Chapter Sixteen*

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"The blood shed that bounded them was stronger than any torture they could bring, any weapon they could carry. There is no doubt, one day, they will rule"

    Those were the words that graced the very top of the page. I didn't know if it was some sort of prophecy someone had made, or if it was a prayer, or a mantra. The words swirled in my head as I forced myself to keep looking through the file, each one I look at my, my soul begs for answers as to why these papers are her in the first place.

I took my time with each page, slowly flipping them over so I can read the next one, my hands gingerly running down the white sheet as I took in all the knowledge I could. It was mostly just information. Where to find the hideouts. How to identify one of the same. Which apparently, 'one of the same' was their names they called themselves. I liked it. Had a way of making you feel like you weren't alone.

I'd heard about a gang over dinner one night, an important one that Addison had attended. He'd ranted about them, never giving them a name or an explanation of who they were. Just that they were manic. Lit fires in the streets and caused chaos in homes, in the streets. It was barbaric.

Through the years, I'd heard more about them. They killed. They raped. They slaughtered. They were a heinous group of individuals with nothing on their mind but their own person gang.

The file in my hand showed differently. It showed a companionship, people who would be there for you. How the two stories are so completely twisted makes me believe that they could be separate stories.

Until I turn the page.

Written there is a list of weapons and a list of ammunition to keep track of what you have. Along with it, a checklist for going out at night.

• blind folds
• rag

I blink slowly, trying to make sense of the items on the list. A blind fold? A rag? Why would you need any of that if you were scouring around in the middle of the night? The last sentence of the page answered my question.

"Anyone who stands against us, stands bloody", it said. Anyone not on their side paid the price, whether they were guilty or innocent. It showed that these people were no different than my father, or the rest of these fake fucks who run this country.

My heart pounded in my chest as I laid the folder down exactly where it was, getting up quickly. The motion of the door opening stops me in my tracks and I suck in a breath, looking around for a quick place to hide. Gales eyes find mine as soon as he enters the room, then his eyes shift to the file on the bed, right beside of me.

  I open my mouth to tell him I hadn't read it, feeling like a deer in headlights. But I had the upper hand. He was the one with the secret that could change everything. The one with every single bit of information. "Why do you have that?", I ask, somehow forming the words of a question I'd had since I'd opened the folder.

    "Tyler", he whispers, taking a step towards me. "It isn't what you're thinking. I- I have a thing for information, ya know? Remember when I asked if you were on the dark web? How do you think I knew what it was?". He was lying. I could tell it in the way he stuttered out the excuse. "Just give me the file".

   I scoff, picking it up before he can even get halfway to me. "You mean this?", I hold it up before throwing it across the room, watching the papers fly in a million different directions. "Don't give me that bullshit. You lied to me. You came into this house with a motive that I don't understand, but will find out. Mark my fucking words", I spit.

    He seemed to sink back as soon as the words left my mouth. I didn't retreat when I pushed by him and went to my room, hearing his foot falls behind me, trying to get me to stop. "Please! Talk to me. You have to let me explain". He was frantic as he pulled me to him, then pressing me against the wallS

   I feel the tears leave my eyes before I can stop them. "Do you know how many times I've been pushed aside and lied to?", I demand, quickly wiping my face. "My mom left me without an explanation. My father absolutely hates me. But I thought I had a friend in you, someone I could trust and depend on. And then I find the folder and realize that just like everyone else, I'm just a pawn to you". The words came out in a jumble, not able to stop.

   "Tyler" he whispers, taking a step away from me. He places a gentle hand on my cheek that I quickly smack away. I didn't need him to touch me, not when I knew how easy it could manipulate me. "No one is lying to you. I can't tell you these things, Ty. I can't. It's for your safety and my own and everyone elses. If I told you anything, it would put everyone in jeopardy", he sighs. "Can we just, have our friendship and have our own.. tasks?".

   "No, we can't have that" I whisper, looking down. "I want you to dispose of the fucking file. But before that", I begin, looking up at his face, which seemed to sag with every word. "Get the fuck out of my room".


  A/N: love u

Mr President's son -BoyXBoy- *ACTIVELY EDITING*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα