Chapter One*

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I walked through the halls of the white house, down the steps, then towards my father's office. I hadn't been living there long, but the Oval Office was the first place you wanted to learn to get to. My father would call randomly, and he hated waiting. Better to get it over with and get back to your day. I walked in through the doors and saw him sat at his desk, looking at a pile of papers. "What up?" I ask, dumping myself into a chair in front of his desk. My school uniform tie was untied loosely and hanging around my neck. I watched as my father eyed it, his judgments fueling his brain.

He clears his throat and looks back at his papers. "I wanted to talk to you about something", he says, waiting for a response as he shifted the papers in his hands, glancing at me. My eyebrows furrow in confusion and I tap against my leg with my fingertips. A nervous tick. "About the law that we just introduced?"

  My heart hammers in my chest, not understanding why my father wanted to talk to me about these things. I had nothing to do with that law. Every time I thought about it, I felt a swelling panic bubbling in my chest. True fear. But I couldn't tell that to my father. The law maker.

I take a long breath. "I don't understand it, I suppose", the tapping increases as my voice shakes. He had never asked me about it, and I would never speak up. "We're- they're not causing any actual harm. They're just, in love", I shrug.

    My heart was pounding in my chest to hard it was painful. I hoped that my brush over it would work, and he wouldn't notice what I'd said. He was my father. He wouldn't react.

  I felt he always knew, but it scared him.

   I knew it hadn't worked when my father stood, his face on fire. He looked dead in my eyes and stuck a finger in my face. "I will NOT be questioned. Not by my son in this office, especially! Stand up, Tyler. Now". He was demanding as he walked around the desk.

"But dad...", I begin, already gripping the arm rests in fear.

"I will have none of that!", my father yells, getting in my face and again pointing his long finger in my face. Up close, you could see my fathers age. His anger. It was all in his eyes, clear to be read. "You will not speak of this! Speak of them! And you will never, ever, ever say anything like what you just said. Do you hear me?", he demands, spit dripping from his lips. "We can draw them out, we can eliminate them. They're a threat that can and will be stopped". Fear was burning my veins like a trail of gasoline, so I nodded. In fear, I agreed.

  He sits back down, taking a long breath. "This is a long fight. Not everyone sees why we have to have it, but I am this nations trusted leader. They'll see. The other guys won't win. Now, you're excused", he says, sitting up straight, lowering his head. He'd calmed. Just like that.

  I watch him for a moment, even though I was excused. This man, so afraid of something that could be beautiful, or real. It confused me, but it hurt me even more. Even at thirteen, hell, eleven, I knew I was gay. So did he. So why was he doing this?

   I stand, picking up my school bag from the floor and putting it on. "I think you're wrong", I tell him, stopping at the door to leave. He looks to me to continue, to explain. But I don't.

  I leave the office.
  I expected that to be the end of the conversation. That we'd both get on with our lives, both avoiding each other and I'd be left alone. I couldn't have been more wrong.

  My father took me out of school. Took my cellphone, only permitting that I used a laptop from here on out. I lost contact with all of my friends, all of the cool people I'd met online. The laptop had a lock on it, mostly to major social media platforms. I hadn't had the nerve to try porn sites. I wasn't that stupid.

   After that, I started being followed. By the service, by maids, even the cooks. It took me a year to realize I was being monitored so my father could keep up with me. I realized when I was in my computer settings, attempting a faster connection and saw the wireless tether connected to my network. I just didn't understand why he cared so much. And there was certainly nothing I could do about it.

  It took me an entire year to realize why. Because he thought I was reckless. That at any point I could spill my big bad secret. Homosexuality in the White House? In this country? Never! Unheard of. He stopped letting me speak in interviews too. I was to stand beside him at all times, hands clasped in front or back of you. Never speak. Don't even glance around. Choose something, not someone to keep your focus on. I did it willingly. I had no choice.

   None of it bothered me. I'd liked to play games and listen to music, so staying in my room, which I did to avoid being stalked, didn't bother me. I was a recluse in every way. My four walls of space were safe, and I couldn't fuck up or ruin things here. I couldn't spill my dirty secret, or share any sort of opinion that might not exactly go with my fathers. I was safe from punishment here. In a way, in here, I could not sin.

  But then my father made a decision that changed everything. A decision that would crumble everything he worked for, and I worked for.

Mr President's son -BoyXBoy- *ACTIVELY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now