Chapter Twelve*

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A week later, Gale had started moving in. Well, his stuff started getting moved in. He was still back in his hometown, away from all of the secrets for the moment. Though I knew he had secrets of his own, I hated the idea of him being trapped here, along with me, the countries best kept secret. Things would be simpler for him if he'd stay. It would have been simpler for all of us.

I was lounging on the couch in one of the sitting rooms. I had my phone out and my ear buds in, 5 Seconds Of Summer blaring into my ears and I was reading an article about terrorism in some other country. "Wow, terrorism in other countires and all America is worried about is boys liking boys and girls liking girls. Great work, best country on Earth", I mumble to myself.

      I wasn't aware that someone had snuck into the room without my noticing. Then that same person coming to the back of the sofa and reaching a hand down to touch me. I gasp and sit up, jerking my ear bud out of my ear. I look up to see an amused Gale, a hand clutching his stomach as he laughed. "Oh my god", he laughs loudly, bending over, not even trying to contain his giggles.

    I put a hand to my chest as I try to calm my breathing. "Jesus Christ, dude. Where the hell did you even come from?", I ask. My mood had brightened instantly when he came in, and I hated that. But he was a good Vibe, I didn't have many of those.

"You dont want me here?", he asks, a fake and dramatic pout forming on his lips. I chuckle, rolling my eyes as I wrap the ear buds around the player. "I'm hurt, honestly. I left my entire life to be here with you, right here right now and you don't even want me?". He was an actor, I'll give him that. If I pressed him, I'd bet he'd even partake in fake tears. Maybe sobs.

     Finally, I close the curtain on the act and stand up in front of him. "I'm glad you're here", I tell him warmly, watching his eyes light up a little. "Who else am I suppose to be annoyed at and roll my eyes at?".

"Is that all I am to you?", he jokes, putting a hand to his chest. "Just for that, you should help me unpack", he says, matter of factly as he turns to leave. "Any chance you know where my room is?".

I bust out laughing at just how ridiculous this guy seemed to me. It made me feel lightweight, listening and watching him. He was refreshing.

The feeling didn't last long as my father and Gale's entered the room. They weren't stone cold like I'd expected, it was almost like we were all taking a collective sigh. "Boys", my dad greets, nodding at both of us.

     "Oh, Mr. Yorke. Dad", I greet them both once they walk in. "It's an honor to meet you, I've heard great things about what you've done for this country", I say as I extend my hand to him and he shakes it. A quick glance at Gale shows me his rolling his eyes.

     My father is the one to speak next. "Will you go show Gale to his room? It's right across from yours. The maids should have everything finished by now, just some personal things left out", he explains. We leave him with a nod and climb the steps to our respected rooms. I point his out before opening my own door, revealing it to him. It wasn't very decorated, as this usually wasn't my place of hang out. The walls were blue and the sheets on the bed were a lighter blue.

    "This is my room. Feel free to come in whenever you want. But I'm usually only in there to sleep. But if you have nightmares, I'm there", I say, making him laugh softly. I then close my door and open his. "And this is your room".

     I look inside the room and it was a big room, about the same size as mine. He had a queen size bed with white sheets. The room was painted blue on two walls and red on the other two. He had a a dresser and all the other normal things teenage boys usually have. But I noticed a drum set in the corner of the room. I go over to it and sit down on the stool. "Do you play?", I ask him, a small grin spreading on my face. I liked the image of Gale in this exact position, red faced from creating his music.

    He comes over to me and stands beside the stool. "I do, get up and I'll show you", he replies. I nod and get up, then go over to the bed and sit on the edge. He sits down and gets two drum sticks from the floor, clears his throat and begins playing. He hits the drums softly, playing me a song I don't think I'd heard before. It was beautiful.

     When he's finished, he looks over at me and puts the sticks down. "That was incredible. I always thought of drums as a way to make music, rhythm, but you made actual music. Magical music", I grin, telling him the truth.

He laughs, shaking his head. "Nah it was totally nothing", he says, getting up and taking a seat beside me. He hands me one of his drum sticks and keeps the other one. He trails his fingers up and down the words printed on the wood, and I'm taken aback for a moment, lost in the pattern of his movements.

He clears his throat and I look up, meeting his eyes. He had a small smirk playing on his lips and I blush deeply, knowing I'd just got caught. "So" I say quickly, deciding to brush by my own embarrassment. "Excited to live in the White House?".

     He drops my gaze as he lays back on the bed, tossing the drum stick up and catching it as it falls. "Honestly? I am", he begins and I look down at him. "Not because it's the White House and I'm important or something".

"Then why?", I ask, my voice coming out soft and timid, awaiting the answer fearfully, yet hopefully.

"Because of the person in it", he answers simply, finally looking at me


(A/N: hey :) love u

Mr President's son -BoyXBoy- *ACTIVELY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now