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Sorry for the SLOW update, but I hope you annoy and I'll try to update faster this time!

Ouranos' POV:

I walked through the camp I hated so much, watching as panic set in. The screams as I walked around the burning camp was music to my ears. After I was done here I'd head straight to Olympus, and pay my dear family a long since overdue visit.
I smiled as a younger child of Demeter ran out of her burning cabin, ash covering her face, she fell at my feet, gasping, calling out for help. When the girl looked up, she recognized the face of a young hero, and I saw hope flicker in her eyes. I smiled coldly at her, and crouched down to her level.
I chuckled as fear and realization shown in her bright green eyes. She couldn't have been more than 11 or 12. I placed a firm hand on her neck, slowly pressing her into the soft earth. I felt her throat tighten, and relished the feeling of her shaking in pure fear. Her eyes widened and she struggled, trying to break free, but the lack of oxygen and intake of smoke in her lungs weakened her.
"No!" A boys voice sounded from behind me, and suddenly I was being thrown back. I hit the ground hard, but it didn't effect me. Not with all the power I now have.
"Ah," I said, recognizing my attacker. "Jason Grace. I don't believe we've had the pleasure. I am Ouranos. But, of course, you already knew that." I stood, and brushed the dirt off me as he helped the girl I'd been holding down. She recovered quickly and rushed off to safety. Not that there was much of that anymore.
Jason turned and glared at me. Before he could speak, I said, "Well, it's been fun, but I'm afraid I have an appointment on Olympus. Have fun watching your precious camp burn, Jason Grace."
And with that, I used my newfound powers to transport myself to Olympus.

~ Time Skip - At Olympus~

I materialized at the steps of Olympus, taking in the wonderful feeling of accomplishment. I'd finally be able to fulfill my promise. I would be the one, to rip Olympus to shreds, and get my revenge. The only reason the others failed before me, is the famous Percy Jackson, and he was helping me!
I laughed as the alarm sounded and everyone began to panic. I began setting fire to everything around me. Burning everything to the ground as fast as I could before I summoned a giant storm or wind, that turned quickly into a volcano.
This swept through Olympus, causing buildings to collapse as I made my was gleefully up the stairs to the throne room of the gods. This was the day.
Today was the day, Olympus would fall.

Jason's POV:

We got to Olympus as fast as we could, Nico shadowtraveling as my of us as he could before passing out, the rest going by van.
I was one of the first who got shadowtraveled to Olympus, but by the time I got there, the place was almost completely in ruins. There was total chaos everywhere we turned. And there was nothing we could do to help the gods, nymphs, and satyers other than to stop Ouranous.
And none of us knew how to do that.
I rushed over to pull a nymph out of a burning home, then sprinted as fast as I could up the stone steps, following the path of destruction and trusting in my fellow demigods to both help others, and follow me. On the way, I helped as many minor gods, nymphs, and satyers as I could, until I finally reached the highest point of Olympus.
The throne room of the gods.

Quiz time!

Q: When Percy was 'trapped' on the island with Calypso, what god(s) visited?

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