Chapter Seventeen*

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Sleep refused to find me as I pondered over everything. Not just the feeling of betrayal, but what it could mean. If Gale was involved, it meant that he wasn't the boy his father assumed he was. Of course, I'd be an idiot if I didn't sometimes convince myself that Gale was gay. But then the part of my brain that keeps my expectations down slams it away.

If anyone were to find out about Gale, he'd die.

Unless he was working against them, which meant that not only was he straight, he was one of them who hated him. But Gale had told him in the library that he knew what he was, and he'd make him accept it. Though he could have just meant I was a soldier, born to kill and slay the homosexual line.

I almost hoped I'd never find out why Gale had the file. If he was apart of this gang, he still knew about blood shed. He was still killing innocent people for the work of his testimony. It wasn't any better.

Or maybe, he really did find the information of the dark web and just kept it for light reading. I liked to read about torture methods sometimes, just for the horror of it. Although, would I read about a rival gang, in the rivals home? Probably not.

I let out a deep sigh before getting up and looking out the window. Everything seemed so calm and quiet. It was so peaceful that it was easy to imagine somewhere far from here. With my mom and Gale, an honest Gale. Somewhere warm and Sunny, with birds flying everywhere of all different colors. The image brings me to the thought of my mom and my heart sinks a little.

        I'd lived with my parents in a lovely house. My mom would plant beautiful flowers and sing as she cooks. Her and my father would dance around the kitchen and I'd watch with an admiration. It didn't last long. I don't know how old I was when the music was replaced with yelling. Yelling I always convinced myself was because of me.

    My thoughts were soon interrupted by a soft knock on the door. It was 2 AM, so there was no doubt in my mind who it was. I hadn't expected him, and would've change from my Harry Potter pajama pants if I had. "Come in", I call out, going back to looking out the window.

    I look away just in time to see his curly head pop into the door before the rest of him follows. He stands beside me, crossing his arms as he looked out the window. I take note of him, trying to tell myself I wasn't admiring him. He was dangerous and I couldn't trust him. But the way those jeans hugged his thighs and his gray t shirt, worn like a second skin, it all made me light headed. "We should talk about what you found".

    "I don't think we should", I say quietly, looking down. I run a hand over my arm, chewing on my bottom lip. "It doesn't matter. It's much easier if I don't know what you're involved with. Besides, we're not friends". I say the last part as a stab and the quick glance to his reaction shows it works.

     He seems to think over his words for a moment before speaking. "There are people out there, Ty. So many people just wanting to live and to love. They're taking them and killing them. Do you know the procedure for how they decide to kill you?", he asks. I shake my head, biting the inside of my cheek so hard that I taste blood. Why is he telling me this?

"If you're caught kissing, it's a simple injection. Sex? Hanging, so that you have to panic and have a moment of reflection before you die. And if you're caught having a romantic relationship? You fight until the other is dead, then the victor is shot in the head", he explains, swallowing hard and moving to sit on my bed. "It's fucked up, Tyler. I owe it to myself to know what's happening. What my father is apart of. What they're going to force us to be in".

      "How do you know these things? You said you only know a little about them, from the dark web", I whisper, keeping close to the window and far from him. He would be imprisoned for just speaking this way.

     "Yeah, I only know the basics of Article1, but I know about the killings. My father is important in the military, remember? That's how I know all of this. He told me", he replies.

"Why? Why would your father, a high ranked office of the military tell his teenage son what happens to criminals of that kind?", I ask, not able to say the word gay, or homosexual. I didn't want to imagine myself in the position they'd been in. But facing it like this, I didn't know what to do.

   He scoffs and I look over at him. He motions me over to sit beside him and I do, taking tender steps in case it's some sort of set up. I sit down and he shakes his head, eyeing me. "You told me earlier you're not oblivious. I don't believe that", he begins.

My mouth falls open and I go to stand, but he grabs my arm, coaxing me to sit back down. When I do, I shake my head. "I'm not oblivious. I know when someone is lying to me", I snap, crossing my arms and scooting away from him.

"Maybe not. But you also don't see what's right in front of your face", he says, looking me deep in my eyes. "They're making us soldiers. They're creating us in their image, to rule after they're finished. But you know that, you're not oblivious to that. You're just ashamed to admit that there is a flaw in their plan. The reason that they are struggling so hard to cover it up, to change the flaw. What is that flaw, Tyler?".

I swallow hard, shaking my head. He was asking me to confess what I was to him. The way he was looking at me, so deeply, so eager, forced me to answer. "Me", I whisper, choking back tears.

  "Why are you the flaw?", he asks, but with the tone of somebody who already knows the answer.

It felt like I was holding both ropes of my life, and I had to let go of one. I could keep my lie. Or tell my truth.

"Because I'm gay", I finally say, taking in a sharp breath, my heart pounding in rhythm of the blood of the blood pumping in my head. The air inside my lungs escapes as Gale turns to me, his large hand caressing the side of my face.

He shakes his head, looking deep in my eyes. "You're not the flaw, Tyler", he whispers, leaning his head down closer to mine. "We are", he whispers, his lips pressing against mine.

(A/N okay so I TOTALLY redid this chapter, if this is your first time reading since it's been edited, you can tell. I'm proud of it. I love it. Hope u do!)

Mr President's son -BoyXBoy- *ACTIVELY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now