Chapter 5

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So much has happened lately. Since we began our cruise a couple days ago, all kinds of zaniness happened. A lot of us got sick, sleepy, very dizzy, Dani & Christina fell overboard a couple times, Christina's sort of unconscious, Lauren has been bedridden, and now Dani can't go back above water until we complete a task. I looked into Dani's eyes and noticed fear in her for the first time in forever. Meanwhile I had gotten word from above that the other 4 family friends were picked up by another boat and headed home. Thanks for leaving us hanging sheesh. So now it's up to me and the family to get things straightened out. Im starting to notice a similar blue glow around Amy. That can't be good. Amy said, 'I...I must live here.' Now I'm panicking!

My 'squad' spoke up saying, 'Okay okay we must confess something. We do want Dani & Amy to be one of us, but we never agreed to have a blue glow get in the way. There's some evil voodoo magic going on.

Hang in there Dani & Amy.

--------ABOVE WATER-------

Don't think I'm liking the sound of this. Dani & Amy haven't returned yet and Elli's not back either. I can't believe she's a fricking mermaid. Well, underwater that is but still....she hid this from us :( Lauren came to me saying, 'Dude, snap out of it! Elli is trying all she can to get back those two.' I freaked out. Im the only Cim girl who didn't faint or felt sick but I'm starting to lose my focus. We have to get it together like NOW!

I felt a lot better. I hope Elli and Dani & Amy are okay. I checked on Christina to see if she was alright but she looked so destroyed. Alex cried, 'This is heartbreaking. We have to end our cruise right now. Christina might be dying :(' I felt so devastated. But we couldn't leave without the others. But we have no choice.

We ended our cruise abruptly. We sailed back to where we started after Alex & Christina returned to the boat. Strangely, Christina felt a lot better.  She woke up saying, 'That...blasted....boat.' Our mom said, 'Yep, this cruise ship is haunted. This separated us. The captain of the boat said, 'You said 2 weeks, but you came back after 2 days. What gives?' I said, 'This boat is haunted.' He said, 'It's the only one we got. Sorry.' We frowned. So now we are left wondering how do we get Dani, Amy & Elli back to us? Our little brothers all screamed, 'We want our sisters back :('

I feel your pain.


Now I had that blue glow circling me. What was going on?! Well, I honestly don't mind it as much because I always loved being in the ocean. Sometimes when you lived in Cali for as long as I have, you start to think about wanting to live under the sea. But Im still a teenager, so yeah. We have to find out what's causing this glow. Suddenly before I knew it, Amy & Dani disappeared again out of nowhere. Why does this keep happening? I saw the giant octopus again and he said, (since when do octopus talk?) 'They went that way, through that cave. Some kind of factory.' Factory? He then added, 'The shadow figure is going to make your friends evil and try to poison all water in the world if his plans come to fruition.' POISON ALL WATER?! I MUST STOP HIM!

This is getting insane. So I quickly headed above water and texted Lauren saying, 'Dani & Amy are in serious danger. I will rescue them even if it kills me.' I texted Lauren because I'm also very close with her so I felt she needed to know. Lauren responded saying,  'FRICK! THAT CRUISE SHIP WAS HAUNTED!' I responded back saying, 'The creator of the ship captured Dani & Amy suddenly. I think he's freaking scary.' She responded, 'OMG THE SHIP CREATOR CAPTURED THEM? GET YOUR BUTT DOWN THERE AND SAVE MY SISTERS!!!' CHILL LAUREN, I'M TRYING!


As I dove back underwater I raced with my squad to the caves and to the factory.

This is gonna be epic.


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