealer over the bruises and some non liquid foundation. I didn't look too bad but you could still see the little outline of the purple bruises. I put on a second swipe of non liquid foundation and bronzer. Lastly a little blush on the cheeks. Wow... I did really good today! You couldn't even tell they were there! I put on some mascara and lipgloss and then headed down to the kitchen. My mom was standing there with a piece of toast.

"Here have this."
She said handing me the toast.

We headed to the door and then got in the car. It looked stormy out, like it's going to rain today. I nibbled on the toast until it was gone. Then we pulled up to the school.

When I arrived at my locker Matt wasn't there.

"That's strange."

I said quietly to myself.

"What's strange?"
Said a voice right by my ear.

I jumped and then turned around to see Matt smiling.

"Oh you weren't at my locker and you usually are that's all. But you're here."

I said smiling and throwing my books into my locker.

He grabbed my hand as we walked to class.

When I stopped at the door I turned around and he pecked me on the cheek then I went inside.

I walked to the back of the room to see Chris sitting there looking so cute but I couldn't talk to him. I can't have Matt angry again.

"Hey Ally."

He said smiling as I took the seat next to him.

I didn't say anything I just looked at my notebook.

The whole class I didn't talk to him at all, I just worked on Math until the bell rang.

I walked into the lunch room and Matt was sitting there with all his friends laughing. There was a spot left next to him where I sit everyday. He always leaves a spot for me.

I put my tray down and smiled at him.

"Hey babe."

He said looking at me for a second and then resuming talking to his friends.

I began quietly eating my salad and keeping to myself as usual unless they decide to talk to me.

"Hey Ally are you trying out for cheerleading?"

Carson asked next to me.

"Yeah, try outs are Wednesday."

I said turning to him.

"Oh cool."

He said and then he started looking at me weirdly.

"Why's your eye kind of purple?"

He asked looking at me closly.

"Oh ha I fell down my porch steps when I was with Matt Saturday. It was funny."

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