Chapter Sixty Four-Justin

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I arrive at the church, half an hour before it's meant to start. I spot the press to the side of the church, the added security there, keeping them in place.

"Fucking vultures" Russ growls next to me

"Fucking tell me about it" I growl back "As long as they keep their shit in check, they can stay, if not? Well, then they can get to fuck!" I say simply

"Boys, would you mind watching your language around Brandon and Kieron, please. They can hear you, you know" mum growls

"Sorry mum" "Sorry Mrs C" Russ and I Say Sheepishly

Dad smirks at me "You'll have to watch that language around your own kid soon, they pick shiii—I mean, stuff up fast you know?" he says to us whilst smiling innocently at me mum

Mum narrows her eyes, at him but grins shaking her head "I still can't believe am gonna be a nanny, am so happy" mum croaks as tears brim in her eyes

"Beth baby, don't let Brandon see you upset, you know how he get's," Dad says softly to mum

"I know, am being a soppy cow" she sniffs

Our Brandon doesn't cope very well when he see's people upset, especially my mum. Brandon is sitting next to Kieran in the limo, they're reading their social stories that Eva had created especially for them for today. Holly and Abbie both have one also, social stories are a godsend for my parents, we didn't hear of them until Brandon started Blue Saints. They are used help people with autism for different aspects of their life, like today, for instance, the book contains a visual step by step of how the day will unfold. Brandon keeps looking at his, so he knows what comes next, at the minute he's looking at the picture of the limo he is in. He now know's that the church will be next. Eva has already been given the okay by Father Lee for the kids to have their iPads if they wear their headphones, which is good for him to be so understanding. Usually, you'd find it to be disrespectful, but Father Lee has watched Holly grow, he's seen the struggles Paddy and Ava went through with her over the years. So anything to ease the children's anxiety.

Apparently, Father Lee has been the priest at St.Chads for years. He's not only baptised Eva and her sisters, He has married Paddy and Ava and their parents. It is a really fucking old building like, I mean apparently it's been here since fucking 1871. Eva told me its even still got the original baptism font. "There's Marcus," Russ says pointing to Marcus, who is talking to the security guards

Getting out the car, mum and dad walk our Brandon and Kieran into the church to get them settled.

There is still families and friends arriving,
I smile politely, waving, saying hi—as Me and Russ walk over to Marcus.

"Is everything under control?" I ask as we approach him

"Yeah, no problem" he grins "You better get inside, Eva will be here any minute," he says shooing me away. Looking at my watch it's already 12.50pm, I grin, slapping Marcus on the back as does Russ before we turn to walk into the church

As we walk into the church I dip my fingers in the holy water bowl, starting from my forehead I do the sign of the cross. Russ and Marcus follow suit.

The church pews are decorated with blue and white flower garlands, and a deep red carpet runs down the aisle. Walking down the aisle, I say hi as I pass our families and friends. As I get to the altar, it's covered with large blue and white flower arrangements on either side of the aisles. Father Lee is there waiting sitting on a chair.
He smiles at me as we approach and winks "The big day, eh?"

I chuckle "I know father, took long enough like"

"What the fuck, is that meant to be?" Russ whispers he points at something

Eva & Her Striker (Book One Of The "And Her" Series) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now