Chapter Seven*

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(Gale in the picture above)

It was about 9:45 when I watched the school bus pull up to the White House. I put a hand to my heart to feel how worried I should be about a heart attack. It was steady, but was gaining speed almost every second that the bus got closer. "Nervous?", Addison asks from beside of me.

I look over at him and nod. I drop my hand and take a deep breath. "Just because I don't know how to interact with people anymore. Of course I'm comfortable with you and some of the staff, but these people are my age. And I'm not exactly in time with the young people", I sigh, putting my hand to my mouth and chewing my fingernails.

"You'll do fine. You're the president's son, that makes you automatically cool", he laughs and slaps me on the back. I wasn't so sure. This specific president wasn't exactly famous with everyone. And if these people actually follow and believe what my father says, I have no interest in what they think of me anyway. "Unless you're worried about something else?". This stops me. He was blatantly asking me if I was worried because of my sexuality, and if I thought it was going to be a problem. No one was usually so upfront with me.

  I shake my head, dropping my hand from my mouth as I heard the familiar, but old familiar, sound of a bus door opening. "That's our cue, positions everyone", Addison winks, taking a step away from the porch and entering into the main room.

It didn't take long for them to be ushered into the room. I guess when you were "as important" as Addison, you didn't have to wait very long. I scan the crowd, my eyes quickly brushing over the males of the group. There were only two, but I made sure not to focus on either of them at all.

"Welcome", Addison says, looking over them with a faux smile. I could tell it was fake by the way his eyes didn't crinkle on the sides. Addison was pushing seventy, and you didn't even evolve to your sixties without the wrinkles to prove it. "I am the Vice President Addison Cooper, and this, of course, is the President's son, Tyler", he introduces the both of us and I lift a hand.

   They all stared at me. Or I assume they all stared at me, by the feeling I got. My eyes were only on the girl in the front. She was cute with round circle glasses and curly hair. Her expression seemed eager. Once she caught me staring, she gave me a soft, kind smile. One that Addison noticed, and gently nudges me about it.

"Well" A males voice speaks out. My head whips around on its own, almost needing to see where the deep voice came from. My eyes fall on him and I swallow hard, my hands clenching it into fists again. He seemed to be the eldest out of the 7. He was tall, kept his back straight, and had a stupid grin on his face. He had to have been 17 or 18, surely. "I, for one, am very excited to be on this tour. Considering I've been held back twice due to arguing with my teachers. I'm excited to argue with you as well". His eyes stayed on mine the entire time.

"Well aren't you going to be a pain in my ass", Addison mumbles. I barely heard him and I was standing right beside him. So I know no one else did. "Shall we carry on?". Everyone nods, including myself. I rip my eyes from the boy with the grin and try to focus on the tour.

   Addison took the lead and I walked side by side with him. He'd speak about things and the boy who said he liked to argue did what he was best at. Arguing. I'd smile a little each time I'd hear his voice. Then I'd look over at the VP and hoped he didn't notice. There was something so honest about the teen. Unapologetically honest. I liked it. I hated that I liked it.

We were a quarter away finished with the tour when Addison's phone rang. He answered it quickly, walking away from the group. The other were admiring the grand stair case that spiraled up. All except for one.

The boy who seems keen on ruining my life comes up and stands beside me. I glance at him and notice he's now looking around. "What's it like? Living here, I mean? A huge house with a huge garden. People to wait on you hand and foot", he asks. I sigh softly, shrugging. He didn't understand how hard it truly was. How every day was a fight. Of course he didn't.

"It's interesting", I answer simply, looking among the staircase as if it was the most interesting thing I'd seen. It wasn't. The boy beside of me was. "I'm sure if you asked a past first child there answer to the question, it'd be much different". I kept my voice soft with an edge of humor in it. The lives that the first children led were very different. It depended on the father.

The boy turns completely towards me and I just glance at him, my heart hammering in my chest. "I'm Gale, by the way" he holds out a hand. I take in a long breath, at first only looking at his hand.

  I finally give in, placing my hand in his much bigger one. "Tyler", I greet, even though he obviously already knew me. I curse myself for noticing the size of his hand, as that wasn't normal. I wasn't acting normal. I just hoped it wasn't obvious.

Just as I start to pull my hand back from the beautiful boy in front of me, Addison comes back to the crowd.

Mr President's son -BoyXBoy- *ACTIVELY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now