Chapter Ten

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We arrive at the cinemas...

Amber pre-ordered our tickets to avoid queues

"Fuckin hell its heavin" amber moans as we walk up to podium to collect our tickets

"What dya expect girl it's fifty!" I laugh

Amber scowls at me as we walk up to pick our popcorn and drinks up

"I don't give two fucks babe...and why is there fuckin men here?" She whines

I laugh at her

"Stop your bitchin were here aren't we?" I chuckle

"Whatever they better not ruin shit for me...I've been waiting too long to be hearing moaning fuckers spoiling shit" she fumes

I roll my eyes at her

"Come on girl" I laugh at her

2hrs later were leaving the showcase...

"Oh my god gonna need me a shower when I get home...fuck am all hot and shit," Amber says as she fans herself

"Anno I cannot wait for fifty shades freed...the countdown has begun," I say

"Girl, am counting the know we're going to see that" she states

"Like I'd go with anyone else" I laugh and roll my eyes

I ring us a cab as we sit down outside
Amber's quiet...too quiet...she puts her phone away

I sigh "ok, what's wrong?"

"Ok...don't get mad," she says

"Why what's going on," I ask getting angry

She sighs "That was Justin...he wanted me to tell you..."

"Tell me fuckin what? Why can't he tell me? Eh? Hasn't he got the balls to admit he's cheating on me?" I snarl

"Ok two things," Amber says as she holds up two fingers

"One...that girl ain't his new's his cousin" she states

I gasp and am about to reply when she butts in..

"And fucking two, you'd know this shit if you'd turn on your fuckin phone and stop being such a fuckin stubborn arse and talked to him!" She fumes

"It's been nearly a week, and the poor lad hasn't heard from you!" She cries

"Poor lad? Poor lad? What about me? He hasn't tried me either" I argue
"Fuckin hell Eva girl, wake up an smell the Costa Coffee bean fuck sake...he was giving you space... you accused him...granted I gave my fair share but I've already spoken to him and cleared the air" she admits

The Fuck....she's seen Justin an not said anything to me

"And before you get your knickers twisted I saw him while I was with Russ and I apologised for my bit... but you have to see it from his point of view...his girl didn't trust him, he understands why... he just misses you and wants you to come to him when your ready" she says softly

I take in Amber's words as our cab turns up..

We get in and make our way to my house...

"So if this girl is his cousin? Why didn't he tell me he had family here? He didn't tell me he had any other family" I accuse

" better ring him, coz I ain't tell you shit else...he needs to tell you!" Amber states

"Fine, I'll ring him when we get home" I promise

We get home and amber pays the cab...

"Girl, am feeling for a French fry flip, you gonna call Marows!" she moans rubbing her flat stomach

"I don't know how the fuck you stay so slim eating all the shit you eat," I say "plus I have to ring Justin first don't I?" I pull tongues at her

"Yeah... My metabolism is the shiznae" she boasts

"Bitch" I joke

She laughs..." girl I can't help it if my body burns shit can thank my mum genes for that" she states

Amber's mum Barbara is Spanish but got raised in Liverpool and her dad Neil is from Huyton, Amber got her dad's skin and hair but got her mum's facial features plus her metabolism...lucky bitch! If I'd eat what amber ate I'd have an arse bigger than all the Kardashian girls

We walk Into the kitchen to see dad and our cat sitting at the table

"Hey dad, hey sis! Where's mum and Holly? " I ask

"They're next door baby girl...dya have a good time?" He asks

Amber answers for us "Oh pops...fifty was all levels of awesome...I mean he..."

dad stops amber with a hand "Amber girl, I don't NEED to know that shit... did you have fun?" He groans

Amber's laughing at dads unease

"Oh but pops there was this bit...where Christian did this thing..." she taunts

"I swear to god amber... you say anything else I ring your dad" He warns

"Alright damn pops Am just joking with know I'll saving it all for mama Ava anyway" she jokes

Dad scoffs "Nah no need girl, My woman is more than taken care of in that department" he boasts

"Urrgh pops...keep that info on the down low yeah?" She shudders

Dad smirks at her

"Come on amber let's go upstairs," I say

"yeah alright come on gotta phone lover boy anyway and then phone for my food" she states

I roll my eyes and we walk up the stairs to my room...

Eva & Her Striker (Book One Of The "And Her" Series) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now