[4]: Cold And Heartless

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I was so shocked when I saw him standing casually in the doorway with a blank expression on his face that didn't quite mask his swirling black eyes. The sight of those scary dark eyes staring so intently at me almost had me blacking out right then and there.

"Alpha," I hear behind me who could've only been Amy. Once I turn to see what the whole business with "Alpha" was, she was bowing so low her head almost smacked the ground. My brows furrow as she acts like he's so superior or something.

He's just a scary guy that seems to have a talent for sneaking up on folks, I thought as I turned back around to see that the man was still staring at me with those same dark eyes.

"What is she doin' here?" The question was directed toward Amy but I was mad anyway. I was here in the room and capable of answering for my darn self.

Amy seemed to be a little shaken up as she answered the rude man, "Julian escorted her here by request of Jillian."

I stared at her strangely for answering rudeness over there like he deserved an answer. If it were me I probably would have said something to make sure he knew to watch his attitude with everyone. With his underwear probably crumbled and suffocating between his butt cheeks, I would understand his sourness.

"What was Jillian thinkin' when she allowed her to leave the hospital wing," he asked with his very husky and velvet southern accent.

Curse my love of accents, I thought as my hatred toward him faltered because of it. Thankfully, the falter wasn't for long as my immediate hatred for him returned.

As soon as Amy was about to answer him again, I cut her off. The poor girl looked like she was about to pee her pants just like the rest of the children in here. Even Dylan was shaking in fear in my lap, clinging to me desperately, and I definitely wasn't going to just sit here and let him intimidate them. "Excuse me, but I do have a voice of my own. And may I say that you're a complete dick who needs to get his undies out of his butt before they're lost forever." Shocking that my voice didn't waver once as the confidence held strong.

The consequences of my newfound confidence was terrifying as he growled like some wild animal. His impressively dark eyes somehow finding a way to sink even darker with his muscles, that were very well hidden by his black thermal, bulging intimidatingly.

I stare at him with pure fear as he steps into the nursery.

Toward me.

Dylan looks at me with the same amount of fear before trying to shield me the best he could from the terrifying man. It was sweet, but I wasn't going to let him, a child, get hurt.

Not again, I thought as I push back the tears and gently pushed Dylan toward Amy and the rest of the frightened children. With my feet planted, I stood my ground against this beautiful dark god.

"I don't think I asked you a question now did I?" He was so close to me now that I could feel his warm breath fanning across my face, his body heat warming up mine exponentially.

I lose myself for a few moments taking in his beauty even though he was a jerk that needed to be taught manners. His light brown hair that seemed untamed but still looked amazing. Tanned skin that's seen it's fair share of summer sun this blazing year. Tall frame that reigned far above mine that I barely made it to his collar bone. Luscious pink lips that looked so ...

"Figures that the injuries to your body from your accident also did a bit of damage to your brain," he remarks rudely and I have to fight the urge to smack him in the arm. The way he said "accident" made me feel like it may have been more than just that. A blank expression catching on his face as he stared at something behind me before shaking his head and leaning back up to his full height. Without second thought he stated, "Or maybe you were just that incompetent before," then turned on his heels to walk away.

Rude, I thought as my blood boiled.

Before I know it, I'm screaming out everything that was on my mind then at the top of my lungs. "Well, at least I have a heart unlike you. You're so rude not acknowledging someone while they're in the room and then talking about them like they're not right there. On top of that, you've got everyone in here terrified of you, including innocent little children. My momma told me if I didn't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all, but you deserve to hear what an inconsiderate, selfish jerk you are because no one else around here seems to have the guts to tell it how it is."

It's so quiet after my speech that I could have heard a pin drop across the hall. Everyone seems to not want to be the first to say something. I turn toward Amy and the children and they're staring at me like I'd done just lost my mind. Turning back to face the second coldest, most heartless man I have ever met was a mistake.

"I am your Alpha and you do not have the right to point out nonsense about me," he barks in my face and an involuntary whimper leaves my lips as he grips onto my chin with an unmistakable strength. There was a slight tingling feeling where his fingers touched my skin but I was too terrified at the moment to notice. My imagination playing tricks on me as I kicked my legs around wildly only passing through air. This man couldn't have been any scarier at this moment and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. Pretending to be strong at this moment was pointless.

A voice squeaked out, "leave her alone," before I feel my feet touch solid ground once again and the grip on my chin loosening. A soft cry escaping my lips as I recognize the voice to be Dylan. If this man did anything to him, I would never be able to forgive myself.

"Quiet," the man spoke in a voice that tore through the entire room, leaving everyone, including myself, in fear. The voice was just so deep and powerful that there was no mistaking he was the leader.

Then it finally clicked.

"You're the Alpha that ran me over!" I break free from his grasp and stand my ground once again to glare icily at him. "Explain to me how the heck you ran me over and what an Alpha is before I find a phone and make sure you're put in jail for a very long time."

He stared at me with those same dark eyes. "An Alpha, my incompetent mate, is exactly what you think it is. The leader. But the way you picture it is nothing like how it is."

"Stop being so dang vague and explain yourself," I shriek grabbing the nearest play toy - a plastic bat - and point it toward him. "And you definitely better explain why the heck you just referred to me as 'your incompetent mate'!"

Alpha man (as I'm going to refer to him as now) stares at me strangely, his body language still displaying his anger as his face turned impassive. "A mate is the other half of an incomplete bond. If you want me to be more specific, since you're so new to this, then fine. I'm the leader of a very large pack of "people" and you are my lover, or Luna, as they'll refer to you. Happy now?"

"What if I don't want to be you're "Luna", huh?" I know I was being unfair but he should have been smart enough to know I definitely wouldn't love him after finding out he was like this. I wouldn't have even liked him a little bit after finding out that he was a cold jerk that couldn't care less that he scared people just with his presence.

His brows furrowed as his eyes somehow became even more inkier (if that were even possible.) "You have no choice in the matter."

"The heck I do," I snap back, walking past him to the doorway that lead to my exit away from this kidnappers' paradise. The man, however, caught my arm sending an increased amount of tingles throughout my arm and through my body. I immediately snatched my arm away and stared at him shocked from what just happened before shaking my head furiously and running out to lord knows where so I could find myself back in the forest where I started to do exactly what I did before I was run over by that man.

Why me, I cry to myself as I manage to make it outside. Even though I didn't have a clue where I was or how I'd get back but I knew that I probably had enough space between me and those testosterone monkeys to have a couple days or so with peace. Well, here goes nothing, I thought to myself as I ran straight into the woods to find a source of water.

I Ran Over my Mate! BWWM (First Draft!!!)Where stories live. Discover now