Chapter Eight*

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   I jerk my hand back, my eyes fleeting over Addison's in panic. Gale just slides his hand in his pocket, flashing a charming smile towards the VP. My heart flutters and I let out a breath, turning towards Addison. "What's up?", I ask him, containing the shake in my voice.

   "Bad news", he says, slapping my back. I flinch, hating when any of my fathers hateful staff touched me. Like they could somehow feel my sexuality through my skin, like the scales of a snake. A dead giveaway that I'm living a lie. "I have to deal with some things for your father, but the good news is, you're taking over!".

My eyes widen and my heart hammers, my eyes searching his for any chance that he could be lying. I couldn't lead them. I didn't trust myself to be alone with the one beside of me, let alone the whole group. What if I said something? "I-where are you going?", I stammer.

    Addison grins, as if amused by the panic written on my face. Like he was enjoying seeing me struggle. "Your father has asked me to see to some things is all, but I'm sure you'll be just fine. Right?", he asks, searching my face for any sort of argument, or any sort of pull back. A sign that I was weak.

    I hesitate, nodding slowly. "Of course", I choke out, my blood pulsating through my veins like a fly struggling in a spiders web. Erratic. Panicked. But I had no choice, and I never would have a choice. "Good luck" I nod to him. He nods back, offering Gale a lighthearted goodbye before leaving. I watch him go, desperately needing a moment to myself.

    That wasn't an option, as I caught a glimpse of Gale's blue eyes trying to meet mine. I couldn't focus on that, either. My father had given me a job to do. I knew he didn't trust me enough not to fuck up in a normal situation, so he was making it a make or break situation. If I messed this up, it was all over for me.

"This way", I tell him, not waiting for him to respond as I lead him through the hallway, towards the students waiting for our return. He didn't hesitate or argue, he simply followed directions.

    This time, Gale is quiet. He doesn't say anything the entire remainder of the tour. I'd unknowingly started hoping for them, saying something perfect for a sassy response from Gale. It never came. Ever since the conversation he had to have overhead, he'd been silent. His eyes wouldn't even meet mine.

   An hour later and we all file into the kitchen to eat what Duncan has prepared for us. Everyone seems to gaze at the high ceilings and the art work framing the walls, gasping and cooing in awe of its beauty. Duncan stands in front of the table, waiting for everyone to simmer.

    He clears his throat, getting everyone's attention. His eyes darted around the room, obviously uncomfortable. Then he begins. "I'd like to welcome you all to our beautiful white house. Today, you will be served a pasta with chicken", he looks over at me and I give him a small smile, nodding my approval. "Enjoy".

   Rachel and a few other people dressed in chef uniforms place plates in front of us. Rachel winks at me and gives my shoulder a little squeeze as she lays my tray down, opening it.

It seemed that he decided to call it something simple, but stayed with a traditional meal. I begin eating, savoring the flavor. It was delicious. Duncan had outdone himself.

    "It's a shame what's happening today", Gale speaks up out of nowhere. It was the first time he'd spoken since we were caught talking to each other. I frown, cocking an eyebrow. He catches my look, furrowing an eyebrow of his own. "The leader of Article1. They found him, and he's probably being killed as we speak"

I was in shock. I had no idea what he was talking about, or how he knew of anyone being murdered at this moment. Did he know more about where Addison was going than I did? That was impossible. "Forgive me, what's Article1?".

  Gales eyes raise in complete surprise, and he leans forward so we aren't overhead. "Article1 is a rebellion. Ask anyone about them and they'll tell you that they're evil, wicked humans". A small smirk appears on his lips, as if what he said was a joke.

I didn't know if I believed him. A rebellion? I had never heard of anything like that. "Wouldn't that be televised? If they'd found such a leader and we're going to put him to death?", I ask, finding myself leaning closer to him. He had sat right in front of me, and I hadn't even noticed.

"They don't want it Article1 to be known. You know that better than anyone", Gale replies, the smirk remaining on his lips. "They can't contain them all".



(A/N:  pic of Tyler on top! Also, if you guys ever decide to post on of my stories on tiktok, let me know! That's cool. Thanks for reading!)

Mr President's son -BoyXBoy- *ACTIVELY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now