Chapter 8

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So he told the truth about what happened. We listened.

'First I should mention my name. My name is Dr. Javier Guido and I created a ship called the Divine Embassy. That was the ship you and your family were on. My captain is my only son, Arturo. I know you wanted to enjoy your vacation but when you stepped foot on the ship I built, I honestly felt bad things were going to happen to you, and thus I had kidnapped you and your older sis here.'

I interrupted, 'Uh excuse me but I'm the older sis. Dani is 5 years younger than me.' He continued, 'Oh, well you're so much shorter than her so I assumed--' I then said, 'I have Turners' He then paused and continued, 'Anyway, I built this ship eons ago with the intention to turn it into the most luxurious cruise ship in the world. Unfortunately, I died while trying to make that possible by vengeful thieves. I was brought back to life with revenge on my mind. You know the rest.'

Wow. Mindblown.

'Are those thieves still around?' I asked. He then said, 'Yes. I told you all I know. Now, do away with me.' I nodded but Dani spoke up saying, "Wait, something doesn't feel right. What about this blue glow?' He then closed with, 'Blue glow erased, now you're free to return to land.' Elli then said, 'It's not my squad that's the thieves I hope?' They fled. I think Elli scared them away. 'Unfortunately...'


My jaw dropped as did Elli's and Dani's.

'Remember when they been chanting they want you to be one of them? Well, they do. They are the ones who been forcing you Dani & Amy to live here in the sea forever, never to return to civilization. Regarding the poisoning the water, that was merely a threat to that 'squad' of yours who were using you Elli. 'USING ME?!' Elli screamed. 'So wait, you're saying you're not a villain? I am lost.' Dani was confused. He then said, 'No I am, but not in the way you intend a villain to be.' I then chimed in, 'So, Elli's 'squad' are the thieves?' He finished with, 'Yes, now be going. Do away with me please. I served my purpose.' We thanked him and I prepared to finished him off by his request.

I had other ideas and said, 'Stop it Amy. Hey sir, we could actually use your help then. We'll try and help get the ship back to the glory you had planned for it, if you help us.' He was shocked by the announcement I made. 'Wait, you know nothing about ship building!' I said, 'My father is an architect and my sister Christina's boyfriend is also somewhat a builder of things. We can enlist them to help!' He was a bit overwhelmed by what I said. Amy glared at me saying, 'Dani what the frick are you doing?' I then retorted, 'If he knows something about these thieves and how to stop them, he can help us bring them down and then after we finish fixing up the ship, he can die peacefully.' She then yelled, 'Okay but if something bad happens, I will be pissed at you!'

We hurried to land and we wound up back at the ship. I hurried over to Dad and told him, 'Let's help fix up this ship.' He said, 'But Dani it's haunted!' I said, 'No buts Dad! Do it! Get Nick.' Beside himself, he went to work. Christina came over to me and said, 'Look who's suddenly leader eh?' I said, 'Christina, get me In N Out or Nick right now.' Christina giggled, 'Okay boss. LOL.'

It's all giggles now but this is getting serious. I remember when those mysterious girls underwater wanted me to live with them. They did mean it. I shouldn't have trusted them! Meanwhile, where's Elli?

Amy then said, 'Bad news Dani.' I said, 'Go ahead--' She then told me, 'Elli's been attacked. She's in immense pain.' I knew it.


to be continued

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