Chapter Fifty Five-Eva

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We end up at F & B's on the east lancs, for a full breakfast "Russ got me on to this place, the scran is meant to be delicious" Justin says getting out of the car coming around to me to help me out the passenger seat. The mention of Russ's name has me wondering if he's okay—

"Have you heard from Russ at all?" I ask justin as he walks us into the restaurant "Nah, I texted him this morning, but he's still not replied. I'll see him tomorrow though cos we've got training, I still don't know why he just took off like that? It was weird, even for him" he says as he asks the waitress for a table for two

The waitress escorts us to our seats, and we sit down at the table, looking at the menu "I've been here before, but I never knew they did breakfasts though, must be new thing" I smile "What are you getting baby?" I ask him

"Hmmmm, I'm thinking—the papa grande breakfast" he grins

I laugh "Aren't you meant to be careful with what you eat?" I tease "That looks like a lot" I add

He chuckles shaking his head "Baby, you of all people should know I don't need to watch what I eat" he purrs lifting his tshirt up revealing his glorious defined sexy body "Besides, we could always burn off some calories, a certain way" He says wiggling his brows suggestively

Damn, I lick my lips wanting to taste every inch of his body, with my tongue...

"Baby" he groans "You keep looking at me like that, we'll be getting out of here, so I can feast somewhere else" he growls as his eyes darken

"Erm, excuse me" The waitress stutters

Shit, I didn't even realise she was there. I look to Justin with wide eyes, he's just grinning at me—not fazed at all, the fucker

"I was, erm" The waitress blushes fumbling with her words "I was wondering if you have decided with what you would like to eat yet? Maybe I could get you some drinks, while you still decide?"

"What I want isn't on your menu, love" Justin growls through gritted teeth, staring at me with hooded eyes

Me and the waitress gasp, I blush furiously Oh my god, Justin...

"I'll erm, give you some more time" the waitress stutters as she walks away

"Excuse me" I ask after the waitress "Is there any possibility, we can order two full breakfast to go please?" I ask blushing like mad

Fucking hell, am amazed I could even get those words out

"Sure, won't be long" she sighs in relief as she turns running away

Justin's chuckling away facing me

"Do you think that was funny" I growl "The poor woman's face, then" I hiss

"You started it" he chuckles pointing at me "If you weren't looking at me like I was your favourite fucking ice-cream or something..." he chuckles shaking with laughter

"No, You started it—lifting up your shirt showing me your body..." I argue

"So you're blaming me cos you like my body?" he asks

I shrug

"I'm glad we're getting this to go" he growls "I'm not sure I even want it now, I'm dying to get my lips on something else" he adds licking his lips

I moan thinking about his lips on me, and someone clears their throat next to us

Fuck my life, this is fucking embarrassing
I shut my eyes

Eva & Her Striker (Book One Of The "And Her" Series) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now