Chapter Eleven*

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  The next morning, I shuffle into the kitchen where Duncan is placing a plate of food on the table. "Oh good morning. Those are your blue pants, what's wrong?", he asks, moving out of the way so Rachel can place to orange juice beside the plate.

  I take my seat, frowning at his comment about my pants. "My pants are not blue", I frowns looking down at my gray joggers. "Are you feeling okay?".

Rachel giggles, rolling her eyes. "He means those are the pants that you wear when you're feeling down. We pay more attention to you than you know", she winks, taking a seat in front of me. "Now, tell us why you're sad".

Her comment about both of them paying attention to me sends a sharp stab of fear into my chest. I trusted both of them, but I also knew the situation that I was in. I trusted them, but they obviously trusted the president. They'd rat me out if given the chance.

"There's just a lot going on. With the teenagers with their different opinions and different way of lives and all", I lie, picking at the pancakes on my plate. Something they only served when they knew I was upset. So they'd known my mood before I even showed up in my blue pants.

My dad comes in before either of them can say anything. "Ty?", he calls, not seeing me at first. First of all, my father never calls me Ty. Second of all, why the fuck was my father looking for me. I don't even have time to stand and make myself known before he spots me in my chair. "There you are. Take a walk with me?", he asks.

Deacon and I exchange a glance before I hop off  my seat. I walk towards him and he meets me with a hand on my shoulder. He leads me out the back garden where I'd sat with Gale only the day before. Speaking of which, I didn't expect his name to come out of my dads mouth. "I'm sorry?", I ask, having only heard his name in the whole time dad had been speaking.

"Gale Yorke", he repeats.

"Yea?", I ask, the ever present pound of my heart returning. I was caught. He was going to tell me he saw me in the library and that I have to answer for my sins or whatever heinous torture they put my kind in.

My father chuckles, his concerns from yesterday seeming to have flew away. "What did you think about him? Was he respectful? Could be seen as a good friend?", he asks.

His questions left me reeling. This didn't seem like the type of interrogation I was expecting. "He was-", I begin and stop myself, swallowing hard. "He was nice", I finally say, nodding.

"How would you like it if he stayed here for a while?", he asks. He knows. He has to know if he's putting such a temptation in my way. But he wouldn't let it happen in his own house, would he?

"What happened to the whole.. I can't be around people my age thing?", I ask, mustering all the strength I had in me. I wanted to specify the word "boys". I wasn't around boys my age.

"I trust you, and I definitely trust Gale. His father helps keep this nation protected and I know his son would never let you do anything stupid", he explains. So this is about a watch dog. But he just so happened to not realize that the watch dog he'd chosen, was the one casting rebellion all over my mind. "Plus, it helps out to have his father here too. He won't need to visit his son, he'll be here".

"What does this have to do with his dad being here? Is something wrong?", I ask. It seemed as if all of my nightmares were coming true. The nation was falling apart, along with my hopes of ever having a normal life away from all the temptations.

"America isn't great, at the moment. There are things I need to take care of, alright? If you don't want Gale to stay here then that's fine. But it'd be good for everyone", he explains. "I want you to be able to have a friend here. Someone to learn with. You never know, you two could be the next world leaders", he grins, standing up. "What do you say, Ty? Do the country a favor and help get it built back up?

I'm silent for a long time. If my dad was right about Gale, then he'd be watching over my shoulder the whole time. But if I was right about everything Gale had said and done before, the temptation and truth will be staring me right in the face. I take a breath, making my decision.

"Gale can stay", I finally reply.

Mr President's son -BoyXBoy- *ACTIVELY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now