Chapter Eight

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I walk into my class, take my coat off, and hang it up, I see Nikki and Tracy are sorting the room out ready for the kids to arrive. "Morning ladies, how was your weekend?" I ask. Be careful Eva don't look too happy, they'll know something's happened.

They both look at me with a smile on their faces. "Mine was ok babe! Took the kids to watch that sing film. Oh, it was funny as" Tracy said. "Awww, that's fab, eh, apparently Odeon is doing an autism friendly screening next week. Maybe we should take the kids?" I suggest.I'll have to remember to text me mum at the break, I forgot to tell her I got an email from Odeon this morning, Justin's fault— I start to think of Justin, of his smile, the way he holds me, Kisses me— I'm still on cloud Justin, when Nikki breaks through my thoughts of him "Sorry, what babe? I was in a world of my own then," I tell her.

She laughs at me "I was asking what you got up to over the weekend?", "Oh, nothing much just hung with amber and the family" I say, trying to avoid eye contact. "Oh really? Did you not go out on Friday night? 'Cause I could of sworn I saw you in Club Circo?" she smirks raising her eyebrows. Shit, she knows something—Shit, shit! "Oh yeah, our mate Jen got us VIP tickets in" I shrug. Nikki smiles and nods "I saw you, I wanted to come to you, say hi but I wasn't in the VIP area. And the bouncer wouldn't let us through... You looked gorgeous, and I've gotta say, you and Justin make a lovely couple" she states arching an eyebrow. daring me to deny her seeing us together. FUUUUUCK!!!

Tracy breaks the silence. "What are you two talking about? Who's Justin?" I hide my face when she looks at me, I hear her gasp. "Fuck right off now—Are you shitting me? You're dating Justin Casey? The fuck did this happen? He was only here on Friday!!" she says. "Yeah, I know he was—Calm your tits, it turns out he's my neighbour" I shrug, Tracy frowns confused. "How is an Everton player your neighbour? Why is he living in Kirkby and not somewhere like Formby or somewhere?" she asks.

"What does it matter, Trace? He's an Everton player—And? That doesn't define who he is, And I've never known you to judge someone" I scowl at her and she looks guilty as she sighs. "I know, am' sorry! Am' just baffled, it's just—I mean he was only here Friday and now he's your fella AND your neighbour, it's just a surreal babe" she says. "Well, his little brother Brandon is starting here on Wednesday he's autistic. Maybe that's the reason he's local" I shrug. "Does it matter though trace? We shouldn't be judging Eva or Justin. Are you happy Eva babe? Does he make you happy?" Nikki asks.

I smile. "He does you know, it's strange, it's new, yet I feel like I've known him for ages... It's just... I can't explain it" I sigh. Tracy and Nikki are looking at me with grins on their faces as the walkie talkie starts to crackle"Ladies, your kids are here" Jill says through the walkie talkie.

"This isn't finished missus, we want details, " Tracy says sternly. I roll my eyes at Tracy as Nikki's laughing her arse off behind us.The day is long, the kids had the opportunity to go in the pool and the Jacuzzi this afternoon. The Jacuzzi helps de-stress and relax the muscles on the kids we have calming lights and music on, so I take advantage of the Jacuzzi time too.

"Miss Eva" Abbie asks. "Yes Abbie?" I look at her curiously. "Are the Everton players coming back? I really liked playing football with them, " she says, rocking back and forth. "I don't know my love" I answer honestly. I don't like promising the kids anything I don't have control over. "Oh, I hope they do, " she says excitedly.

I smile at her and notice hers and Kieran's fingers are starting to wrinkle. "Right come on my kiddywinks time to get out of the water, our fingers are starting to wrinkle" I say showing them my wrinkly fingers. They laugh, cringing away from my fingers, I laugh at them— I love these kids!!

We get back to class, it's 2.45pm the kids minibuses will be here soon.

Nikki and Tracy haven't mentioned anything about me and Justin since this morning, thank god, I'm not out the safe zone yet no doubt. We walk the kids in the hall were the children's Carer's and drivers are waiting for them. "I'll see you tomorrow guys. Be good for your mum and dad's" I say to Abbie and Kieran. I am Abbie and Kieran's assigned key worker in school, I'm assigned to them for one to one work as they struggle with group work and other areas in school. I'm in class putting on my coat, I get my phone out and switch it on. I have five missed calls and a text from amber. And a Text from mum telling me we're having Spag bol for tea. Nothing from Justin. Hmm, strange, He did say he had training today! I open the text from amber.

Eva & Her Striker (Book One Of The "And Her" Series) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now