Chapter Twenty- Eight

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"We're screwed, that's all there is to it", Gale says from the drivers seat. We were on our way to meet the others who were camped out back in DC. We had found the man that we went to the town for. Well, found his body, rather. He was beat to death. His body was already decaying.

     "You can't think of anyone else to take his place?", I ask as I begin chewing on my fingernails. I look over at him and he shakes his head. "We can't do this without a leader".

    "This country survived without a leader. All the leader wanted to do was kill off all of the gays and praise the homophobes. The country is basically running itself, and it's headed straight for the ground", Gale sighs. It was true. Everything he was saying was completely true.

    My father rarely focused on any other problems. Instead of worrying about terrorist attacks, he worried about a boy holding another boys hands. That's all kinds of f*cked up. I'm not sure how the country was still standing. "So, you're saying we could do this with a leader?", I ask.

    He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, maybe", he says as he runs a hand through his hair. "I think it'd be better with a leader. Someone who people would stop and think about. Like 'Oh..this person is with them? Maybe they aren't that bad'. Do you know what I mean?". I nod my head. "I have no idea who that'd be".

     "What about the soldier that I told you about?", I suggest. "He's kind and he's been in the military for a really long time. He could be perfect! He's like us too". Gale shakes his head. "Why not?".

     "Tell me, my love", he says as he looks over at me. I raise an eyebrow. "What's his enthnicity? Where's he from? What did he do before he signed into the military?". I sink back when I realize where's he's going with this conversation. "Exactly. America's seem to think it's 50 years back in the past where no one is equal the whites. I even saw a sign in Chicago that was requesting blacks to sit in the back".

    "I don't know what to do. I feel like we've tried everything we can. We've called on everyone we know whom would be good. for this. We're literally and actually screwed. I'm scared, I'm not gonna lie. We could lose this",  I say and put  my head back. Gale slams on the breaks and I sit up and look at him. "What the hell?".

    "We're not going to lose", he says.

   "What? How do you know?", I reply.

   "You're going to lead us".

Mr President's son -BoyXBoy- *ACTIVELY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now