Chapter Twenty- Five*

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I'd always grown up in church, before my father was elected. Middle of the church, far right side of the pew. You'd find a sad mother and a desperate son, longing for the love of the sadistic father.

It's no wonder how I ended up where I am now. Why I find myself 2 miles from the zoo, under a military grade tent with the rain pelting through every few minutes. The cold of the rain was nice, it helped me remember I was still alive. Beating.

I thought back to Gale and how I'd left him. I'd agreed to interrogate him without visual hesitation, but they'd decided against it. I'd interviewed the girl with curly hair instead. I'd remembered her, just as Holland and Nathaniel were taking turns cutting her hair.

Physical abuse wasn't working on her, so it turned psychological. Thankfully, I didn't have to do any of it.
All I had to do was ask the questions, and if they weren't answered with information, Nathaniel and Holland hurt them. Or in her case, cut their hair.

The her in question was Gale's friend I'd met during the dinner at the White House. Her name was Nathalie, but her friends called her Nate. This piece of information earned a knock to the side of the head. "That's a boys name, you're a fucking girl!", Nathaniel had growled.

Even I had to flinch when they smacked her again. Just because physical abuse wasn't getting the job done, didn't mean they weren't still doing it. It finally ended when she gave up a name, one she said was important. Dean Rivers.

They got her there by going through every tragic way they could kill her family. It was all she had, apparently. I could tell by the way it affected her. She had a mom and dad who loved her. Needed her.

They didn't tell me where she went, but my dad assured me she was safe. Article1 wouldn't want her anymore, and any gay with any self dignity (as if they could have any- his words) wouldn't want to be around her.

   I wish it was that easy for me. A simple life where I'm left alone, left in my own quiet space. No one watching my every move.

    That was never to be my life. If this ended how they expect, I'll be awarded a hero in the eyes of my country. If I die, I die a hero. I die for the cause.

   The realization that I'm not a hero- but a hypocrite plays in my mind but I push it away. It won't be there for long. All I have to do is finish the job, and then they'll let me go. They'll award me a hero, a straight. I can marry a nice woman and maybe one day, I'll be president. And I can change things a more clean, healthy way. Under the radar so no one suspects anything.

But for now I have to survive.

     The noise the next morning makes me wish I'd never woken up. Soldiers covered every square inch, and I have to move quick before one steps on me. "Solider!", holland says, walking up to me. He throws me a basic uniform like there's, but with my name on a little plate. "Now you're official"

    As we made our way down, the first thing my eyes caught was Gale. This time, with a bruised and bloodies face. "What happened to you" I whisper under my breath. I knew what happened, but I thought I'd be involved.

   The guard beside me, who's name plate says Zachariah, nudges me. "Head in the game?", he asks, offering me a small smile. I offer him one back, nodding slightly.

    "Get Tyler", someone huffs. I look over and see them pulling Gale from his pole. I hadn't noticed until now, but his face wasn't just bloody. He had a gash on his stomach too.

   Holland comes up to me, ushering me to the chair. I'm frozen in fear, it all happening too fast as they tie Gale to the pole. "I-um-", I begin.

  "He's sleeping, idiot. You often able to get much out of a sleeping man?", one of the soldiers barks, dumping cold water on Gale. He wakes with a start, gasping loudly. His eyes find mine too quick. To my surprise, he smirks.

   "Where's your leader?", I ask, trying not to let my voice shake. He tilts his head, shrugging a little. I feel one of the guards beside me start to move, and I hold up a hand. This is my interrogation. "Answer the question".

"Far as I know they killed him", he shrugs again. This time, it's me who gets up and walks towards him. "What're you gonna do? Wouldn't be the first time you laid your hands on me. Although"- I cut him off by punching him in the face.

    He groans and blood and snot flies from his nose. "What the fuck!", he yells. He looks towards one guard, then me. "I'm done fucking around".

I'm only able to stare as his hands come forward and the rope drops. "I'd run if I were you", he tells me, already ready for a fight

Mr President's son -BoyXBoy- *ACTIVELY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now