Chapter 1

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The first part of the story is told from Dani's perspective.

Dani's POV:
Me and the family were heading to California for some much needed vacation time. We have been stressed out so much from lots of stuff in the last few years. I had just turned 16 and it was time to go on our trip. We would be on vacation for like a week or two to get away from it all. It felt amazing doing this. After we packed our bags, we headed for the airport from Nashville and then after we got on our flight, we departed for Cali. Amy who was sitting next to me frowned saying, 'I got a bad feeling--' but I cut her off saying, 'Amy think good thoughts. This is what we needed.' Amy hesitated but then faked a smile. So 3 hours later we arrived in California and then we headed right for the rental cars to our destination. It felt exhilarating that we were going to be going on a cruise and it would be just us 13 in this family along with a few of our close Cali friends. That would make it 18.

So we begun our 2 week cruise and this was going to be so much fun.

Or so we thought.

Being the tech wizards we all are, we couldn't be without our phones or laptops so we brought them along, just in case we needed a diversion from things. I went to my twitter saying

'Just arrived on a cruise ship that is strictly for us. This is gonna be fun YAS.' ~DaniCim

Amy still frowning saying, 'Dani I have bad vibes. My weather app says a storm is coming.' I checked saying, 'You're looking at Puerto Rico, not near Cali. I hope the people in PR are gonna be okay. Our little brother Christian said, 'No Amy's right, there's a storm near where we are too. Infact there's a major line of storms all over the U.S. It doesn't look like a bad storm but it could be treacherous since we're on a boat. Katherine nodded along with Mike Jr. and Alex. Looks like I'm on an island here. LOL.

As we were heading towards dinner on our first night of the cruise, we stuffed ourselves good. Lauren as usual got sick. She has been feeling sick a lot lately. Being the dork she is, she headed to the deck and signaled she was gonna throw up into the ocean. Lauren that is NOT okay! So I hurried to stop her. Feeling zoned out, she accidentally threw me overboard



Lauren's POV:
I was upset :( I was so out of it that I accidentally pushed Dani off the deck and into the ocean. Now I'm panicking. I hurried to get a raft for Dani. Luckily for Dani she is a good climber so she climbed back up with ease. All then seemed okay but Dani well, she wasn't happy. She said, 'WOT THE FRICK LAUR?' I said, 'My fault I'm sorry. I have been feeling seasick and my mind isn't sharp.' Ugh, seasickness of course that had to be the problem.

Dani's POV:
All in all after that situation, the rest of the night went smooth. I checked my twitter and said

'Got wet on my first night of the cruise. Luckily I climbed a few rock walls recently so I can handle this.' ~DaniCim

Lisa's POV:
It was then 2 AM PST and then things got crazy. Dani woke up in the middle of the night and she went to the deck again. She looked at the night sky. She has always been fascinated by astronomy. I peeped my head to see what she was doing and she started feeling dizzy. She had been struggling with sleep so I was worried. She hadn't gotten more than 3 hours of sleep since April and I was very concerned.

I saw Dani was starting to faint

She fell into the sea


I rushed to the deck and got the life raft that we used to get Dani up earlier. This time, Dani wasn't quite as responsive and started to drift further away.


I hurried to get my family. 'WAKE THE FRICK UP! DISASTER AT SEA!' Everyone woke up violently and hurried to see what happened. Our family friend Elli was in a state of shock seeing her BFF Dani drifting further away from us. I am freaking out like everyone.

Dani's POV:
This isn't fun. I woke up from my daze and found myself literally miles away from the ship. First night on the cruise and I didn't even stay on it. I am so out of it. I looked nearby and I saw a mysterious girl grab my hand. She dragged me into the ocean depths. Like dude, are you trying to make me drown?! But what's this? I can talk underwater and breathe underwater freely? I don't understand. The girl said to me,

'You're not one of them anymore.'
'You're one of us now.'
'Welcome to your new family.'

I don't quite understand what she meant but okay. She then said,

'Protect our kingdom. Stop the outsiders.'

I am so confused by what she's saying to me. She would then say something that would really hit me hard.

'I found the perfect guy for you.'



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