Chapter One

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It's the last day of the school week, and I need to be at work extra early today because we have special visitors coming to the school where I work. My sister Catherine is hogging the bathroom again, she's been in there for god knows how long, singing along to the radio.

"For fuck sake Catherine, will you hurry up, I've gotta be at work by eight" I shout as I bang on the bathroom door again. "Fucking pointless" I huffed to myself. "MUM!!! Will you tell Catherine, she's taking the piss in the bathroom, AGAIN!" I shout loud enough hanging over the bannister of the stairs.

"Eva, you better watch your mouth girl, I swear to god" mum shouts up to me.

For fuck sake, you wouldn't think I'm an adult sometimes...

I run down the stairs and walk into the kitchen where she is. "But mum, Catherine's taking ages, and I've gotta be at work earlier today cos the school's expecting special visitors," I tell her.

"I don't give a damn, babe—You gotta watch that tongue of yours" she scolds me. "You know what holly's like now—she copies every word" She adds sternly.

I smile at my mum's words over my little sister's antics when I hear the bathroom door open with music blasting loudly. "Bathroom's free" Catherine shouts from upstairs.

Thank fuck, for that...

"Oh, Thank fuuuuu-god" I go to say before I realise what I'm about to say in front of my mum and beam an innocent smile at my mum, whilst she scowls, shaking her head at me.

Leaving the kitchen, I take two steps at a time up the stairs, because my arse is gonna be late if I don't get a move on. Walking into the bathroom, I can't see shite, it's all fogged up with steam—fucking hell, Catherine. "What the actual fuck, Cat, did ya not think to turn the fuckin fan on? Or you know, open the window or anythin?" I hiss. "It ain't that hard—fuck!" I groan.

"God, will ya stop ya moanin, for fuck sake, I'm out now, aren't I?" Catherine says from her room.

"For the love of God—will ya stop the swearin', little ears are listening" Mum shouts angrily at us.


"Sorry, Ma" Me and Catherine shout in unison.

"Morning my beauties" Dad booms happily coming out of his and mum's room.

"Mornin' Dad," Me and Catherine say in unison.

"Baby girl, didn't you have to leave earlier today?" He asks me as he looks at his watch.

"Yeah, but Cat took the piss in the bathroom again, and now I've gotta wait till all this steam has gone" I whisper to dad, so mum can't hear me swear.

"Better get moving then baby girl, it's already 7.30," Dad says tapping his watch.

"Are you fuckin messin?" I fume. "Nice one, Cat, shit!" I shout out to Catherine through her bedroom door.

"Language!" Mum and Dad say in unison.

God, they're not even in the same room and they're still saying the same things at the same time, I laugh as I roll my eyes. "Hasn't the minibus picked Holly up yet?" I ask Dad, he shrugs his shoulders as he's going down the stairs.

Holly is mine and Catherine's nine-year-old sister, she has autism and goes to the same school where I work. Holly gets picked up by a minibus that takes her to and from school, I decide to leave getting a shower as I only had a bath last night, so I resort to getting a quick wash and brush my teeth.

Finally, I'm ready, I walk into the kitchen where my dad has my mum on his lap, kissing her with his hand on her arse, she's giggling her arse off. Mum and dad have been together since their teens, you'd think they were still teenagers the way they act at times. "Urrgh, If I'd known you were doin that I'd of covered my eyes, I'm blind now—scarred for life!" I tease them.

Eva & Her Striker (Book One Of The "And Her" Series) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now