Chapter 14:Finale

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Lisa's POV:
Dani meant a lot to us and she brought a unique flare to the band. We are missing her so much. I checked my phone and I got a text from Elli. My heart sank.

'Dani is dead :'( We're planning her funeral tomorrow. Come to Cali.' Lauren called her and said, 'What happened??' We were all crying.'

*hours later we arrived in Cali again, without our parents or brothers*

We approached a distraught Elli saying, 'I'm so sorry.' She sobbed, 'Dani was taken from me again :'( and now she's been killed. Empress Sirena and her daughters attacked her and killed her in the process. I overheard them saying, 'That's what happens when you betray us. You get shot dead.' I was too late to save her. I feel responsible.' Amy said, 'It's not your fault!' Elli cried, 'IT IS MY FAULT, I JUST LOST MY BEST FRIEND!' We yelled, 'WE JUST LOST OUR SISTER!' This broke us. We brought Dani's dead body back home with us. Elli joined.

So we are back home in Nashville again and laid Dani's body in bed. We said our farewell to our fallen sister. We heard a voice saying, 'Hello who's dis'. Who said that? The voice said, 'WOT THE FRICK ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?! GET OFF OF IT GEEZ YOU RAT!' I said, 'DANI!?' Amy looked and saw



WE ALL GATHERED TO HER AND HUGGED HER TIGHT SAYING, 'DON'T YOU EVER SCARE US LIKE THAT EVER FREAKING AGAIN!' Dani nodded and said, 'That's one of Sirena's daughters in my bed apparently trying to copy me. She had woken up saying, 'Oops, sorry. Yes it was me, the one who begged you to stay all along.' Dani said, 'Who? AND WHY YOU COPYING ME?! AND WHY DID YOU PRETEND YOU WERE DEAD?' She said, 'You know who this is.



'WHAT THE FRICK ARE YOU DOING WORKING WITH SIRENA?! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU AS A CLOSE FRIEND HERE IN NASH BUT YOU DO THIS TO ME?! WHY?!' I snapped at Alexa. She said, 'I'm sorry, I hated seeing you leave Nash so much so I decided to join Sirena's squad because I missed you so bad and wanted to be with you always.' Dani seething said, 'Okay...'

Dani's POV:
I was not happy with Alexa. I don't understand why she did this stunt. So I climbed to the top of my house roof and Alexa then appeared and sat next to me as we watched the night sky. The rest of the sisters joined me along with Elli. Alexa then said, 'I really feel bad. I shouldn't have done you dirty.' After a long period, I forgave her. We hugged it out and everything was resolved. I looked at the stars and said, 'So why did you want to copy me?' Alexa said, 'Because you've inspired me so much. Maybe I took it too far.' I said, 'You flatter me haha.' Katherine then blurted, 'Who wants cupcakes?' We raised our hands.

I got a text and it was from, Empress Sirena? What? Since when does she know how to text?! She said, 'Come downstairs.' Okay. So we headed down to the kitchen and saw it was, Sirena. WAIT, SIRENA!? WHAT'S SHE DOING IN OUR HOUSE?! OMG TAKE COVER!' But she said, 'Chill.' I gave up my life as an Empress. My full name is Sirena Cruz, I am the ship creator of the Divine Embassy's daughter.' WHAT?! I fainted. She said, 'Haha, well I just made these red velvet cupcakes. Who wants one? I made 24.' Katherine smiled with glee as did the rest of the group. We dug in and we started to dance.

Meanwhile I went to talk to Sirena. I said, 'Do you really want me as your daughter?' She said, 'Danielle....I, do not. Danielle listen I'm not old enough to be your mom. I'm only 20.' I said, '20?! THEN WHY DID YOU WANT ME--' She said, 'Just drop it. It's not important LOL.' We hugged.

Late that night, I went back to my house and in my room I practiced some new music on my guitar. Still mad at Sirena and Alexa, I was channeling my thoughts into my music. I wrote a couple songs. There's a solo project I am working on and I was working on it. I saw Sirena come in and I was like, 'What now?' But to my surprise she was also a singer too. This girl just wants to be with me for some reason. She then said, 'So uh, you wanna jam then?' I said, 'But, I uh.' I then added, 'Sure.' So we sang together. To think just a few days ago I was in the ocean being handed a pendant by her to stay with her, but in the end she just wanted a friend to talk to. I asked her, 'What about those daughters?' She said, 'Well their father died in a fire so I decided to call them my daughters of the sea. They're actually now my foster sisters.' I then added, 'But wait, what about Javier, the ship builder?' She said, 'No that was MY father, their father was a deep sea diver and archaeologist.' I understood her. We jammed for about an hour or two before we decided to call it a night. I asked, 'Say Sirena, you wanna live with me?' She said, 'Oh yeah uh, sure.'

The next morning I went downstairs to the kitchen and mom saw me saying, 'Morning.' I smiled and grabbed a banana and headed right for my sisters' house. Mom said, 'That's unusual. She's usually here for a few hours before she leaves for a meeting.' Sirena approached my mom saying, 'Danielle's got an early morning workout session she has to attend.' Mom said, 'Oh okay. Thank you.'

I hit the pool and began swimming, and then I saw my mermaid tail reappear. Uh oh.

Some things never change. Sirena appeared minutes later saying, 'Looks like the mermaid in you never left.' I smiled and said, 'I'm okay with it.' The lifeguard at the pool said, 'What is a mermaid doing here?' Sirena said to her, 'It's magic, when she's out of the pool she's a normal human.' The lifeguard was confused.

The ocean never leaves you.

*5 years later*

I turned 21 and decided I wanted to permanently stay as a mermaid. I decided to leave the band on my own terms after feeling like I accomplished all I wanted. So I moved back to Cali and rejoined Elli saying, 'I mean it, I'm going to stay here.' Elli was so happy. I headed right into the ocean and started swimming. I loved my new life :)


As for Cim

Katherine's POV:
It hurt saying goodbye to Dani but she wanted this. Our band ended in 2021 but not before a successful 15 year career. We did so much and we're proud of each other especially Dani. She will do amazing with her new venture. I was writing in my office and my 16-year old brother Joey said, 'Think Dani will come back to Nashville one day?' I said, 'Yes Joey. She will.' He smiled. My 26-year old sis Amy came into my office saying, 'I'm doing a show tonight in a few hours with my bandmates, wanna come?' I said, 'I'd love to. See you at 9?' She said, 'Cool see you then, it's at the Ryman.' She left to get ready and I continued my writing.

I wrote about 'If Mermaids Were Real'

The rest of the family went on with their lives as normal.

As for Dani, she enjoyed her new life in the sea, protecting our oceans from danger.

The end

A/N:Next story coming soon.

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