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After lunch, Missy came to talk to me.

"Hey Cora."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I don't care if you don't want to talk about it! You have never lost it on Jesper like that, and even Svengal can tell something is wrong! What the hell happened after the night attack?"

I told her everything, tears flowing again, because it was all my fault. I was leading them all on.

"Wow. And they just kept fighting?"

"Y-yes. It's my fault. I - I've been leading them all on, and I really didn't mean too."

"Hey, I know, calm down. It'll be fine."

"The worst part is, Jesper started the fight, so I can't stop mentally blaming him."

"We will figure this out, I promise."

I was sitting on my cliff, and dad came to talk.

"You ok, honey?"

"My ankle hurts."

"Have you iced it at all?"

"No, that would make sense. I can't walk though."

He picked me up and carried me home.

He then got me some ice, and we talked.

"So they were fighting over you?"


We were silent for a while.

"You and Jesper will figure it out. You two always manage to somehow. I don't know about the others. My advice is avoid all four of them until you are ready."

After that, I was finally able to walk, and after making sure Jesper was at the barracks,  I went to see if Ben was allowed to come on a walk with me.

"Of course. Where is Jesper?" their mother replied.

"He's,  um.... back at the barracks. He.... uhhh.... didn't want to come."

"You guys fought again."

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean?"

"I-I would rather not talk about it, I'm sorry."

"It's ok. You two will work it out."

Ben and I were walking, and stopped in the shade of some trees.

"Cora, what did bubby do wrong?" Ben asked.

"Don't worry about it Ben."

"Are you mad at him?"

"I'm not sure."

"How many people were there, or was it just you and bubby?"

"There were three other people who I'm not talking to either."


Ben wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

"That help?"

I couldn't help but smile.

"A hug from you always helps Ben." I said, hugging him back.

When I took him home, Jesper was there.

I refused to meet his gaze. He was trying to fimd a way to apologize.

I left quickly, and as I walked away, I heard what his mother told him.

"You must've messed up bad."

"Yeah. I did. I regret every second of it, and I bet the other three do too."

That evening, at sunset, I was sitting at my cliff when the four boys came to talk.

"Cora." Ulf said.

"What do you guys want?" (every other statement is me)

"Just to talk." Tursgud said.

"About what?"

"The incident." Bjorn said.

"What about it?"

"We've all been talking, and we are really,  really, really, sorry about what happened. We all behaved rashly and childishly, mostly me." Jesper told me.

I was silent.

"It's going to take me a while to sort out my thoughts. It was my fault.  I unintentionally led you all on. I didn't mean any of it."

"It's our fault for bothering you with it when we knew there was no chance." Ulf said.

"That's the thing though. Two of you do have chances. I'm just not saying which two."

"Do you forgive us?" Tursgud asked.

"Not sure yet."

"Well, I don't need a lecture,  cuz Ben already gave me one." Jesper grinned, causing the others to do the same.

I couldn't help but giggle at that.

The Herons Completed Crew... A Brotherband Chronicles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now