Chapter 2

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Amy's POV:
I knew something bad was gonna happen :( I just sensed it. Then a storm started to happen. It was a little after 2:30 AM and we were scared. We hurried our cruise ship away from the storm and we'll try to get Dani later. It hurts but we don't want this boat to capsize.

So we got the stepping and hurried to safety. Hours later, we were okay but now we were further away from Dani. It hurts :(

Alex's POV:
This is getting bad. Seeing Danielle falling overboard a 2nd time in less than 8 hours was a very horrible thing to go through. But we have to protect ourselves. Joey stammered, 'We must go back. We have to find Dani!' Lauren and Lisa agreed as did Christina and Katherine. Amy seemed more hesitant but realized, 'Dani's our sister, we have to find her.' The rest of the family agreed and we told the captain, 'Let's turn back to where we were.' The storm did end up passing and all was clear now.

It was 6 AM and we got back to where we had left last night. Day 2 of our cruise began sans Dani. We'll find our sister.

Christina's POV:
I been pressuring the family to take this vacation and now I feel somewhat responsible for Dani's disappearance. Amy slapped me in the face saying, 'Stop, it's not your fault! Dani was dizzy. She hadn't been sleeping--' But I was taken aback and yelled saying, 'I SWEAR IT'S ON ME. I BEEN SOMETIMES KEEPING DANI--' Katherine yelled, 'STOP IT RIGHT NOW! NOBODY IS AT FAULT!!!' She slapped me in the face and I was shaken up. I haven't seen my sisters this mad in a long time. Then all of a sudden I was lifted into the air and I was sent flying. PUT ME DOWN!


Katherine's POV:
This is getting insane. Now Christina went overboard, but she wasn't exactly pushed overboard but instead flown over. I saw a face pop into the water. There was a girl who smiled and headed back underwater. This is getting crazy. I yelled, 'Let's investigate!' Our mom and dad were starting to freak out even more. I wonder how Dani is doing. I hope she's okay.


Dani's POV:
I am trapped underwater covered in so much seaweed. Worse yet I feel so dizzy and extremely sleepy. Someone help me please!

One of the mysterious girls that are underwater approached me saying, 'Well if you don't want to be one of us, we'll keep you like this until you surrender.' I yelled, 'NEVER! I HAVE SO MUCH PRIDE AND I WILL NOT GIVE IN!' My willpower is so strong that I will not back down. But another of the mysterious girls came over to me with a note and a third came up to me and pushed my head at the note. I saw so many negative things towards me and I wasn't happy. I saw so many messages saying, 'You're weak', or 'Cut' or 'You suck.' That started to really anger me and I was trying to get this seaweed off me.


So sometime later after so much struggle I broke free and sprinted to the surface. I escaped somehow and swam extremely fast to the ship, finding it very quickly and climbing it like lightning. I'm not gonna be held captive like that forever, I have family that needs me.

unfortunately, I noticed a strange glow around me. An echo then came to my head saying

'Too late, you're one of us now. Return home.'


Amy who came from the cabin and saw me ran to me and hugged me so tight saying, 'OMFG WE MISSED YOU! DON'T WORRY US LIKE THAT YOU RAT!' I was emo. I was rescued, but was it too little too late?

The mysterious girl appeared again jumping up onto the boat saying, 'Come. And bring shortcake with you.' SHORTCAKE?! That set Amy off and she lunged towards her and shoved her to the ocean. 

'DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME A SHORTCAKE! I HAVE TURNER SYNDROME OKAY?!' Amy yelled. The girl said, 'Oh. I'm so sorry. I heard about that disease. I shouldn't have called you shortcake. But come with me...'

I was not sure what's going on. Only one way to find out.


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