Chapter Thirteen

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Justin drives as fast as he legally can, And we end up at the Hilton on the Albert Docks. God, I am so nervous, why am I nervous, he told me himself, that he's not ready for THAT yet...

Justin comes over to me with our key card smiling "Come on, baby" He says softly taking my hand in his. We take the lift up to the 5th floor, Looking for our number 718...Finding it, Justin inserts the key card into the slot on the door and opens it. He gestures for me to enter the room first, "Ladies, first" He smiles. Smiling shyly, I enter the room looking around, it's quite big, It has a queen size bed with ceiling to floor windows, Over in the right hand corner of the window is a desk with a lamp and chair. The TV is mounted on the wall facing the bed, and to my left is what I'm assuming is the en-suite. I decide to walk towards the windows and notice that Our room is situated overlooking the docks and the Mersey. So pretty
"I've never been here before, It's nice," I say nervously
"I've never been here before either, It's got nice views, " He says as he comes up behind me, His hands find my shoulders, massaging them then kisses my neck "Are you okay, baby?" He whispers in my ear. His voice sends the good kind of shivers through my body "Yeah, I'm just... Nervous, and embarrassed... And turned on, I'm a fuckin mess to be honest, I've never done this before.... And I'm a little scared," I say nervously. The curtain's start to close, I shut my eyes, wondering what's going to happen next... As I feel Justin taking my coat off, He takes my face in his hands waiting until I open my eyes to look at him, "We don't have to do anything, if you don't want to baby---- We could just chill and talk or watch a film, I don't want you feeling scared or anything, not with me" He says sincerely "We can wait, I'm in no rush, Am not going anywhere, Okay?" He bends down so His eyes are level with mine, I can see nothing but honesty shining in his eyes.

"I want you, Justin. God, I do... I just... Don't want you to think badly of me, You know for wanting you so quickly, God these fuckin butterflies" I shut my eyes as I feel them swirl in my stomach

"God Eva, Do you have any idea of how beautiful you are to me? I actually think you're beautiful inside and out, You're fuckin breathtaking Eva, You, are," He says seriously shaking his head in disbelief,  "I could never, Ever, Think badly of you, Ever..." He says softly. I feel his hands against my cheeks and I open my eyes, Justin is looking at me smiling, His hands caressing my face "So beautiful" He murmurs "So, fuckin beautiful" He shakes his head, smiling at my shy smile... I can do this with him, can't I? I don't have to go all the way, I just want to be able to touch him, And I want him to be able to touch me. I take a deep, calming breath in and out, smiling again "Justin, Will you? Will you kiss me?" I ask.

"I'll do anything you ask of me, Baby" He murmurs against my lips and then kisses me, Slowly, Lovingly. He wraps his arms around me, I reach up, And twine my arms around his neck moaning into the kiss as he grabs my arse squeezing it... I gasp and he uses that chance to deepen the kiss, Plunging his tongue in my mouth as it caresses against mine.

I don't know how long we kiss for, Before Justin breaks it... We're both breathless, He grasps my face in his hands gently, and kisses my lips, Once, Twice, Then kisses my nose pulling back, he smiles at me. Right he's being a gentleman, So I have to make the next move...

Keeping my eyes on his as I start unbuttoning my shirt, His eyes go wide "Eva, Are you sure? We don't," He says "We haven't talked about—" He goes to say before I put my fingers to his lips "Shh, it's okay, I don't give two fucks about what happened. I know the truth now, I believe you. But I want you to touch me, I want you to," I whisper huskily

He looks at me as I finish unbuttoning the last button, leaving it open, He just stares at me... His Adam's apple bobs up and down, His eyes are nearly black with need for me, I shiver with pleasure with the look he's giving me. Holy shit, He's so sexy 

Eva & Her Striker (Book One Of The "And Her" Series) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now