Chapter Twenty Four

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After a long and tiring day in work, I decide to call a cab from the office. As I get home, I spot Justin's car is in his driveway, I scoff Oh NOW he comes home shaking my head I walk straight into our house. "I'm home" I shout as I walk through the door.

"Hey, baby girl, How was work?" Dad asks from the living room

"Tiring, am gonna go get my head down for a bit, Is that okay?" I ask

"Sure baby girl, do you want me to wake you once tea is ready?" He asks as I walk up the stairs. I realise, I haven't eaten at all today. No wonder am dead on my feet. "Please dad, Thanks," I say as I carry on up the stairs sluggishly.

Getting to my room, I open the door and my eyes meet the inside of my room, I gasp What the—

My room is covered with flowers, God, there must be hundreds... and I realise who must of sent them "Fucking Justin" I growl as I shut my door behind me, falling flat on my bed, letting sleep consume me.

I don't know how long I've been asleep, but it doesn't feel that long, I stir slightly as I feel a hand stroke my cheek. "Not yet dad, am still knackered," I say groggily

"It's not your dad, baby" Justin whispers

My eyes open wide, I sit up so fast that I knock Justin to the floor "I guess I deserved that," he says from the floor Yeah, you did...

Ignoring his comment "What are you doing here? How did you get in?" I growl

"Cat let me in, baby, let me explain, I—" He says softly

"No NO! You had your chance to explain yesterday, all fucking day yesterday. And this morning" I growl

"Well actually, I did try to explain this morning but you cut me off remember?" He explains lifting his eyebrows at me

I scowl at his perfect face "Don't be a fucking smart arse, Irish, I'm in no mood for that shit" I snarl

Justin's eyebrows lift again "Irish? That's new!"

I shrug my shoulders not looking at him, cos I'm a stubborn cow

He sighs heavily "Are you gonna let me explain baby? You can decide whether or not to keep me in the dog house then" he smiles

I shrug my shoulders again see, stubborn

"Right, well. Did you like your flowers?" He asks as he gets up to sit back on my bed, I shrug my shoulders again.

He sighs sadly "Baby, Am sorry I didn't contact you sooner. I lost my phone and I'd been busy all day yesterday like I said I would, and I didn't come to you this morning cos I know how much you love your sleep" he says

"You lost your phone?" I scoff  "That's convenient isn't it? And why didn't you just wake me up anyway? You normally walk me to work." I ask

"It's the truth baby, I had Marcus set me up with a new phone, hence the new number and I had to meet up with Marcus to sign a contract before training" He explains

"You should have come this morning, I wouldn't of minded you waking me. I was up to till late last night, worrying about you and ended up getting up late" I whine

"Am sorry baby, I didn't think!" He says softly

"You didn't think I'd worry about you? Are you messing?" I ask incredulously

"I'm sorry baby, Truly, Forgive me?" He pleads with them gorgeous eyes "I missed you, Did you miss me?" He asks nuzzling my neck

"What a stupid fucking question seen as though I was the one worrying about you. Yes, I missed you!" I whisper as I get goosebumps from his touch, the good kind that is.

Eva & Her Striker (Book One Of The "And Her" Series) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now